Page 23 - Top Workplaces 2018
P. 23

Operator: lwahowskidoellDesc:  Time: 02-16-2018  13:20Jobname:

                                                            MIDSIZE COMPANIES NO. 2
                                                          PENN TREATY NETWORK AMERICA

        Continued from Page 22                                                                                   cream truck day, Halloween decorations
                                                                                                   Jessaka Whitsitt  and a holiday craft market.
                                                                                                   (right), claims  Brandi Monfre, who leads Penn
                                                                                                   manager, dis-
        Everybody is in the know.”                                                                 cusses her evalu-  Treaty’s customer dispute resolution
           “There’s no secrets,” Shambo                                                            ation with Carole  team and its employee activity commit-
        chimed in. “No secrets.”                                                                   Hamilton, claims  tee, said she thanks Robinson every
           Early on in the rehabilitation process,                                                 and call center  opportunity she gets for his work to
        senior managers sought to encourage                                                        manager, at the  save the company.
        employees to focus on doing their jobs                                                     Penn Treaty     “When you think about going into
                                                                                                   Network Ameri-
        well and not worry about the company’s                                                     ca corporate  rehabilitation and going into liquidation,
        financial distress, though Robinson                                                        headquarters on  that could have been the end of this
        would brief all the employees on the                                                       Lehigh Street in  company had senior management not
        situation in monthly meetings.                                                                           come up with a plan to transition into a
           He said he also ended a company-                                                        DOUGLAS KILPATRICK/  third party administrator,” she said.
        wide salary freeze, benchmarking com-                                                      SPECIAL TO THE  “We could have just shut down and
        pensation to industry standards and                                                        MORNING CALL  they could have moved on to their next
        rolling out a merit pay increase system                                                                  roles, but they chose this path. Now 170
        based on company and individual per-                                                                     people have a quality job at a place they
        formance.                            “When we first went into rehabilita-  the top: Integrity, respect, teamwork and  enjoy working.”
           Executives sought employee input on  tion, we pulled together a group of  quality.”
        improving customer service and em-  employees to help rewrite our code of  Out of that came an employee recog-  Daryl Nerl is a freelance writer.
        ployee morale during regular focus  conduct. Thirty employees volunteered.  nition program in which employees can
        group meetings and twice yearly em-  Outside attorneys had previously writ-  nominate each other for an award if they
        ployee surveys. More than 100 submit-  ten a 10-page document, single-spaced,  exhibit one of those core values on the
        ted ideas have been implemented, ac-  black and white on both sides, and even  job. Every quarter, the company hosts  PENN TREATY NETWORK
        cording to Sharon Reed, Penn Treaty’s  I couldn’t understand it,” Bagley said.  an ice cream float reception when em-  AMERICA
        senior vice president for insurance oper-  “The first thing they said was, ‘How  ployees are presented certificates for  ■ Founded: 1975
        ations.                            can we have a code of conduct if we  demonstrating Penn Treaty’s core val-
           “What we have learned on a shoe-  don’t have core values?’ We put a sur-  ues.                         ■ Ownership: Public
        string budget is you can get very cre-  vey out to every employee. I was a little  The company also hosts almost daily  ■ Sector: Insurance
        ative with ideas to keep morale up,” said  nervous. I thought we were going to get  in-house exercise classes and has an  ■ Employees: 170
        Jane Bagley, senior vice president for  about a thousand different responses.  employee activities committee that  ■ Website:
        legal and human resources.         But it was very clear. Four came out at  plans regular events, including ice

                                                                                     We       thank           all     of

                                                                                     our       employees                   for

                      Thanks                                                         once           again           making

                       Again!                                                        us a Top Workplace

                                                                                     in the Lehigh Valley.


                                                                                                              2018 ❘ TOP WORKPLACES           23
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