Page 11 - Education Guide
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Your dream of a degree is achievable

               alancing your busy life  9 p.m. or completely online. If
               while earning your   students are available during the
               bachelor’s degree is  day, the traditional 15-week
        B possible. The acceler-    semester day classes are another
        ated bachelor’s degree program  option. There are nine start                                                       EDUCATION
        at DeSales University has been  dates throughout the year that
        giving adults the opportunity to  make scheduling classes easy.
        earn their bachelor’s degree  Students have the availability to
        quickly, conveniently, and af-  take courses at our three cam-
        fordably for more than 42 years.  pus locations — Center Valley,
        The well-designed program has  Bethlehem Area, and Lansdale                                                        GUIDE
        options for course delivery — in  Area.
        the classroom and online — that  The programs of study are
        provide flexibility for students.  many at DeSales University.
        Individualized scheduling al-  Accounting, criminal justice,
        lows students to take as many or  financial planning, human re-
        as few courses as preferred. If,  sources, marketing, nursing, and
        for whatever reason, students  psychology are just a few. Cer-
        need to “stop-out,” they can  tificate programs are also avail-
        return at their convenience and  able. Wherever you are in your
        pick up where they left off.  educational journey, DeSales is
        Advisors assist the students  here to meet you and guide you
        every step of the way, from  along the path of degree com-
        transferring credits, scheduling  pletion.
        courses, and navigating the path  To learn more about the                                                          VIEW
        to graduation.              adult studies program at
           The accelerated classes meet  DeSales University, visit                               Photo courtesy of DeSales University  SPECIAL
        on campus one evening per or call  Individualized scheduling allows students to take as many or as few courses as  THIS
        week for eight weeks from 6 to  610.282.4361.           preferred.                                                 EDUCATION  ADVERTISING


                 Your Family.Your Future.                                                                                  GUIDE   SECTION
                 YourDegree.                                                                                                       CALL

                 Are you advancing your career while raising a family? With more than 42 years of experience, the accelerated  THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS  SUNDAY,
                 bachelor’s degree program at DeSales University has helped adults earn their college degrees quickly and
                 conveniently. Advisors help you every step of the way. With short 8-week sessions, multiple start dates, and      SEPTEMBER
                 classes on campus or online, you have the flexibility needed to balance your busy life.

                 For details, call 610.282.4361 or visit                                                       9,

                                                        Bachelor’s Degrees and Certificates    On Campus
                                                                 for Adults                      Online

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