Page 7 - Inspire Health November/December 2015
P. 7
super food •
T By Gilbert Nelson, C.P.T.
he ancient Incas referred to gives the sensation of feeling full, which Consume quinoa with foods rich in vitamin
C to enhance the body’s ability to absorb iron.
quinoa as “mother of all grains.” results in the consumption of fewer
Quinoa can be enjoyed on its own or
Today, quinoa continues in calories without feeling hungry. as a complementary grain dish to any
meal. Organic quinoa is high in protein
popularity due to its nutrient density, and fiber and low in sodium and sugar.
It is gluten free and rich in iron. This
high iron content and reputation as Bulking agents from the consumption of combination makes quinoa a superior
food. It will provide steady energy and
a plant‑based “complete” protein insoluble fiber aid in eliminating waste from the satiety and aid in appetite control.
source. The grain’s low glycemic index, gastrointestinal tract, which decreases the time
dietary fiber, low sodium and low sugar in which digested food rests in the intestine. A
content make quinoa a perfect food decrease in food storage directly aids weight loss.
for energy metabolism.
Nutrient Density
Diabetics benefit from adding quinoa to Quinoa is a nutrient‑dense complex
their nutritional intake as there is no severe carbohydrate rich in iron, copper,
spike in insulin after consumption. phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid and
zinc. Iron is an important mineral in
Complete Protein and Fiber production of oxygen in the blood.
Lysine and isoleucine are two essential Oxygen needs to be transported
amino acids abundant in quinoa, making throughout the body, especially during
it a uniquely powerful protein source. endurance training, and iron plays a
Vegetarians may find it challenging to vital role in this process. Women have
meet their daily protein requirements; a tendency to be more deficient in iron
therefore, a plant‑based protein source is than men, especially those who are
beneficial when included in a plant‑based vegetarian. Quinoa aids in eliminating
meal plan. Quinoa’s fiber content is iron deficiencies, especially when it is
mostly composed of insoluble fiber that consumed with foods rich in vitamin C.
November § December 2015 INSPIRE HEALTH 7
T By Gilbert Nelson, C.P.T.
he ancient Incas referred to gives the sensation of feeling full, which Consume quinoa with foods rich in vitamin
C to enhance the body’s ability to absorb iron.
quinoa as “mother of all grains.” results in the consumption of fewer
Quinoa can be enjoyed on its own or
Today, quinoa continues in calories without feeling hungry. as a complementary grain dish to any
meal. Organic quinoa is high in protein
popularity due to its nutrient density, and fiber and low in sodium and sugar.
It is gluten free and rich in iron. This
high iron content and reputation as Bulking agents from the consumption of combination makes quinoa a superior
food. It will provide steady energy and
a plant‑based “complete” protein insoluble fiber aid in eliminating waste from the satiety and aid in appetite control.
source. The grain’s low glycemic index, gastrointestinal tract, which decreases the time
dietary fiber, low sodium and low sugar in which digested food rests in the intestine. A
content make quinoa a perfect food decrease in food storage directly aids weight loss.
for energy metabolism.
Nutrient Density
Diabetics benefit from adding quinoa to Quinoa is a nutrient‑dense complex
their nutritional intake as there is no severe carbohydrate rich in iron, copper,
spike in insulin after consumption. phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid and
zinc. Iron is an important mineral in
Complete Protein and Fiber production of oxygen in the blood.
Lysine and isoleucine are two essential Oxygen needs to be transported
amino acids abundant in quinoa, making throughout the body, especially during
it a uniquely powerful protein source. endurance training, and iron plays a
Vegetarians may find it challenging to vital role in this process. Women have
meet their daily protein requirements; a tendency to be more deficient in iron
therefore, a plant‑based protein source is than men, especially those who are
beneficial when included in a plant‑based vegetarian. Quinoa aids in eliminating
meal plan. Quinoa’s fiber content is iron deficiencies, especially when it is
mostly composed of insoluble fiber that consumed with foods rich in vitamin C.
November § December 2015 INSPIRE HEALTH 7