Page 16 - Education Guide
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Tutoring benefits and how to find a tutor that fits
hildren tend to learn at
their own pace, and Tutors should
certain subjects may
GUIDE C challenge them more present lessons
in the same
than others. In many instances,
way that they
students can benefit from work-
are being
ing with tutors.
presented in
EDUCATION Children who work with tutors
the classroom.
Tutors can be very effective.
and then see their grades im-
prove may develop greater
confidence and feel less anx-
ious about going to school or
taking tests.
Without intervention like
tutoring, students who are not MetroCreative-
meeting academic standards Connection
may not pass their classes, and
some may face year-end re-
tention or experience difficulty
keeping up in the next grade.
The National Tutoring Associ- ties. online tutoring, and home tutor- programs.
ation says students at all grade Sometimes children struggle ing are other options. Depend- Examine credentials and
levels participating in tutorial because they have difficulty ing on need, budget and com- seek recommendations prior to
programs improve their reading processing or remembering fort levels, families can explore hiring a tutor to get a feel for
performance and can achieve their lessons. In such instances, these and other options at their the person and his or her teach-
2018 significant cognitive gains. a fresh approach through one- disposal. ing philosophy. Certified tutors
also can be found by visiting
on-one tutoring may be neces-
The NTA says families
Tutoring can be the answer for
9, students affected by inconsis- sary. should not discount peer tutor-
tent delivery of classroom con-
Parents and students have
Keep in mind that it isn’t
ing. Peer tutoring is a cost-
SEPTEMBER tent. For example, when fam- different tutoring options at effective way to improve per- enough for the tutor to know
their disposal. Some services
the subject matter. He or she
ilies move, students may be
formance. This type of tutoring
forced to catch up in a new
may be offered through the
also has to relate to your child.
also can contribute to students’
school system at no extra
According to the tutoring firm
social and cognitive devel-
school where teachers may
SUNDAY, THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS have different styles than stu- charge. Pull-out instruction opment. Parents should contact Test Prep Authority, motivation
during the day or before or
their children’s schools for
plays a key role in the success
dents’ previous teachers. Stu-
dents who have missed class-
information about tutoring
after school might be part of
or failure of a students’ work
room time due to illness or
Metro Creative Connection
injury may face similar difficul- such services. Private tutors, programs. Schools typically with tutors.
academic coaches, peer tutors,
keep lists of tutors or tutoring
CALL How technology can reinforce lessons
MORNING echnology in and out of particular needs. Furthermore, Quantifiable results Transcend location
Technology can connect
THE AT the classroom can be a technology, through its global- data more quickly and effi- people by voice, text or video,
Technology can process
polarizing subject. Pro-
ization, can put educators and
OF ONLINE T ponents of tech in students in touch with a wealth ciently than humans. Algo- which means that learning is
rithms can be developed to
schools contend that students
of resources all at their finger-
not limited to geographic loca-
SECTION GUIDE must be skilled in the ways of tips. The following are the help students learn faster. Tech tion. Notes and materials can
myriad ways that technology
can be customized in unique
be shared with teachers or
the world, which is increas-
ingly being governed by
ways to help students learn.
study groups through digital
can enhance lessons in the
ADVERTISING EDUCATION technology. Detractors to tab- classroom: Not every student learns the connections around the world
same way.
in real time.
lets and smartbooks in the
Inexpensive resources
classroom may say it contrib-
Get feedback
Connect more
utes to excessive time in front
Technology can provide
Teachers can embrace
various online resources that
Students can go beyond
of a screen and can prove dis-
SPECIAL THIS tracting over other means of go beyond the study guides and technology, such as YouTube- their school districts or com-
powered guides to show stu-
munities to discover how oth-
other textbook materials. These
It is hard to deny the ways
ers learn. High school or col-
dents how to complete assign-
resources can be low-cost or
VIEW that technology has helped even free, helping educators ments or to go over informa- lege students can rely on inter-
save money. For parents who
tion in the classroom. Students
shape and improve education.
net communities to provide a
need to reinforce lessons at
Students who may not excel
second set of eyes on papers to
who missed class or need a
with the traditional tools of home, the internet can help little reinforcement can benefit proofread or even to assist in
learning might benefit from them collaborate with other from a second look at lessons brainstorming sessions.
applications geared toward parents and teachers and find in online videos available at all
16 offering assistance for their fun ways to help children learn. times on the internet. Metro Creative Connection