Page 3 - A Holiday To Remember 2016
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seniors on your gift list
Holidays began with a walk in the woods Every holiday shopper that only 15 percent of readers means to take off for parts
ends up with at least age 65 and over had read an unknown. A 2013 survey from
Thanksgiving was not memories of his childhood, as Shutterstock one loved one on their e-book in the previous 12 the Transamerica Center for
about a large meal with lots of a Boy Scout or hunting and shopping list for whom they months. Retirement Studies found that
relatives. It was about waking playing in these same woods. grounded me in the knowl- can’t seem to find anything Gym membership 25 percent of retirees admitted
up at 4:30 in the morning and edge that what was important approprite. Some people seem they wished they would have
driving to Macungie with my Amazingly, he remembered was not things, but experi- to have it all, while others may According to the Office of saved more for retirement
father. how to navigate through the ences and memories, and the be less than forthcoming in Disease Prevention and Health travel.
woods. loved ones we share them with regard to items they may need Promotion, more than 80
Once there, we hiked to any time of year. or want. percent of adults do not meet Holiday shoppers can light
Macungie Mountain to what is This was the opening of the the guidelines for aerobic and up seniors’ smiles with travel
known as Sheep Rock. Flash- holiday season for me. It Roxane Fritz, Monterey, Many seniors tend to fall muscle-strengthening activ- gifts this holiday season. One
lights in hand, we wandered Calif. into the latter category. Shop- ities. That can be especially idea is to transfer airline miles
through the woods in the dark, ping for holiday gifts for troubling for seniors, who are to an elderly loved one so he
depending on each other along seniors can be difficult if at greater risk for osteoporo- or she can get a free or dis-
the way. shoppers don’t know what sis, a medical condition in counted flight. If that’s not a
seniors want. But the follow- which age-related tissue loss possibility, some new luggage
A short, non-denomi- ing are a handful of gift ideas contributes to brittle, fragile or a gift card are sure to please
national service was held on that might make this holiday bones. your favorite relative.
the rock. season that much more special Family time
for seniors. Physical activity, including
As the sun rose, it illumi- Books muscle-strengthening activ- Shoppers who are espe-
nated the day and our hearts to ities like weight training, can cially stuck on what to get
all we had to be thankful for in A 2015 survey from the help combat osteoporosis. seniors for Christmas can just
our lives. Pew Research Center found Family members stuck on resolve to spend more time
that 69 percent of adults age what to get aging loved ones with their elderly loved ones.
Then we headed down to 65 and over acknowledged may want to consider giving a Many seniors genuinely have
the Boy Scout cabin for hot reading at least one book in membership to a local gym. everything they need, and
chocolate and hot dogs. the previous 12 months. That Many gyms offer heavily such men and women may
makes books a good bet for discounted memberships to only want to spend more time
My father and I strayed shoppers who don’t know seniors, and such gyms may with their children and grand-
from the path on the way what to get their 65-and-over even offer senior fitness children. Make a New Year’s
home, as he shared with me loved ones this holiday sea- classes at no additional cost. resolution to spend more time
son. But shoppers might want Travel gifts with the special seniors in
Together again is the best gift of all to opt for more traditional your life if the perfect gift is
print books rather than e- Many retirees love to travel, eluding you.
books, as the survey found but not every senior has the
Metro Creative Connection
Shutterstock A just-right
surprise will
My favorite holiday memo- prayers. My husband’s mother mas in the hospital. She hadn’t bring a smile
ry so far is of Christmas in joined us. Later, we celebrated seen my son’s wife and daugh- to an older
2014. Christmas Eve Mass at our ter since 2010. It was to be her loved one’s
church. last Christmas. She passed face.
Our son, who joined the away three months later. Metro
military in January 2001, had When we returned to our Creative
not been home for Christmas home, our son-in-law read It was such a blessing that Connection
since 2000. He was finally able “The Night Before Christmas” we were able to celebrate the
to bring his family home for to his son and our son’s daugh- birth of Jesus together. The
Christmas in 2014 ,because ter. best things in life are not
they were passing through things.
Pennsylvania. We woke up early on
Christmas morning so our Our son and his wife are
Our daughter cooked a grandchildren could see what expecting a child in March. We
beautiful Ukrainian holy Santa had left for them. will make new memories!
supper on Christmas Eve, with
all of its traditional foods and Then we visited my mother, Connie Gillette,
who had to spend that Christ- Schnecksville
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