Page 40 - Inspire Health March/April 2015
P. 40
Spring is a time of change. The days
Dr. Wendy J.Schillings,MD,FACOG are getting longer, trees begin to may not be getting pregnant, they are
“wake up,” and colorful flowers able to make better informed treatment
WELCOME TO THE “ASK THE begin to emerge from the ground. choices. During the testing or treatment
EXPERT” COLUMN. OVER For people on the rollercoaster of process, relaxation techniques may be
THE NEXT FEW MONTHS, infertility, spring may be a time when they used by patients to promote better
DR. WENDY J. SCHILLINGS begin to explore ways they can change communication with their partner, and to
OF REPRODUCTIVE what they are personally doing to achieve listen to their own inner voice. Relaxation
MEDICINE ASSOCIATES OF a pregnancy. Well-meaning friends and techniques may also be helpful during
PENNSYLVANIA (RMAPA), relatives frequently tell them to relax and any emotional highs and lows. Clinical
WILL BE ANSWERING not to stress; you will become pregnant if studies have shown that acupuncture
QUESTIONS INSPIRE HEALTH you reduce your stress. may improve the success of an in vitro
READERS MAY HAVE ABOUT Relaxation techniques, such as yoga, fertilization (IVF) cycle.
FERTILITY TOPICS THAT meditation and acupuncture, may be No relaxation method or treatment
AFFECT BOTH MEN helpful during this time; however, they option can guarantee your success in
AND WOMEN. may not be all that is needed to achieve achieving a pregnancy. It is very important
a pregnancy. It may be time to look into to optimize all aspects of treatment and
the reason you may not be pregnant. I your own well being. Although your family
always tell my patients, knowledge is and friends may tell you to “relax”; this
power and should be embraced, not advice may actually be beneficial when it
feared. When individuals or couples, are is combined with knowledge and possible
provided with the knowledge of why they treatment options.

Look for the May/June issue of

Personal Growth

Benefits of Kale, Longevity-Never Stop
Growing,The Power of Forgivness,
Cellular Regeneration, etc

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