Page 43 - Inspire Health March/April 2015
P. 43
ou use Google to search for the term banned in 1972, was for many years used neighbors who may be more experienced
“healthful food,” you’ll get north of one on crops to control insects — until it was gardeners and can answer your questions and
million results and numerous buzzwords: identified as a carcinogen. And a report guide you as you get started.”
organic, sustainable, locally grown, GMO- from the National Institute of Environmental “Also, know the requirements of the
free and more. Health Sciences shows agricultural workers crop you’re planting,” Cunniff says. “When do
It can make a trip down the produce exposed to high levels of pesticides display a they need to be planted? How much water
aisle a dizzying exercise in decoding an marked cognitive decline. and sunlight do they need? Learn about your
adjectival alphabet soup. Chemical weed controls have also been actual environment.”
One way to stay planted in this associated with health problems. A 2013 Davies, Hunter, Niesenbaum and
storm of superlatives is to, quite literally, study in the scientific journal Entropy linked Cunniff all recommend finding out about
get planting — without using chemicals. heavy use of the herbicide Roundup to your soil first by using a test kit, available
According to research by the National cancers, Parkinson’s disease and infertility. at cooperative extension offices and many
Gardening Association, a garden of about Still, Dan Hunter of Hunter Hill Farm lawn and garden businesses.
600 square feet can produce $600 worth outside Easton says today’s organic farmers “We pay a lot of attention to the soil,”
of vegetables in a season. have actually seen some benefits from those Davies says. “Soil tests are one of the most
While the study was funded by a techniques. “Things have been learned from helpful tools to determine what’s going on.”
company that makes fertilizers, Then, he says, you can build soil
organic proponents say a chemical- fertility and ensure there’s a proper
free garden can actually outperform balance of macronutrients (things
its synthetically altered counterpart. such as potassium, magnesium,
“There are lots of scientific calcium) and micronutrients (like
studies out there that prove that boron, copper and iron).
organically managed land can “The most important way to
produce equal to or more than restore damaged soil is to start
conventionally managed land,” says to integrate organic material like
Ben Davies, proprietor of Wild Fox compost into it,” Niesenbaum says.
Farm near Barto, Berks County. Once a proper nutrient balance is
And the benefits go beyond reached, important organisms will
putting some green back in your follow: insects, bacteria and fungi
wallet. “Organically grown fruits all help plants process the nutrients
and vegetables taste better, are Photo by MargaretVallone needed for healthy growth.
toxin free, and have less impact on Lettuce growing in the Muhlenberg College Community Garden.Straw, grass “Organic gardeners recognize
the environment,” says Richard A. clippings and newspaper are used to block weeds rather than the use of chemicals . that the soil is a complex living
Niesenbaum, professor of biology and director ‘conventional’ models … For instance, there system,” Niesenbaum says. “It is biologically
of sustainability studies at Muhlenberg College. are organic sprays and fertilizers and other rich. One gram of soil can contain thousands
Emma Cunniff, who runs Kneehigh Farm products available now that weren’t before.” of different species of microbes that help
near Emmaus, loves the freshness and quality For the home gardener, though, starting maintain the quality of the soil by breaking
of organically raised produce. “You can just an organic plot needn’t be complicated, and down organic matter. A teaspoon of soil has
pick it and eat it, knowing you’re not putting the tried-and-true methods — composting, more organisms in it than the total number
something toxic in your body.” mulching and building up soil — often work of people on the planet. You need to feed
The act of growing your own food has best. In fact, the experts interviewed for this those microbes by adding organic material.
health benefits, too. “Getting out in the garden story say the simpler, the better. One of the primary things that organic
is one of the most healthful things you can Cunniff suggests starting small. “I love gardeners need to focus on is restoring and
do. It counts as exercise, it gets you outside containers for herbs. And I’m a huge maintaining the health of the soil.”
breathing fresh air and working the soil like our proponent of raised beds. Build a little And that healthy soil will lead to
ancestors did,” Niesenbaum says. wooden box and fill it with dirt. Usually healthy food — which, in turn, will lead to a
In some ways, going organic is reinventing you can go to places and get free or cheap healthier you.
the wheel. Before the industrial revolution, compost and top soil.” — continued on page 44 —
farmers were forced to rely on natural Niesenbaum agrees. “The most common
methods. When chemical fertilizers and sprays mistake is starting too big and then not being Photos clockwise,from top left: Freshly picked tomatoes;
became available, however, farmers and able to handle the work. Start with small an example of a farm share from Kneehigh; okra
gardeners switched to them in the belief that raised beds or containers, and add to them from Kneehigh Farm; Muhlenberg Students begin the
they could raise more food with less effort. each year as you become more comfortable. conversion of what was once lawn into an organic
What they didn’t realize was that … Another option is to apply for a small community garden; a worker checks collard greens
chemicals can have long-lasting health and plot in a community garden … Community for disease at Kneehigh Farm; Muhlenberg students
environmental effects. For instance, DDT, gardens allow you to interact with your volunteer to work in the college’s community garden;
that cucumbers are ready to be pickled. (Photos courtesy
Kneehigh Farm and Erika Liljestrand)
“healthful food,” you’ll get north of one on crops to control insects — until it was gardeners and can answer your questions and
million results and numerous buzzwords: identified as a carcinogen. And a report guide you as you get started.”
organic, sustainable, locally grown, GMO- from the National Institute of Environmental “Also, know the requirements of the
free and more. Health Sciences shows agricultural workers crop you’re planting,” Cunniff says. “When do
It can make a trip down the produce exposed to high levels of pesticides display a they need to be planted? How much water
aisle a dizzying exercise in decoding an marked cognitive decline. and sunlight do they need? Learn about your
adjectival alphabet soup. Chemical weed controls have also been actual environment.”
One way to stay planted in this associated with health problems. A 2013 Davies, Hunter, Niesenbaum and
storm of superlatives is to, quite literally, study in the scientific journal Entropy linked Cunniff all recommend finding out about
get planting — without using chemicals. heavy use of the herbicide Roundup to your soil first by using a test kit, available
According to research by the National cancers, Parkinson’s disease and infertility. at cooperative extension offices and many
Gardening Association, a garden of about Still, Dan Hunter of Hunter Hill Farm lawn and garden businesses.
600 square feet can produce $600 worth outside Easton says today’s organic farmers “We pay a lot of attention to the soil,”
of vegetables in a season. have actually seen some benefits from those Davies says. “Soil tests are one of the most
While the study was funded by a techniques. “Things have been learned from helpful tools to determine what’s going on.”
company that makes fertilizers, Then, he says, you can build soil
organic proponents say a chemical- fertility and ensure there’s a proper
free garden can actually outperform balance of macronutrients (things
its synthetically altered counterpart. such as potassium, magnesium,
“There are lots of scientific calcium) and micronutrients (like
studies out there that prove that boron, copper and iron).
organically managed land can “The most important way to
produce equal to or more than restore damaged soil is to start
conventionally managed land,” says to integrate organic material like
Ben Davies, proprietor of Wild Fox compost into it,” Niesenbaum says.
Farm near Barto, Berks County. Once a proper nutrient balance is
And the benefits go beyond reached, important organisms will
putting some green back in your follow: insects, bacteria and fungi
wallet. “Organically grown fruits all help plants process the nutrients
and vegetables taste better, are Photo by MargaretVallone needed for healthy growth.
toxin free, and have less impact on Lettuce growing in the Muhlenberg College Community Garden.Straw, grass “Organic gardeners recognize
the environment,” says Richard A. clippings and newspaper are used to block weeds rather than the use of chemicals . that the soil is a complex living
Niesenbaum, professor of biology and director ‘conventional’ models … For instance, there system,” Niesenbaum says. “It is biologically
of sustainability studies at Muhlenberg College. are organic sprays and fertilizers and other rich. One gram of soil can contain thousands
Emma Cunniff, who runs Kneehigh Farm products available now that weren’t before.” of different species of microbes that help
near Emmaus, loves the freshness and quality For the home gardener, though, starting maintain the quality of the soil by breaking
of organically raised produce. “You can just an organic plot needn’t be complicated, and down organic matter. A teaspoon of soil has
pick it and eat it, knowing you’re not putting the tried-and-true methods — composting, more organisms in it than the total number
something toxic in your body.” mulching and building up soil — often work of people on the planet. You need to feed
The act of growing your own food has best. In fact, the experts interviewed for this those microbes by adding organic material.
health benefits, too. “Getting out in the garden story say the simpler, the better. One of the primary things that organic
is one of the most healthful things you can Cunniff suggests starting small. “I love gardeners need to focus on is restoring and
do. It counts as exercise, it gets you outside containers for herbs. And I’m a huge maintaining the health of the soil.”
breathing fresh air and working the soil like our proponent of raised beds. Build a little And that healthy soil will lead to
ancestors did,” Niesenbaum says. wooden box and fill it with dirt. Usually healthy food — which, in turn, will lead to a
In some ways, going organic is reinventing you can go to places and get free or cheap healthier you.
the wheel. Before the industrial revolution, compost and top soil.” — continued on page 44 —
farmers were forced to rely on natural Niesenbaum agrees. “The most common
methods. When chemical fertilizers and sprays mistake is starting too big and then not being Photos clockwise,from top left: Freshly picked tomatoes;
became available, however, farmers and able to handle the work. Start with small an example of a farm share from Kneehigh; okra
gardeners switched to them in the belief that raised beds or containers, and add to them from Kneehigh Farm; Muhlenberg Students begin the
they could raise more food with less effort. each year as you become more comfortable. conversion of what was once lawn into an organic
What they didn’t realize was that … Another option is to apply for a small community garden; a worker checks collard greens
chemicals can have long-lasting health and plot in a community garden … Community for disease at Kneehigh Farm; Muhlenberg students
environmental effects. For instance, DDT, gardens allow you to interact with your volunteer to work in the college’s community garden;
that cucumbers are ready to be pickled. (Photos courtesy
Kneehigh Farm and Erika Liljestrand)