Page 5 - A Holiday To Remember 2016
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Ship smart, early to avoid Learn return,
disappointment, save money exchange rules
The holiday season can Metro Creative Connection While shoppers hope necessary.
be hectic, and thanks to Shipping early is just as important as how you protect the gifts you plan to ship. the presents they ¦ Keep all receipts in a safe
its frenetic pace, it can select will be well- place. Opt for emailed receipts
be easy to put things on the you expect those gifts to including the postal service, to aged, or stolen before it reac- liked, many know that not whenever possible, as such
back burner — like shipping arrive on time. Short-term or see which offers the best deal. hes its destination. every gift will be the perfect receipts may be easier to
gifts to loved ones and friends. overnight shipping fees can Insure the items fit. So, before making a holi- catalog and less likely to go
And it can be expensive, be significant. you plan to ship Metro Creative Connection day gift purchase, make sure missing.
especially for last-minute Comparison shop to understand a store’s return ¦ Ask for gift receipts if you
shoppers who want to ensure The holiday season is the The longer you and exchange policies. are uncertain if the gift recipi-
their gifts arrive in time for the Much like you can save busiest time of year for the wait to ship gifts, ent will like the gift or you
holidays. But the following money by comparison shop- pack-and-ship industry. While the more you can Knowledge of those poli- aren’t sure on sizing or fit.
are some ways to ship smart ping for holiday gifts, you can these services often are re- expect to pay if you cies also is useful information Attach this receipt to a tag so it
and save both time and money. save by comparing shipping markably effective at deliv- expect those gifts to pass on to gift recipients, so does not get lost during wrap-
Ship to the recipient costs as well. Pack-and-ship ering gifts intact and on time, to arrive on time. that they will be able to realize ping.
companies compete for con- items are sometimes lost or the full benefit of their gifts ¦ Visit the return desk during
Last-minute shoppers who sumers’ business during the damaged. By insuring your should something need to be off-peak hours, such as din-
are buying online can save height of the holiday shipping packages, you’re ensuring you replaced. And always include nertime or early in the morn-
money by shipping gifts season, so compare the costs won’t be out of luck should a gift receipt with gifts. ing, when employees will be
directly to the recipient. While between these companies, your package be lost, dam- less harried and better able to
it might seem less personal Some stores offer only store work with you on facilitating
than sending a gift you credit to people who return exchanges.
wrapped yourself, many gifts without receipts, while ¦ Make purchases on store
online retailers allow shoppers others may not allow non- credit cards or other credit
to send gift-wrapped items receipt returns at all. In addi- cards. Doing so may make the
directly to another person. Just tion, some retailers only offer purchases easier to track if the
be sure to have the recipient’s non-receipt refunds that are receipt goes missing.
correct address when choos- equivalent to the lowest recent ¦ Money magazine and
ing this option. sale price. GOBankingRates say that
Ship early Nordstrom; L.L. Bean; Bed,
Consumers can arm them- Bath & Beyond; JC Penney;
Waiting to ship all gifts at selves with this information and Costco have the most
the same time may be more and take a proactive approach generous return policies.
convenient, but it can prove to holiday shopping by being ¦ Returns and exchanges are
more costly. If you typically mindful of the following tips: a part of holiday giving. Con-
finish your holiday shopping ¦ Visit the customer service sumers who educate them-
just a few days before Christ- desk and ask for the complete selves on stores’ return poli-
mas, then waiting to ship return and exchange policy. cies can make the holiday
everything will cost more Study the policy to understand season easier for themselves
money than shipping gifts as how exchanges or refunds are and their loved ones.
you buy them. The longer handled.
you wait to ship gifts, the ¦ Think about purchases Metro Creative Connection
more you can expect to pay if before making them, which
may cut down on the number
of exchanges or returns
think different this holiday season
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