Page 26 - Inspire Health September/October 2016
P. 26
in tune
plays with
all his heart
Photo courtesy of pastoral education class at Easton To encourage healing, the doctor
Easton Hospital Hospital in 1991 which led him to a full wanted Ball to wait a month before
program, residency and, eventually, a clearing the other blockage, but two
T ake yourself to Manhattan’s program directorship. weeks later, Ball’s chest pressure returned.
Bryant Park on a Wednesday
night this past July and “I see Easton Hospital as the Again, he returned to the ER and was
August. You will see 75 accordionists, foundation of my career,” Ball says. “So it taken immediately to the cath lab where
entertaining visitors with a mix of music seems fitting that they would also serve Schiavone placed two stents in the
from Germany, Ireland, Columbia, Brazil, as the foundation of my cardiac care.” second artery.
the Balkans and Louisiana. Among the
players for the inaugural kick-off to this Wrong Notes Ready to play
season’s Accordions Around the World Ball was at a local library when he Transport yourself to today. Ball
is Earl Ball.
Now imagine transporting yourself to a felt pressure in his chest. “It felt like feels great.
Polish neighborhood in Buffalo, N.Y, in the heartburn,” he says. “My blood work looks good and my
1950s. You will see “Early” as a 10-year-
old learning to play a polka. At the Easton Hospital Emergency cholesterol is better,” he says. “I’ve been
Finally, take yourself to downtown Department, his EKG and blood work given a clean bill of health.”
Easton, Ball’s stomping ground. His were both normal, but the doctor had
accordion has brought him fame at the Ball remain monitored. Ball thanked Schiavone at a recent visit.
Easton Farmers’ Market and Movies at “I told him he saved my life,” Ball says.
the Mill, where a 2013 film about him won Moments later, the pain shot up his chest “And he said humbly, ‘that’s my job.’ ”
Best of Show. into his neck and the EKG became erratic.
It’s a skill he loves sharing with people, “I was so impressed by him and the
including patients. Ball often played for “The ER nurse came in and said, care at Easton,” Ball says. “They treated
patients in the hospital where he worked. ‘we’re going to make things happen fast,” me royally.”
“They really respond to it,” he says. “It he recalls.
was something they needed to stay Ball was comforted to have his
connected with the world.” Most hospitals aim for the national husband, Tim Hare, by his side the entire
At a hospital in Bucks County for benchmark of 90 minutes from the time time. “The staff was so welcoming of
19 years, Ball created and supervised a patient has a cardiac episode until the him,” Ball says. “It made me so proud to
a chaplaincy program. An ordained moment a blocked artery is cleared. Easton think I started my career 25 years ago at
minister in the United Church of Christ, Hospital averages less than 60 minutes. Easton Hospital.”
Ball found that being beside the sickbed
was rewarding. So he entered a clinical Minutes later Ball was in the As a thank you, soon you might
catheterization lab. He had two blockages. transport yourself to the hospital
Cardiologist Joseph Schiavone, M.D., an and catch the mellifluous sound of an
independent member of the medical staff, accordion serenade filling the halls with
placed two stents in one artery. joy and polka.
26 INSPIRE HEALTH september | october 2016
in tune
plays with
all his heart
Photo courtesy of pastoral education class at Easton To encourage healing, the doctor
Easton Hospital Hospital in 1991 which led him to a full wanted Ball to wait a month before
program, residency and, eventually, a clearing the other blockage, but two
T ake yourself to Manhattan’s program directorship. weeks later, Ball’s chest pressure returned.
Bryant Park on a Wednesday
night this past July and “I see Easton Hospital as the Again, he returned to the ER and was
August. You will see 75 accordionists, foundation of my career,” Ball says. “So it taken immediately to the cath lab where
entertaining visitors with a mix of music seems fitting that they would also serve Schiavone placed two stents in the
from Germany, Ireland, Columbia, Brazil, as the foundation of my cardiac care.” second artery.
the Balkans and Louisiana. Among the
players for the inaugural kick-off to this Wrong Notes Ready to play
season’s Accordions Around the World Ball was at a local library when he Transport yourself to today. Ball
is Earl Ball.
Now imagine transporting yourself to a felt pressure in his chest. “It felt like feels great.
Polish neighborhood in Buffalo, N.Y, in the heartburn,” he says. “My blood work looks good and my
1950s. You will see “Early” as a 10-year-
old learning to play a polka. At the Easton Hospital Emergency cholesterol is better,” he says. “I’ve been
Finally, take yourself to downtown Department, his EKG and blood work given a clean bill of health.”
Easton, Ball’s stomping ground. His were both normal, but the doctor had
accordion has brought him fame at the Ball remain monitored. Ball thanked Schiavone at a recent visit.
Easton Farmers’ Market and Movies at “I told him he saved my life,” Ball says.
the Mill, where a 2013 film about him won Moments later, the pain shot up his chest “And he said humbly, ‘that’s my job.’ ”
Best of Show. into his neck and the EKG became erratic.
It’s a skill he loves sharing with people, “I was so impressed by him and the
including patients. Ball often played for “The ER nurse came in and said, care at Easton,” Ball says. “They treated
patients in the hospital where he worked. ‘we’re going to make things happen fast,” me royally.”
“They really respond to it,” he says. “It he recalls.
was something they needed to stay Ball was comforted to have his
connected with the world.” Most hospitals aim for the national husband, Tim Hare, by his side the entire
At a hospital in Bucks County for benchmark of 90 minutes from the time time. “The staff was so welcoming of
19 years, Ball created and supervised a patient has a cardiac episode until the him,” Ball says. “It made me so proud to
a chaplaincy program. An ordained moment a blocked artery is cleared. Easton think I started my career 25 years ago at
minister in the United Church of Christ, Hospital averages less than 60 minutes. Easton Hospital.”
Ball found that being beside the sickbed
was rewarding. So he entered a clinical Minutes later Ball was in the As a thank you, soon you might
catheterization lab. He had two blockages. transport yourself to the hospital
Cardiologist Joseph Schiavone, M.D., an and catch the mellifluous sound of an
independent member of the medical staff, accordion serenade filling the halls with
placed two stents in one artery. joy and polka.
26 INSPIRE HEALTH september | october 2016