Page 23 - Top Workplaces 2019
P. 23

THE MORNING CALL                                                                                 THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019    23

                                        PHOTOS BY RICK KINTZEL/THE MORNING CALL
        Thomas Johnson of Phillipsburg, NJ., winces after extending his arm as Dr.
        Brian Beutel, a physical therapist for Robbins Rehabilitation, supervises in
        Palmer Township, one of six regional offices.

        Continued from Previous Page      Robbins Rehabilitation employees
                                        also give to the needy. This Thanksgiv-
        hadabosswhohasabiggerheart,”said ing, they raised money through T-shirt
        Burns, who has her doctorate in phys- sales to buy 200 turkeys for area shel-
        ical therapy. “He truly wants, first and ters.
        foremost, what is best for his employ-  “It feels really good,” Vaughn said.
        ees. He’s not about what is going to “You can tell that it’s something they
        make him more money. If there is really needed and appreciated, and it
        something we desire to do, he is going made a difference in their holiday.”
        to make sure that it happens, and he  The balance of fun, work and com-
        will be supportive along the way.”  munity service Robbins has created
          In the 16 years since the first clinic has not gone unnoticed by his employ-
        opened,friendshipshaveblossomedat ees.
        RobbinsRehabilitation,thelargestpri-  “Robbins is equal parts captain and
        vately owned physical therapy prac- 40-year-old child,” Beutel, who has his
        tice in the Lehigh Valley. Employees doctorateinphysicaltherapy,said.“He
        spend time together outside of the of- is a guy you want to have a beer with,
        fices.                          but he’s bottom line, too. It’s a good di-
          They have gone rock climbing, sky- chotomy.”
        diving and spent the day at Dutch
        Springs.                        Mandy Housenick is a freelance writer.
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