Page 8 - A Holiday To Remember 2016
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Hanukkah rites based Use finesse to shop
on faith and a miracle with tots in tow
Tradition is a major
component of the Hunting for gifts in ¦ Let kids do their own ice cream or hot chocolate at
Jewish faith, so it’s no stores can be very shopping. In addition to the end of the day so they once
surprise that it plays such a stressful — especially creating lists, let kids who are again have something to look
central role during the celebra- with young children along. old enough do their own forward to.
tion of Hanukkah. Many parents might prefer to shopping, including paying ¦ Schedule some fun time.
leave the kids at home, but for gifts they purchase for While parents under pressure
Although some are quick to sometimes they don’t have a loved ones. Kids might be might not have much time to
note that Hanukkah is not one choice. Fortunately, there are more interested if they’re do anything but shop, kids are
of the major Jewish holidays, ways to finesse holiday shop- allowed to search stores for likely to grow impatient if the
it is celebrated in a very public ping trips with the kids in tow. potential gifts and then buy day does not include at least
fashion. Hanukkah celebrants ¦ Urge kids to create shop- them with their own money. one fun distraction. Look for
make the holiday more high ping lists. Keeping kids en- ¦ Break up shopping with a malls or shopping centers that
profile by displaying their gaged on holiday shopping meal. Kids enjoy dining out, feature fun things for kids to
menorahs in prominent loca- trips can be difficult, espe- even if their preferences lean do, such as carousel rides or
tions and participating in cially when shopping at stores more toward chicken fingers visits with Santa Claus. While
holiday meals. that tend to draw crowds and than steak au poivre. By this might require parents to
long lines. But parents can breaking up shopping excur- spend more time at the mall or
Like other Jewish holidays, engage youngsters by encour- sions with meals out on the shopping center than they
Hanukkah is shrouded in aging them to create their own town, parents can give kids initially hoped, it can help
history. Hanukkah means holiday shopping lists for something to look forward to keep kids engaged while
“dedication” or “induction” in family members and then at the onset of the shopping giving them something fun to
Hebrew. The holiday begins helping them find those gifts day. Such a break also gives do at the same time.
on the 25th of Kislev and can at the mall or wherever they everyone, moms and dads
occur in either November or plan to do their holiday shop- included, a chance to get off Parents who must take their
December. This year, the ping. Let kids bring their lists their feet and catch their kids along on holiday shop-
celebrations will be held Dec. along and check off gifts as breath. When the meal is over, ping trips can make such
24-Jan. 1. Also known as the they purchase them. promise kids a trip to get some outings fun for all involved.
Festival of Lights, Hanukkah
includes menorah displays, Metro Creative Connection
traditional foods and games
and songs. stDeaolny’otulertjcoryoaowksay
It’s the time of year when
Hanukkah rose to promi- Metro Creative Connection the joyful mood of the ¦ Routinely put packages someone is home. Always
nence thanks in part to the Eight candles symbolize Hanukkah, being celebrated Dec. 24-Jan. 1. holiday season can be in the car. That way, they do leave lights on and do not
story of faith and a miracle marred by crooks who like to not become too cumbersome forget to lock doors and win-
behind its inception. Antio- Because Hanukkah is about Also known as the take advantage of people’s and bog you down. Some dows when leaving the house.
chus IV was a Greek sover- the miracle of the oil and the Festival of Lights, generosity, as well as their thieves prey on people who Empty houses are prime
eign in control of the region of lasting flame, oil and candles propensity to pay less atten- cannot defend themselves targets for burglars.
Syria, Egypt and Palestine, feature heavily in the holiday. Hanukkah includes tion to their surroundings because their hands are full of ¦ Don’t advertise pur-
where many Jews resided. A nine-armed menorah called menorah displays, during hectic shopping trips or packages. chases. Keep mum about that
Antiochus began to oppress the hanukiah is lit, and one other outings. ¦ Place gifts in the trunk of big-screen TV or gaming
the Jews, prohibiting the candle is lit on each of the traditional foods, and the car. Make sure they are system you purchased. Do not
practice of the Jewish religion eight nights of the celebration. games and songs. Instances of certain crimes, covered up and out of sight if leave empty packages or
and desecrating the Jewish The last branch of the candela- particularly theft and identity you do not have a trunk. Take boxes lying around outside
Temple. Opposition to Antio- bra holds the shamash (serv- times of the year when rabbis theft, increase around the your packages straight home your home. Instead, discard
chus grew, and a group led by ant) candle. The Reform permit games of chance. The holidays. Allstate Insurance after each shopping trip. them only on the morning of
Mattathias the Hasmonean Judaism organization says the letters atop the dreidel stand advises that break-ins in ¦ Do not carry cash or garbage pickup
and his son, Judah Maccabee, traditional song “Ma’oz Tzur for the first letter of each word residential areas may increase credit cards you don’t plan ¦ Use encrypted shopping
took on the Syrian army. They (Rock of Ages)” is sung after in the Hebrew statement “Neis at this time, as well. That’s to use. Leave the full wallet at sites. Many online retailers
were successful in their efforts the lighting of the candles gadol hayah sham,” which because thieves know that home so it does not fall into employ encrypted websites so
to combat religious oppres- each night and at other times translates to “A great miracle many people aren’t at home or the wrong hands or end up customers can securely make
sion, and the temple was throughout the holiday. Foods happened there,” and refers to cars in parking lots are full of being stolen. Keep important purchases. Go to these retail-
subsequently rededicated. The fried in oil, including latkes the defeat of the Syrian army high-priced presents. credit card numbers in a safe ers when shopping online.
Talmud states that, at the time and jelly doughnuts, are con- and the rededication of the place at home. ¦ Be aware of credit-card
of the rededication, there was sumed as well. temple. Heed the following tips to ¦ Exercise caution around skimmers. Thieves may put
very little oil left that had not protect yourself and your strangers. While you want to skimming devices on ATM
been defiled by the Greeks. Celebrants play games with Metro Creative Connection property this holiday season. be friendly at this time of year, machines and credit-card
This posed a problem, be- a dreidel, a German-based ¦ Park in well-lit areas this is when thieves may use machines to steal card infor-
cause oil was needed to burn spinning top, and giving to while shopping. Aim for a various tactics to distract or mation. If a machine does not
the temple menorah through- charity is encouraged. spot under a street lamp or as disarm potential targets. look right, do not use it.
out the night every night. Hanukkah is one of the few close to the front door of the ¦ Give the impression
However, there was only store as possible. Metro Creative Connection
enough left for one night’s
illumination. Miraculously,
that oil burned for eight
nights, leading to the devel-
opment of an eight-day festi-
val to commemorate this
You could win a
$1,000 Holiday
Shopping Spree
Token 2 $1,000
Special Code: GIVEAWAY
CANDY Come in to any of the participating locations
below and enter to win a BIG SANTA
Cut out this token and affix it to the and a chance to win $1,000*!
game board found in Holiday Traditions section
Cantelmi Hardware Forks Township Cleo’s Silversmith Studio & Gallery
of The Morning Call on November 24, 1805 Sullivan Trail 21 E. 3rd Street
or go to Easton, PA 18040
to play the game online. 610-515-9800 Bethlehem, PA 18015
(610) 868-7200 1575 Main St,
*Big Santa at Forks location only Hellertown, PA 18055
Phone: (610) 838-6989
Cut & paste your way to a $1,000 Shopping Spree 3311 Airport Rd. Allentown Symphony Hall Lehigh Valley IronPigs
at Boscov’s Department Store with locations at Allentown, PA 23 N 6th Street Allentown PA 18101 Street Address: 1050 Ironpigs Way
Lehigh Valley Mall, Whitehall & 610.266.6000
Palmer Park Mall, Easton. Phone Number: 610-432-7961 Phone Number: 610-841-7447
Website: Website:
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Sweepstakes runs from 5 am ET on 11/24/16 to 11:59pm ET on 12/16/16. Sweepstakes open to legal U.S. residents residing within 50 miles of Morning Call
of?ce who are 18 & older as of 11/24/16. Void where prohibited & outside PA & NJ. Three Ways To enter: (1) Submit completed entry form/game board (game pieces available in 11/24, Unclaimed Freight
12/1, 12/8 & 12/15 Morning Call) by mailing to The Morning Call Marketing Department, Boscov’s Holiday Shopping Spree Token Collect at the below address (postmarked by 12/16/16 2260 Industrial Drive, Bethlehem, PA
and/or received by 12/19/16) or by hand delivery to The Morning Call (received by 12/16/16). (2) Enter online by visiting MCVIP.ME, collecting codes from tokens, completing your virtual
Game Board & entry form online by 11:59PM ET 12/16/16.(3) Receive game board & all 4 game pieces without newspaper purchase by picking them up at Morning Call of?ce at 101 N. 6th 610-974-8194
Street, Allentown, PA 18105 during regular weekday business hours (9-5 ET) through 12/16/16. Limit 1 entry per person. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries. 1 Grand
Prize: $1,000 Boscov’s Holiday Shopping Spree. Of?cial Rules at Sponsors: The Morning Call, 101 N. 6th Street, Allentown, PA 18105 & Boscov’s Department Sweepstakes begins Monday, Nov. 14, 2016
Store, 400 Lehigh Valley Mall, Whitehall, PA 18052. and ends Friday, Dec. 9, 2016
Look for the schedule of each store’s
BIG SANTA drawing in the paper.
For Rules:
*$1,000 prize is subject to applicable taxes