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Student Success the Focus at
East Stroudsburg University EDUCATION
ESU’s Northeast Wildlife DNA Laboratory received funding in fall ESU student Zach Waldman, pictured in ESU’s Bloomberg Lab, is a VIEW SPECIAL
2018 to develop The Pennsylvania Tick Research Lab at ESU, provid- senior computer science and cybersecurity major who partnered
ing free tick testing to Pennsylvania residents. The state is the na- with fellow student Nick Neely to create Falchion Systems, a next-
tion’s leader in annual certified cases of Lyme disease, and the lab generation cybersecurity company. Their entrepreneurial effort GUIDE
will perform important testing, research and data analysis with earned first place at the Lehigh Valley Collegiate Business Pitch ADVERTISING
wide-ranging benefits. Summit in 2018.
hether you are and tick testing in the Northeast campus participate in the War- ment when paired with our
looking for the Wildlife DNA Lab. For those rior Promise program. Their affordable tuition. ONLINE
right place to interested in business, market- tuition rate, established by the ESU also offers conven- SECTION
W learn and grow ing and finance, ESU’s new Board of Governors of Penn- ient options for students at
after high school, you already Bloomberg Lab provides stu- sylvania’s State System of our Lehigh Valley Center in AT
have some college credits and dents with the world’s most Higher Education, will remain Bethlehem. OF
would like to complete your powerful real-time business unchanged for the next four THE
bachelor’s degree, or wish to software package. Students can years, or eight semesters. Their
further your education with an become “game-changing” tuition will never increase. ESU VISIT US!
advanced degree, East entrepreneurs with the support became the first public uni- MORNING
Stroudsburg University offers of ESU’s Business Accelerator versity in Pennsylvania to make The best way for prospec-
great academic programs that Program and participation in such a commitment to students. tive students to experience all
prepare you for today’s ever- the State System Student Busi- ESU students also enjoy tuition that ESU has to offer is to visit CALL
changing job market. ness Plan Competition, while that is significantly lower than our main campus and see for
ESU prides itself on placing those with passion for explo- tuition at large research uni- yourself! Join us for an Open
students first and on its com- ration can reach for the stars versities and private colleges in House program on one of the
mitment to student success. and discover nature’s wonders Pennsylvania, New York and following Saturdays: THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS SUNDAY,
With 57 bachelor’s, 21 master’s in the Schisler Museum of New Jersey. With 84 percent of
and one doctoral degree pro- Wildlife and Natural History students receiving financial ■ April 13
gram, students can select a and McMunn Planetarium. assistance, a quality, affordable
major that best suits their pro- Proximity to New York City education is within reach. Another visit option is to FEBRUARY 17,
fessional aspirations. ESU and Philadelphia provides con- Many financial aid opportuni- participate in an ESU Campus
offers exciting opportunities to venient access to internships, ties make an ESU education Day, which includes a campus
experience and study additive careers and social activities. even more affordable; grants, tour, lunch, and a student
manufacturing and 3D printing Just minutes from campus are loans, scholarships and student Q&A panel. Join us for the 2019
in the University’s Stratasys the country’s largest water employment are available, Campus Days as follows:
Super lab, one of the first three parks, scenic Delaware Water based on factors including
in the world to have a multi- Gap Recreation Area, Ap- demonstrated financial need ■ February 18
medium, multi-color Stratasys palachian Trail, and other op- and academic performance. In ■ February 23
J750 3D printer; creative prob- portunities for recreational fun. 2017-2018, ESU awarded ■ March 2
lem solving in the C.R.E.A.T.E. All new degree-seeking nearly $780,000 in scholarships ■ April 27
Lab; and wildlife forensic work undergraduates on ESU’s main alone, a significant accomplish- 5