Page 35 - Inspire Health September/October 2015
P. 35
What does living a The clothing we wear reflects a Shop Zace Denim at
sustainable life mean to you? very powerful decision. I personally
would rather wear one pair of jeans September § October 2015 INSPIRE HEALTH 35
ZM: It is a balance of several each year knowing the cotton was
factors including water, food, clothes grown and sewn in America where
and family. Clean water is the most labor standards are high and lives
valuable resource in the world, and and natural resources haven’t been
it doesn’t make sense for Zace USA destroyed in the process.
to chemically alter our clothing and
waste such a precious resource. It’s Family is everything and is the
this core value that we hope will affect pillar to a sustainable life. My two
the industry and ultimately change sons, Denim and Diesel, sure make
water for the better in other countries all the sacrifices worthwhile for me
whose communities and health have in knowing the hard work I put into
been affected by the major producers growing and sewing will ultimately
of denim and textiles. leave them a life that they too can
hand down one day. Leaving a soft
Growing our food to include fruits footprint on this earth is all of
and vegetables while preserving them our responsibilities.
is vital to achieve optimal health and
ensure its source is well defined.
Stylist: Whitney Alexandra Photogtapher: Bri Johnson
Hair/ MUA: Dihan FC Model: Patty Alexandra (Q Model Management)
sustainable life mean to you? very powerful decision. I personally
would rather wear one pair of jeans September § October 2015 INSPIRE HEALTH 35
ZM: It is a balance of several each year knowing the cotton was
factors including water, food, clothes grown and sewn in America where
and family. Clean water is the most labor standards are high and lives
valuable resource in the world, and and natural resources haven’t been
it doesn’t make sense for Zace USA destroyed in the process.
to chemically alter our clothing and
waste such a precious resource. It’s Family is everything and is the
this core value that we hope will affect pillar to a sustainable life. My two
the industry and ultimately change sons, Denim and Diesel, sure make
water for the better in other countries all the sacrifices worthwhile for me
whose communities and health have in knowing the hard work I put into
been affected by the major producers growing and sewing will ultimately
of denim and textiles. leave them a life that they too can
hand down one day. Leaving a soft
Growing our food to include fruits footprint on this earth is all of
and vegetables while preserving them our responsibilities.
is vital to achieve optimal health and
ensure its source is well defined.
Stylist: Whitney Alexandra Photogtapher: Bri Johnson
Hair/ MUA: Dihan FC Model: Patty Alexandra (Q Model Management)