Page 21 - Education Guide
P. 21

Get ready to unleash your inner Husky!

              his is an exciting time
              for you. You’re about to
              discover just who you
        T are, and Bloomsburg
        University gives you the oppor-                                                                                    EDUCATION
        tunities to explore all of your
        interests. Since 1839, BU has
        had a tradition of academic
        excellence. A network of more
        than 70,000 alumni for inter-
        nship and career connections                                                                                       GUIDE
        will help you go from high
        school senior to workforce
        ready in just four years.
           Our friendly campus com-
        munity here at Bloomsburg
        University is ready to welcome
        you. You will experience cus-
        tomizable core classes, student
        research and collaboration with  Bloomsburg University’s Professional U initiative connects students with alumni, employers, and opportunities integrating
        your professors as well as vol-  the academic experience with professional experience in “real world” settings.  Photo by Douglas Benedict
        unteering in the community.
        With 56 majors and 66 minors  help you stand out. With more  hours to volunteering each year.  nate you, take up new activities
        students achieve personal and  than 250 student clubs and  Take the opportunity to study  like rock climbing or dance,
        professional success through  organizations, there’s some-  abroad in Europe, Asia, Africa  and launch your career — all at  VIEW
        experiential opportunities that  thing for everyone. Become  and the Americas. Through all  the same time!
        complement classroom educa-  actively involved within the  of these experiences and more,  BU is a great place to be       SPECIAL
        tion. We have the technology  community with your fellow  you’ll be comfortable enough  you! A great place to become  THIS
        and hands-on learning that will  students who dedicate 80,000+  to dig into the ideas that fasci-  you!            EDUCATION  ADVERTISING




              #u                                                                                                           ONLINE  THE


                                                                         Being a Husky         Experience your                     SEPTEMBER
                                                                         means being           day as a Husky.                     2018
                                                                         your best.
                                                                                               Schedule a tour at
                                                                         Striving more,
                                                                         learning more,
                                                                         achieving more.
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