Page 15 - Education Guide
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Moravian Academy

             ducators today believe  cultivating skills of lifelong
              that schools must evolve  learning. Our current focus is on
              to address the rapid pace  the skills of curiosity, per-
        E of social, professional,  severance, creativity, and empa-
        and technological change. We  thy.
        agree. Since 1742, Moravian    Moravian Academy students
        Academy has encouraged sound  are learning to understand the                                                       EDUCATION
        innovations to meet contempo-  complex world of today so that
        rary challenges. As we enter our  they can lead and influence the
        277th year as a school, we are  world of tomorrow.
        embracing these challenges with
        a new focus on mission skills,  Personal Learning
        collaboration, personal learning,  It is with professional and                          Photo courtesy of Moravian Academy  GUIDE
        and sustaining connections.  technological change in mind
           Today, we connect our exper-  that the school has decided to  Parent, Director of Moravian  learning teaches them to ask
        tise in teaching and learning to  implement two new programs: a  Academy’s Lower School says  better questions and persevere to
        what students need to prepare  new research-informed and  of the reading program for first  discover the answer.
        for the future. From age 3  school-tested approach to read-  through fifth grade students.  “It’s powerful to help kids
        through Grade 12, collaborating  ing at the Lower School, and  Students being offered guided  make the most of the curiosity
        in classes designed to be small  freshman research experience  choices on what they read is an  that they bring to the class-
        and under the guidance of dedi-  that utilizes the Science, History,  idea that works well with Mora-  room,” says Brian Crowe, U.S.
        cated faculty members, our  and English departments to hone  vian’s newly launched vision  English teacher at the Upper
        students learn to be creative and  students research skills and will  that focuses on personal learn-  School. “The idea of crafting
        critical thinkers, to collaborate  prime them for a self-selected  ing.             questions is the core of this
        with others, and become the  independent research project in  At the Upper School, stu-  program. We want them to
        owners of their own education.  their junior or senior years.  dents are asked to conduct re-  understand the higher level of
           Through innovative programs  “We as a school are imple-  search via the library and ap-  learning that is going to take  VIEW
        such as Spanish Immersion,  menting more personalized   pointed teacher mentors, then  place in years to come.”
        global exchanges, robotics, and  learning. This is exciting in the  develop projects that cover a  At every level at Moravian  SPECIAL
        music our goal is to augment our  Lower School because we’re  variety of disciplines and span  Academy, students have the  THIS
        tradition of academic excellence  emphasizing choice, voice, and  the entire academic year. This  opportunity to own their own
        with an intentional emphasis on  agency for every learner,” Susan  project showcases how personal  learning and to be truly engaged.  ADVERTISING

                                                   A Tradition of Excellence.                                              EDUCATION

                                                   A Culture of Curiosity.                                                 GUIDE   SECTION

               Schedule A Personal Tour                                                                                    ONLINE  THE

                                Or                                                                                                 MORNING
               Come To An Open House!                                                                                              CALL

               Upper School: October 20,                                                                                           SUNDAY,

                    9:00 am - 12:00 pm                                                                                     THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS

                 Lower & Middle School:                                                                                            SEPTEMBER

                         October 27,                                                                                               9,
                       9:00 - 11:30 am                                                                                             2018

                                       Age 3 through Grade 12

                     | (610) 332 - 5200
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