Page 32 - Inspire Health September/October 2015
P. 32
I By Mary Tully Your pet will be better trained,
’m a true believer that happiness is pets that I meet are the ones who are just by default!
something we can cultivate. I find fully incorporated into their families.
Training is communication, so the
that I am happiest when I’m making Give your pet a job more time you spend with your pet, the
more you are interacting with them, and
healthy choices for myself, my family and Think about what your pet was therefore, the more chances you give the
animal to learn how to interact with you.
my friends. We’re all a reflection of what made to do, and then try and figure Animals who are out and about are well
adjusted and happy!
is around us: if our families are happy, out where you can fit them into your The more mental and physical
energy your dog spends while
chances are we will also feel happy. lifestyle more often. They might “help” with you, the less they have left
over to get into trouble.
This theory applies to our furry family mom or dad with the baby all day or be
This means a giant decrease in
members as well. How can you be sure an “expert” gardening assistant. Maybe behaviors like chewing, jumping, leash-
pulling, barking, digging and possibly even
that your pet is happy? How important they go camping on the weekends or for anxiety and aggression.
is it to go out of our way to ensure the hikes every morning.
happiness of an animal? Make small changes in your
It’s actually pretty simple. Most day‑to‑day routine.
pets don’t need very much to be happy It’s a fact: we enjoy things more
— their needs are simple and often when our pets are around! Did you
overlooked. Don’t forget we engineered know that when you touch your pet,
our pets to be what they are today: co- your brain releases happy hormones
dependent companions who fit into our (dopamine) into your system?
very specific lifestyles. To get your pet more incorporated
For the most part, our pets just want into your lifestyle, you can try some of
to be with us. They want to spend time these small changes:
with us, which is responsible for the n Train your dog to
majority of a pet’s level of happiness. They fetch diapers or some
also want to go outside, and they want to other item you need
go outside with us. Your pet also needs throughout the day.
good food and healthy communication n Take a dog-yoga class.
with their human family members. n Have your cat be part
As a professional dog trainer, I have of your daily meditation.
the privilege of being invited into people’s n Find out what
homes and learning about their families in restaurants in your area
a very special way. The happiest pets that are dog-friendly.
I meet are not the ones with the biggest n Have dog play dates
yards or fanciest houses. The happiest with your friends.
32 INSPIRE HEALTH September § October 2015
I By Mary Tully Your pet will be better trained,
’m a true believer that happiness is pets that I meet are the ones who are just by default!
something we can cultivate. I find fully incorporated into their families.
Training is communication, so the
that I am happiest when I’m making Give your pet a job more time you spend with your pet, the
more you are interacting with them, and
healthy choices for myself, my family and Think about what your pet was therefore, the more chances you give the
animal to learn how to interact with you.
my friends. We’re all a reflection of what made to do, and then try and figure Animals who are out and about are well
adjusted and happy!
is around us: if our families are happy, out where you can fit them into your The more mental and physical
energy your dog spends while
chances are we will also feel happy. lifestyle more often. They might “help” with you, the less they have left
over to get into trouble.
This theory applies to our furry family mom or dad with the baby all day or be
This means a giant decrease in
members as well. How can you be sure an “expert” gardening assistant. Maybe behaviors like chewing, jumping, leash-
pulling, barking, digging and possibly even
that your pet is happy? How important they go camping on the weekends or for anxiety and aggression.
is it to go out of our way to ensure the hikes every morning.
happiness of an animal? Make small changes in your
It’s actually pretty simple. Most day‑to‑day routine.
pets don’t need very much to be happy It’s a fact: we enjoy things more
— their needs are simple and often when our pets are around! Did you
overlooked. Don’t forget we engineered know that when you touch your pet,
our pets to be what they are today: co- your brain releases happy hormones
dependent companions who fit into our (dopamine) into your system?
very specific lifestyles. To get your pet more incorporated
For the most part, our pets just want into your lifestyle, you can try some of
to be with us. They want to spend time these small changes:
with us, which is responsible for the n Train your dog to
majority of a pet’s level of happiness. They fetch diapers or some
also want to go outside, and they want to other item you need
go outside with us. Your pet also needs throughout the day.
good food and healthy communication n Take a dog-yoga class.
with their human family members. n Have your cat be part
As a professional dog trainer, I have of your daily meditation.
the privilege of being invited into people’s n Find out what
homes and learning about their families in restaurants in your area
a very special way. The happiest pets that are dog-friendly.
I meet are not the ones with the biggest n Have dog play dates
yards or fanciest houses. The happiest with your friends.
32 INSPIRE HEALTH September § October 2015