Page 10 - Education Guide
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The best college activities

                                                to boost your resume
                    GUIDE           Get into these college habits early so your resume is

                                                prepared for an entry-level job search
                    EDUCATION  By Elana Lyn Gross,

                         Monster contributor

                                ow do you write the
                                kind of resume that
                                blows recruiters away
                         H when you’re still in
                         college and haven’t had a
                         full-time job yet? Sounds kind
                         of tough, right? Don’t worry.
                         We’ll answer that question
                         without making you fill in any
                         scantron bubbles.
                           Luckily, you can use what
                         you’re doing now —from
                         extracurriculars to volunteer
                         work—to show the
            2019         transferrable skills you’ve
                         learned between classes, spend-
            FEBRUARY 17, THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS  sessions in the library.  are so many resources at your  an internship, fellowship, or  foster management and lead-
                         ing time with friends, and cram
                                                     fingertips—like the college
                                                                                                             ership skills that are crucial
                                                                                 on-campus research job that
                           “Taking part in sports, stu-
                                                                                                             across industries.
                                                     newspaper. Adding a news-
                                                                                 will give you tangible research
                         dent government, newspaper,
                                                                                 experience and possibly even a
                                                     paper editing position to your
                         Greek life and on-campus vol-
                                                                                 few published pieces of work.
                                                                                                             Volunteer for a cause
                                                     resume doesn’t just fill space—
            SUNDAY,      unteer work show that you   it shows future employers (even  Contact your college’s career  you love
                         know how to work as part of a
                                                     ones not in a writing field) that
                                                                                 center or reach out to your
                                                                                                               Finally, you don’t have to
                         team, multitask, deal with a
                                                                                                             limit your resume-boosting
                                                                                 department head or professors
                                                     you’ve handled responsibilities,
                         range of perspectives, and think
                         critically, all of which are im-  met deadlines, and worked as  about on-campus gigs and  activities to campus groups or
                                                                                                             industry-related organizations.
                                                                                 check Monster to find intern-
                                                     part of a team. Hopefully you
            CALL         portant skills to showcase,”  have something to show as a  ships or part-time jobs.  “Volunteering shows that you
                         says Susan Brennan, associate
                                                                                                             have integrity and are willing to
                                                     result too, like some well-writ-
                         vice president of career serv-
            MORNING  AT  ices at Bentley University.  ten articles for your portfolio.  Take on a leadership role  put in time for a greater cause,
                                                       If writing’s not your thing,
                                                                                                             without financial incentive,”
                                                                                   So, you’ve signed up for the
                           In fact, a survey by the
                                                                                                             says Valerie Streif, a senior
                                                                                 debate team, the Society of
                                                     make an appointment with your
                         Society for Human Resource
            THE    ONLINE  Management found that in  career services department,  College Engineers and your  advisor at the San Francisco-
                                                                                 favorite sorority or fraternity.
                                                                                                             based job-search consulting
                                                     because they can help you find
                         order of importance, employ-
            OF           ers value interning, off-campus  jobs and internships on and off  Congrats! You’re making an  firm, The Mentat.
                                                                                 impact on campus and on your
                                                                                                               Choose a volunteer organi-
                                                     campus. If you’re starting with
                         jobs, leadership in student
            SECTION  GUIDE  government, leadership in an  a blank slate, it’s a good idea to  resume. Now, take it up a notch  zation that’s aligned with your
                                                                                                             personal values and profes-
                                                     choose your work experience
                                                                                 and consider running for a
                         activity (or activities), on-
                                                                                                             sional aspirations and you’ll
                                                                                 leadership position so you can
                                                     strategically, so your job has
                         campus jobs, participation in
                                                                                                             still get relevant “real world”
                                                     something to do with your
                                                                                 have real bragging (and resume
            ADVERTISING  EDUCATION  an academic team project,  career goals, or at least your  boasting) rights.  experience. If you’d like to
                         independent study, and other
                                                     major. “Start to identify your
                                                                                   Different leadership roles
                                                                                                             become a teacher, for example,
                         extracurricular involvement.
                                                                                 will help showcase different
                                                                                                             volunteer to tutor kids in
                                                     career interests early and
                           We spoke with career ex-
                                                                                                             nearby schools. Interested in
                                                                                 strengths to an employer,
                                                     choose jobs and internships that
                         perts to give you a cheat-
                                                                                                             medicine? Volunteer at a local
                                                     are intentionally aligned with
                                                                                 says Alyssa Gelbard, founder
            SPECIAL  THIS  sheet for choosing college  your career goals and dreams,”  and president of NYC-based  hospital or become an emer-
                         activities that will boost your
                                                     says Anne Scammon, manag-
                                                                                                             gency medical technician for
                                                                                 career consulting firm Re-
                         resume big-time.
                                                                                 sume Strategists. For exam-
                                                                                                             your school.
                                                     ing director of curricular and
                   VIEW  Get “real world”            strategic initiatives at The  ple, she says social chair is  on Monster, the leading global
                                                                                                               This article first appeared
                                                     George Washington Universi-
                                                                                 beneficial for a career in
                           Filling an empty “experi-  ty’s Center for Career Services.  event planning, marketing,  network for connecting people
                         ence” section of your resume is  If you’re a sociology major  project management; treas-  and jobs. To see other career-
                         easier than you think when  who is interested in a research  urer is good for accounting or  related articles, visit Monster’s
                         you’re at college because there  career, for example, Scannon  finance; and president or vice  Career Advice at
          10                                         says it would be helpful to get  president roles will help you  careeradvice.
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