Page 20 - Top Workplaces 2019
P. 20

20 THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019                                                                                  THE MORNING CALL

        Continued from Previous Page    celebrates its members’ successes and  There are also more tangible re-
                                        comforts them in the face of losses.  wards for employees. Interim CEO
        totheunit,I’mconnectedtosomekind  When employee Basia Baran re- Erland and others say Fellowship’s
        of energy. I think that’s very impor- ceived her doctor of physical therapy salaries and benefits are competitive.
        tant.”                          degree, Zentz shared the news with  Plus, there is a committee called
          Employees appreciate that Fellow- Fellowship staff and introduced her to “Employee Perks” that arranges treats
        ship not only encourages them to the board of directors.        for the staffers, including raffle draw-
        further their educations but also gives  “I lost my mother not that long ago ings for gift baskets and occasions like
        them scholarships, according to Tara and my co-workers, my boss and the “Milk and Cookies Day” where em-
        Neff, the human resources and staff management were so nice and sup- ployees can partake in complimentary
        education coordinator.          portive that it helped to get you milk and cookies as a snack.
          Thescholarshipscanbeusedbyany through the grieving process,” said  Around the holidays, all employees
        employee at any college or university, Baran, of Coplay, who is a physical are invited to a Christmas luncheon
        and aren’t limited to courses in their therapist and assistant director of and everyone receives a gift.
        field.                          rehabilitation.                   Erland, who worked in health care
          “We have the Robert H. Zentz    Baran and other Fellowship staffers for 45 years before retiring in 2014 as
        Presidential Scholarship, which is say there is great satisfaction in an assistant vice president for St.
        offereduptothreetimesayearforstaff helping the community’s residents as Luke’s University Health Network,
        whohaveaBorhigheraverageintheir well as patients who are there for said Zentz’s legacy is both in the
        courses,” said Neff, of Walnutport. “I rehabilitation.          culture he helped create and the
        took advantage of that because I’m  “It’s very rewarding when we send tremendous growth Fellowship ex-
        taking courses at LCCC myself.”  them back home and they come back perienced under his 22 years there.
          That scholarship is part of Fellow- to visit us and say ‘hello,’ ” Baran said.  When Zentz started, there was a
        ship’s encouragement of employees to  She recalls when one patient who nursing home and one independent
        advance their careers, said Zobaku arrived at Fellowship after a fall living court. Now there are seven  AMY SHORTELL/THE MORNING CALL
        Acholonu, a personal care aide who dropped a casserole. After a successful independent living courts, independ-  Zobaku Acholonu frequently leads
        has been there for less than a year. She rehabilitation,hewenthomebutcame ent living apartments, the personal  residents in singing while one of the
        said she’s talked to many staffers who back to visit, joking that he wanted to care area, the nursing care center,  residents plays the piano.
        are in different jobs than when they bring them a treat, but it wasn’t going post-acute care and the Zentz Com-
        started. Acholonu is working on her to be a casserole.          munity Center. Fellowship has about for about five months before dying in
        master’s in public health at Thomas  The long-term residents also show 500 residents and 353 employees.  January 2018 at age 99, so he saw up
        Jefferson University.           their gratitude to staff, Acholonu said.  Zentzsawtalentsinemployeesthey close the quality of treatment.
          “Fellowship has a lot of opportuni-  “We have a resident who plays didn’t know they had and would  “The care he received here was
        ties for growth,” she said. “When pianoandtheotherdayhewasplaying encourage them to apply for open unbelievable,” he said. “I really don’t
        you’rehiredforaposition,it’snotwhat Christmas songs and as I was giving positions.              think it was just because of me. I’ve
        you’re labeled as forever.”     [medications to residents], I was sing-  While Fellowship has a Christ- seen it with other people, other
          For example, Fellowship has a vice ing,” she recalled. “I just love Christ- centeredmission,itencouragespeople families that they really do take care of
        presidentwhostartedoutasacertified mas songs and I was dancing around of all faiths and none to live and work them as if they’re their own family.”
        nursing assistant.              and singing and he said, ‘Come join there, he said.
          Several employees said the staff me’ and it was so awesome. I loved it.”  Erland’s father lived at Fellowship Margie Peterson is a freelance writer

                                                 TOP STAFF + TOP FACULTY

                                                            + TOP STUDENTS =

                                                 TOP WORK PLACE IN 2019!

                    2019                         To all of the students, faculty, staff and alumni that

                                                 continue to make Moravian College a top work place

                                                 in the Lehigh Valley, we say THANK YOU!

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