Page 8 - Education Guide
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How to choose a college major when
you’re interested in everything
GUIDE By Daniel Bortz,
Monster contributor
t’s a question every
EDUCATION I “What should I major in?”
would-be college student
will ask at one point:
Thing is, the answer might
change—a few times.
So you graduated high
school thinking your college
major would be political sci-
ence. Then you got to college
and comparative literature
became your jam—for a
while, that is. Now you’re
thinking law school. Or engi-
neering. Or should you just go assessment exams even sug- you with alumni in that field internships to enhance what
back to poli-sci? Or would gest potential career paths, to find out what it’s like to you’re learning in the class-
throwing a dart at a list of says Rebecca Sparrow, execu- work in the industry. “You’re room,” Kennedy says.
majors help you decide best? tive director of career services not imposing,” Sparrow says. That last bit about intern-
The clock is ticking; you at Cornell University. “People like to talk about their ships is especially important.
Once a career counselor
2019 need to decide what to major gets a better sense of your college experiences.” College “There’s no substitute for
in. But how do you pick a
getting out there and trying
seniors studying that major
skills, personality, values,
out a field,” Waite says. An
major when your interests are
can also be good sources of
FEBRUARY 17, THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS all over the map? likes, and dislikes, they can information, she adds. internship can give you valu-
Breathe. Many universities
able exposure to an industry
tell you whether or not those
Think about life
don’t require students to de-
traits match up well with the
and help you determine
whether it’s a good fit for you.
after college
majors and careers you're
clare a major until the end of
In addition to previewing
their sophomore year, which
SUNDAY, means you have some time to Continue exploring majors, study up on career Reality check
do your research. The sooner
Here’s the thing: You can
prospects. You can use the
get a job outside of your col-
you start to focus, the sooner
Occupational Outlook Hand-
Coursework: Once you’ve
book from the Bureau of La-
narrowed your options to three
you’ll find your path.
lege major. Unless you’re
These steps can help you
CALL choose a college major. or four majors, it’s time to bor and Statistics (BLS) to pursing a super-specialized
find out education require-
field (medicine, law, etc.),
explore them. There are a
ments, salary information, and
number of ways to do this.
hiring managers aren’t going
MORNING AT Assess your interests Sparrow recommends looking hiring projections for hun- to be terribly hung up on your
Start by reflecting and mak-
dreds of occupations. Mon-
degree. When you first enter
at your school’s general edu-
into the workplace, it’s much
ster's career guides also offer
ing a list of what you love
cation requirements—the
THE ONLINE learning about—as well as a coursework required to earn valuable info on a wide range more about your skill set and
any degree at your college
list of what you’re definitely
desire to gain experience that
of jobs.
“Your research on salaries
OF not interested in. “See if you (some schools call these distri- and job outlook, coupled with will determine whether or not
you get a particular job.
bution requirements)—and
can identify themes, particu-
SECTION GUIDE larly those of things you are deciding if these classes align a complete inventory of who with that? Join Monster for
Could you use some help
interested in, to identify op-
with your interests.
you are and what you enjoy
free today. As a member,
Talk to the right people:
portunities to grow that inter-
doing, will serve as your guide
[when choosing a major],”
you’ll get practical career
Eyeing a major? Do an infor-
est,” says Kelly Kennedy, a
ADVERTISING EDUCATION career counselor at the Uni- mational interview with a says Chris Posti, president of advice and job-search tips sent
versity of Virginia.
professor in that department,
directly to your inbox. These
Pittsburgh-based College Grad
or sit in on one of the classes,
are the kinds of lessons you
Need help? Tap into your
Career Coaching.
campus career center. Many of
won’t learn in college, but can
says Stephanie Waite, senior
SPECIAL THIS these centers offer free self- associate director at Yale’s Seek out an internship make all the difference once
Office of Career Strategy.
assessment exams that can
you graduate to the real world.
In addition to offering as-
help you narrow your inter-
You can also get exposure
sessment exams to help you
VIEW ests. Note: A number of col- to a subject by reading a book determine the right major, a on Monster, the leading global
This article first appeared
leges even offer quizzes online
career services center can also
that’s required in an introduc-
to help students choose their
joining a student organization
and jobs. To see other career-
major. (Marquette University’s tory course, Waite suggests, or show you how to put what network for connecting people
you’d learn into action. “[Ca-
quiz and Loyola University in that area. reer services can help you] related articles, visit Mon-
Chicago’s quiz are available to For real-live insights, ask figure out the best way to ster’s Career Advice at mon-
8 the public online.) Some self- the career center to connect leverage student activities and