Page 14 - Education Guide
P. 14
A checklist to help parents and students
feel prepared for college
GUIDE s your child is wrap- cerned over whether your child's the expected first-year salary. expense, say, a semester's worth
Before your student chooses,
chosen path will actually pay
of dorm meals or textbooks.
ping up their high
they should have an estimate of
Finally, stay focused: Even
school career and mak-
off four years from now when
A ing plans for college,
there is often a mix of emotions they earn that bachelor's de- total loan costs and how long it this late in the game, do what
would take to repay them. To
you can to keep your student
EDUCATION be feeling a sense of pride and DePaulo offers the following Also, to help you plan for the grades can still affect schol-
for everyone involved. On one
help with this planning, check
motivated and avoid the senior
To help with those final
side, you and your student may
slump. In the final semester,
the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
decisions leading up to college,
arship eligibility. Don't forget,
cost of borrowing, find the
senior-year checklist for parents
excitement for the ambitious
and students.
plans ahead. However, as with
senior year is also the time
student loan calculator on the
College Ave Student Loans
when students often rise to
any transition, graduation may
Apply to a variety of
website to understand your
come with some anxiety be-
schools: After visiting cam-
leadership roles in their chosen
cause of the unknown. One of
details, it's very common to
give them a confidence boost in
Look for funding in unex-
these worries might be whether
pected places: Start with your
their abilities and future poten-
settle on one school as "the
your child is getting into the puses and poring over all the expected loan payments. activities and sports, which can
right college program that will one." Don't just leave it at one. employer. Many offer tuition tial. Be sure to cheer them on,
help them find a career worth Applying to three or four addi- reimbursement for employees because senior year can be a
the time, money and effort in- tional schools can help your and their children. (If your time to shine and graduate on a
vested. student keep their options open student works part-time, they strong note.
"We value education because and compare financial aid award should definitely check with The things you and your
it unlocks many doors and lets offers. Best case scenario: A theirs, too.) It's also important to student accomplish this year can
students build a foundation to previously overlooked program dedicate time researching schol- ensure a strong start in college
launch their careers," says Joe may come through with an arships and applying to as many next year. To explore more
2019 DePaulo, CEO and Co-Founder award letter with a financial aid as you can. Finally, it's not funding options and to get pre-
qualified for a private student
offer they can't refuse!
outlandish to ask for help. You
of College Ave Student Loans.
may have supportive family
loan, visit collegeavestudent-
Dig into career prospects:
"But when you factor in the
FEBRUARY 17, THEMORNINGCALL.COM/SPECIALSECTIONS costs of higher education, it's As a rule of thumb, a student's members who are more than
total loans should not exceed
perfectly normal to feel con-
happy to "sponsor" a specific
CALL Healthy future
MORNING AT depends upon
SECTION GUIDE ROOTS. Located in the East Penn School District, Seven Generations Charter School serves
children in grades K–5 in Lehigh, Bucks, Montgomery and parts of Berks County. Using
the EIC Model of teaching, SGCS offers unique opportunities to our diverse learning
ADVERTISING EDUCATION community, and our smaller class sizes provide rich, rigorous and relevant project-based
learning experiences to move our students beyond the classroom and into the Greater
Lehigh Valley. Through local partnerships and on-campus projects,
SGCS students learn how to thrive within—and make a lasting,
SPECIAL THIS positive impact upon—the world around them, developing the
skills they will need to succeed in college, careers, and life.
Emmaus 610.421.6239