Page 37 - Inspire Health March/April 2015
P. 37


So you want and type of movement needed, creating a asked, a patient,S.R.,explains he chose
a show Invisalign over braces because “no one sees
stopping road map for the teeth to follow until they them and you can easily remove them to eat
your favorite foods and brush and floss.”
are straight. You can also eat your favorite Why did he agree to have Propel to
augment his treatment? “When you told
smile and you food and brush and floss normally because me it was going to cut my treatment time
in half, I was on board,” he says. “It was
wanted it yesterday the aligners are removable. easy and does not hurt.”
Dr. Bernardich has been creating
— no problem. Next, you want fast. The use of beautiful smiles for more than 20 years..
She is among a small percentage of
No, really. New Propel, a new procedure approved by orthodontists in the United States to
become a Diplomat of the American
medical technology the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Board of Orthodontist, which recognizes
excellence in her orthodontic specialty.
will allow you to for use with clear aligner systems or She has two offices, one in Allentown and
another in Northampton.
transform your braces, is the other answer. As a Premier Preferred Invisalign
Provider, Bernardich has been using this
smile into a dazzling Here is Ortho lesson 101: Teeth technique to make gorgeous smiles since
it was introduced and has treated several
Orthodontist centerpiece that will move due to the break down and build hundred cases. Experience is priceless. It
Michele A. Bernardich, may be time for another opinion, if you
DMD, MSD captivate all viewers. up of bone around teeth as a result of have been told in the past that you are not
Courtesy of Dr. Bernardich You probably a candidate for Invisalign. You can see an
forces placed on them. Bernardich uses interview with Bernardich’s patient, S.R.,
and see the procedure being performed at
already know that Propel to place small dimples called micro-

a beautiful smile builds confidence and osteoperforations around targeted teeth, 3 months later with Propel

creates an environment for a healthier which harnesses your body’s biology

mouth. Everyone wants straight teeth, to stimulate the bone surrounding the

but adults and teens alike, often have teeth. This helps the teeth to move faster,

the misconceptions that the process is thereby reducing overall treatment time.

embarrassing and takes too long. Michele The method also enables teeth to move

A. Bernardich, DMD, MSD, a board easily into the ideal position and requires

certified orthodontist says, modern fewer office visits.

medical devices provide the means of Propel, which can be repeated

achieving great smiles easily and quickly. every two to three months, is a simple,

The first step is getting the teeth straight in-office treatment that takes minutes

without anyone knowing. The orthodontic and afterward you can go on with the

treatment option of using clear, plastic rest of your day. No extra effort or

aligners systems, such as Invisalign and daily procedures are required for the

Invisalign Teen is the answer. The aligners treatment to work. Before, (S.R.)
What do Bernardich’s
are clear, so no one can see you have them

in and are transforming your smile. Dr. patients have to say about

Bernardich prescribes the exact direction these techniques? When s

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