Page 46 - Inspire Health March/April 2015
P. 46
If you ever looked in a mirror and tightening as well as contouring, body shaping tissues, which causes the superficial fat layer
wished those bulges can be smoothed and cellulite reduction.” to break down and sends more oxygen
or tightened, you’re not alone. to the cells. The body stimulates lymphatic
Maybe you’ve recently lost weight The machine uses multiple radio drainage and enhances the elasticity of the
or were pregnant and would like a tighter frequencies to stimulate tissue layers and treat connective tissue.
tummy or smooth arms but don’t want to cellulite, promote circumferential reduction and
have surgery. There may be an answer for tighten loose skin on the face and body. The treatment can be used for multiple
you and it may be as simple a solution as using area of the body including the underarms,
the radio. “There’s no downtime,” Wahhab says. abdomen, thighs and buttocks.
“You can do it over your lunch hour and go BODY REDUCTION
While it’s more involved than tuning into back to work.”
your favorite station, your doctor can now use Along with treating cellulite, the deep
radio frequencies to target and tighten those Good candidates for these procedures heating of the tissues also promotes the
problem areas. are patients in their early 30s up to about 65. It production of collagen and improves the
best treats mild to moderate skin laxity as well elasticity of the skin – which tightens it.
Dr. Samina Wahhab of Allentown as crepe-like or wrinkled skin. When vacuum therapy is added blood
explains the Reaction machine from Viora and circulation is increased, which also promotes
how it can be used to improve the look of Wahhab says the Reaction treatments lymphatic drainage.
your skin and body by using radio frequencies. can maximize cellulite, body contouring
and reduction as well as tighten skin. After the treatment, patients see a
“It is a great option for improving the CELLULITE minimized appearance of the lumpy skin,
results of plastic surgery – like a face-lift, eye better skin texture and tightening of the skin,
lift or liposuction procedure,” she says. “It You may know what cellulite looks which reduces the circumference of the area.
can also improve body shaping following a like – that bumpy section of skin on your legs SKIN TIGHTENING
weight-loss program or pregnancy. The Viora for example. The lumpy skin is sometimes
is suitable for patients seeking smoothing and described as a cottage cheese effect, but it’s During treatment, the radio energy heats
not good for your appearance like the the dermis skin layer, which strengthen tissue
dairy product. fibers and collagen. What that does is improve
the skin’s laxity, sagginess and texture.
What causes that effect is the connective
tissue that holds the fat cells starts to harden Even after the first treatment, you’ll
and can’t contain those cells. see smoother contours and an overall
improvement in skin texture,Wahhab says.
The Reaction machine sends radio
frequency energy to the skin layers to heat the

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