Page 4 - A Holiday To Remember 2016
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4 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016                                                                                                       SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
Kwanzaa brings the black community together
Kwanzaa is celebrated
         by millions of people    holiday remains an important    Kwanzaa is a seven-branched                                                                                                            Metro Creative Connection
         every year. Individu-    way to demonstrate spirit.      candleholder known as the         A seven-branched candleholder, or kinara, features red, black and green candles that represent the
als of all ages take part in the  Celebrants can start by deco-   kinara. The kinara represents     seven principles of the holiday.
festivities, which were estab-    rating with the traditional     African ancestors and should
lished in 1966 by Maulana         colors of red, green and        be displayed on a table or in
Karenga, professor and chair-     black. These can be displayed   another prominent area of the
man of Black Studies at           in fabrics used in the home,    home. Light seven candles in
California State University,      clothing, linens and other      the African colors of green,
Long Beach, Calif. Karenga,       decor. The Bendera Ya Taifa,    black and red to represent the
prompted by the Watts riots       or the traditional Kwanzaa      seven principles.
in Los Angeles, sought ways       flag, can be hung and serve as
to bring blacks together as a     the holiday’s centerpiece.         Articles of African culture,
community, and Kwanzaa                                            such as masks or artwork, can
was born.                            Celebrants also will want    complete Kwanzaa decor.
                                  to decorate with the seven      Cultural artifacts can be tied
   Kwanzaa can be a fun           symbols of the holiday, or      into the creative aspect of the
opportunity to gather with        Nguzo Saba: Umoja (unity),      holiday. Celebrants might
friends and family in the         Kujichagulia (self-determi-     want to craft their own masks
heart of the holiday season.      nation), Ujima (collective      or African-inspired artwork
                                  work and responsibility),       to use throughout the holiday.
   Kwanzaa, which cele-           Ujamaa (cooperative econo-
brates the symbolism and          mics), Nia (purpose), Ku-          Families come together
traditions of black culture,      umba (creativity), and Imani    during Kwanzaa to celebrate
begins on Dec. 26 and lasts       (faith). Posters, crafts or     black culture and unity.
through Jan. 1.                   photographs can be used to      Decorating for the holiday is
                                  symbolize these seven prin-     a great way for blacks to
   There are many compo-          ciples.                         exhibit pride in their heritage.
nents of Kwanzaa celebra-
tions, and decorating for the        Another component of            Metro Creative

A little foresight makes the holiday debt go down
Spending beyond their
       means is something         for holiday gift buying, but    and leaving with it the same      help people save for holiday   offer Christmas club ac-                     cards that will yield cash back
       that’s easy for many       nearly half exceed their        day, shoppers pay a percent-      spending over several          counts, which reached the                    or other perks, such as dis-
holiday shoppers to do. Per-      budgets anyway. Buying with     age of the cost of the item. In   months. The “club” is simply   height of their popularity in                counts at certain retailers.
haps they don’t accurately        credit cards makes over-        the meantime, it is held in       a special, short-term savings  the 1970s, today they are most               Also, be sure to pay the bal-
budget for the year, or sur-      spending easy. But consum-      layaway. Once an item has         account set up to encourage    commonly offered by credit                   ances off in full when the bills
prise purchases crop up,          ers who want to avoid post-     been paid for in full, the        holiday saving. Many such      unions. According to the                     arrive, so as not to rack up
pulling resources away from       holiday debt can take a proac-  merchandise is free to leave      accounts can be opened with    Credit Union National Asso-                  high interest charges through-
holiday allowances. That’s        tive approach and explore       the store. Spacing out pay-       a nominal deposit. At the end  ciation (CUNA), nearly 72                    out the year. Use the cash-
when credit cards can become      some other financing options.   ments can help shoppers           of the term, the money can be  percent of credit unions run                 back rewards you accumulate
so attractive — and poten-        Layaway                         avoid overspending, and           withdrawn and used for         Christmas clubs, and con-                    during the year as a holiday
tially draining of limited bank                                   many stores do not charge         holiday purchases. Shoppers    sumer interest in these clubs                spending allowance.
accounts.                            Various retailers have       interest fees on layaway          likely won’t miss the small    is holding steady.
                                  reinstituted old-time layaway   purchases.                        amount of money being set      Credit-card perks                               With these long-term
   A 2014 survey from Ac-         policies to make it easier for  Holiday clubs                     aside each paycheck, but are                                                financial planning tips, holi-
centure, a global professional    shoppers to buy holiday gifts.                                    surprised to see just how         Smarter credit-card usage                 day shoppers can avoid going
services company, found that      With layaway, instead of           Financial institutions may     quickly savings can add up.    during the year can be handy                 into debt — at least during
most people make a budget         paying for an item all at once  offer savings clubs that can                                     come the holidays. Choose                    next year’s holiday season.
                                                                                                       While some banks still
                                                                                                                                                                                   Metro Creative Connection

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