Page 8 - Inspire Health November/December 2015
P. 8
healthy mind
An Attitude of
L By Lynette M. Kokemor, MA‑MCMH
ife reflects a seemingly components: thinking, acting, feeling THE SEVEN feedYOUR SOUL
mischievous sense of humor and physiology. At the center of these GENEROSITY HABITS
when it serves us a giant slice of components are emotions. One of the first steps to feeling
grateful is to live your life generously.
humble pie. Typically, we are humbled Emotions determine how we feel, Living generously is important to the
outside world as well as your personal
at the most inopportune moments. The and the feeling component of total wellness. Your physical, emotional
and spiritual wellbeing will be
ability to stay humble and be grateful behavior cannot be changed instantly. positively impacted if you practice
the 7 Habits of Generosity. These
is a difficult task. As human beings, it If you are searching for instant change, concepts become second nature when
they are practiced consistently.
is natural to want more. However, the start today by being grateful, and pay • Physical Health
• Mindfulness
constant desire for more "things" will close attention to how you think and • Connecting To Others
• Connecting To Yourself
affect your spirit negatively. act. Being grateful will uplift your spirit, • Philanthropy
• Simplicity
According to Dr. William Glasser, and will eventually cause a positive • Gratitude
psychiatrist and creator of “Reality effect in your emotional health. Being
Therapy/Choice Theory,” human beings grateful will be challenging at times.
seek to fulfill five basic needs: Therefore, as you journey through the
• Power (over self and achieving goals) holiday season, remember these quick
• Love and Belonging (feeling a part tips to a happier, more grateful you.
of a group or love from family) Tips for a More Grateful You
• Freedom (over yourself, 1. The only person's behavior you
making your own choices) can control is your own.
• Fun (pleasure and joy) 2. Think before acting on emotions.
• Survival (food, water and shelter) 3. Total behavior is based on thinking,
Lacking one or all of the basic needs acting, feeling and physiology.
may control your actions. If you are 4. Associate yourself with grateful people.
feeling lonely, you may seek comfort 5. Express your gratitude to loved ones.
with friends and family, fulfilling the need 6. Keep an "I'm grateful" journal.
of love and belonging. Sounds simple? 7. Put more focus on what you have
I wish! Total behavior consists of four and less on what you don’t.
8 INSPIRE HEALTH November § December 2015
An Attitude of
L By Lynette M. Kokemor, MA‑MCMH
ife reflects a seemingly components: thinking, acting, feeling THE SEVEN feedYOUR SOUL
mischievous sense of humor and physiology. At the center of these GENEROSITY HABITS
when it serves us a giant slice of components are emotions. One of the first steps to feeling
grateful is to live your life generously.
humble pie. Typically, we are humbled Emotions determine how we feel, Living generously is important to the
outside world as well as your personal
at the most inopportune moments. The and the feeling component of total wellness. Your physical, emotional
and spiritual wellbeing will be
ability to stay humble and be grateful behavior cannot be changed instantly. positively impacted if you practice
the 7 Habits of Generosity. These
is a difficult task. As human beings, it If you are searching for instant change, concepts become second nature when
they are practiced consistently.
is natural to want more. However, the start today by being grateful, and pay • Physical Health
• Mindfulness
constant desire for more "things" will close attention to how you think and • Connecting To Others
• Connecting To Yourself
affect your spirit negatively. act. Being grateful will uplift your spirit, • Philanthropy
• Simplicity
According to Dr. William Glasser, and will eventually cause a positive • Gratitude
psychiatrist and creator of “Reality effect in your emotional health. Being
Therapy/Choice Theory,” human beings grateful will be challenging at times.
seek to fulfill five basic needs: Therefore, as you journey through the
• Power (over self and achieving goals) holiday season, remember these quick
• Love and Belonging (feeling a part tips to a happier, more grateful you.
of a group or love from family) Tips for a More Grateful You
• Freedom (over yourself, 1. The only person's behavior you
making your own choices) can control is your own.
• Fun (pleasure and joy) 2. Think before acting on emotions.
• Survival (food, water and shelter) 3. Total behavior is based on thinking,
Lacking one or all of the basic needs acting, feeling and physiology.
may control your actions. If you are 4. Associate yourself with grateful people.
feeling lonely, you may seek comfort 5. Express your gratitude to loved ones.
with friends and family, fulfilling the need 6. Keep an "I'm grateful" journal.
of love and belonging. Sounds simple? 7. Put more focus on what you have
I wish! Total behavior consists of four and less on what you don’t.
8 INSPIRE HEALTH November § December 2015