Page 5 - Inspire Health November/December 2014
P. 5
@sk the
Family gatherings are always difficult
Dr. Wendy J.Schillings,MD,FACOG for individuals struggling with your partner) inner peace. Although it
infertility. Gatherings around the may be difficult to not attend a family
WELCOME TO THE “ASK THE holidays are even more stressful; even a function, keep in mind that guilt trips are
EXPERT” COLUMN. OVER small gathering may seem gigantic.The last very powerful; don’t give in. You need
THE NEXT FEW MONTHS, topic you will want to discuss is “When are to focus your attention on you (and your
DR. WENDY J. SCHILLINGS, you planning on starting your family?” When partner.)
OF REPRODUCTIVE couples ask for advice on how to cope n Be forgiving of yourself: It is
MEDICINE ASSOCIATES OF with the various family questions, I typically extremely important that you realize
PENNSYLVANIA (RMAPA), provide them with some coping tips. feeling guilt, sadness, jealous and anger are
WILL BE ANSWERING Here are a few examples: normal feelings for anyone going through
QUESTIONS INSPIRE HEALTH n Be ready for the “When are you a personal struggle. It means you are
READERS MAY HAVE ABOUT having children?” question: The answer to human, with real feelings – feelings that
FERTILITY TOPICS THAT this question is never easy. If you have just about every couple who has struggled
AFFECT BOTH MEN not informed this person of your infertility with infertility understands.
AND WOMEN. struggle, I typically advise my patients to My most important piece of advice to
simply state that “they are just enjoying my patients is to make sure to set aside
their time with their partner or the single some personal time. Spend a few minutes,
life, at the moment.” Don’t forget, you hours or even days to pamper yourself
always have the option to politely excuse (and your partner) so you can recharge
yourself from the situation. your mind and spirit.
n Don’t attend: This may sound
harsh, but it also may bring you (and If you have a question that you would
like Dr. Schillings to answer, please email
waHintehdlpoVuyiortuaimrmfmaimunniCliytyfipbgaohcotkscetoidnldgsu&oprapflulnegsmeeeajnusoticsn!e Hair Products
Skin Care
750 S. 25th St., Easton, PA • 610.252.7707 Vitamins Fitness Products
Weight Loss
Children’s Products
Family gatherings are always difficult
Dr. Wendy J.Schillings,MD,FACOG for individuals struggling with your partner) inner peace. Although it
infertility. Gatherings around the may be difficult to not attend a family
WELCOME TO THE “ASK THE holidays are even more stressful; even a function, keep in mind that guilt trips are
EXPERT” COLUMN. OVER small gathering may seem gigantic.The last very powerful; don’t give in. You need
THE NEXT FEW MONTHS, topic you will want to discuss is “When are to focus your attention on you (and your
DR. WENDY J. SCHILLINGS, you planning on starting your family?” When partner.)
OF REPRODUCTIVE couples ask for advice on how to cope n Be forgiving of yourself: It is
MEDICINE ASSOCIATES OF with the various family questions, I typically extremely important that you realize
PENNSYLVANIA (RMAPA), provide them with some coping tips. feeling guilt, sadness, jealous and anger are
WILL BE ANSWERING Here are a few examples: normal feelings for anyone going through
QUESTIONS INSPIRE HEALTH n Be ready for the “When are you a personal struggle. It means you are
READERS MAY HAVE ABOUT having children?” question: The answer to human, with real feelings – feelings that
FERTILITY TOPICS THAT this question is never easy. If you have just about every couple who has struggled
AFFECT BOTH MEN not informed this person of your infertility with infertility understands.
AND WOMEN. struggle, I typically advise my patients to My most important piece of advice to
simply state that “they are just enjoying my patients is to make sure to set aside
their time with their partner or the single some personal time. Spend a few minutes,
life, at the moment.” Don’t forget, you hours or even days to pamper yourself
always have the option to politely excuse (and your partner) so you can recharge
yourself from the situation. your mind and spirit.
n Don’t attend: This may sound
harsh, but it also may bring you (and If you have a question that you would
like Dr. Schillings to answer, please email
waHintehdlpoVuyiortuaimrmfmaimunniCliytyfipbgaohcotkscetoidnldgsu&oprapflulnegsmeeeajnusoticsn!e Hair Products
Skin Care
750 S. 25th St., Easton, PA • 610.252.7707 Vitamins Fitness Products
Weight Loss
Children’s Products