Page 41 - Inspire Health July/August 2015
P. 41
as it gets
Joint program helped
him get his life back
Ron Plantone is ready for a “I was in such pain that I couldn’t sleep,” campers. The Joint Works! program uses a
hobby again. That wasn’t Ron says. When he moved at night, his core group of physical therapists from Good
the case over the last five wife, Marsha, would wake to a terrible Shepherd Rehabilitation.
years. Ron, who is semi-retired as grinding noise.
co-owner of Strunk Funeral Homes, “I amazed myself,” Ron says. “The
became ill in 2011. He struggled with Sadly, he couldn’t replace the therapists were surprised too. I was more
digestive health issues, blood clots, skin joint until his other health issues were flexible than I ever imagined after having
disorders and infections. Making matters resolved. Soon he lost mobility. He used been in the scooter for so long.”
worse was a bad hip and knee. a walker for a few months and then
X-rays indicated that the cartilage began to use a scooter. Ron liked traveling through the steps
in his hip was deteriorating. He tried with other campers. “I got to know their
medications and pain injections. After The day his final infection cleared, names and develop relationships with
a year, another X-ray showed that the he called his orthopedic surgeon, James them even over that short period of
problem had gotten worse. Reid, MD, an independent member of time,” he says.
the medical staff at Easton Hospital, to Hobby Time
schedule a hip replacement.
3 Steps Ron used a walker and then a cane as he
gained strength and confidence in his new
Ron chose the three-step process of hip. “I could have given up the cane sooner
Easton Hospital’s JointWorks! program. than I did,” Ron says.
Step one had him attend a pre-surgery
class. The other patients, or campers as He’s been pain free since surgery. And,
they are called, who would have surgery surprisingly, even his knee feels much better.
on the same day were also in that class. Ron is happy to be able to join Marsha in
Together they learned about the surgery regular activities again.
and what to do to prepare for it.
“I need a new hobby,” Ron says. But he
On the day of surgery — step two — has one that he gave up. Fishing. He has a
Ron was excited that he was on his feet so small boat on a nearby lake. Last summer, he
quickly after the procedure. couldn’t even get in the boat.
“I was surprised how the pain was “I will be more involved with that boat
gone,” Ron says. “I was sore from surgery, this summer,” he says. “And I look forward
but I was able to move with assistance.” to swimming again.”
As he recovered on the orthopedics “I can’t say enough about Dr. Reid, the
floor, Ron began step three — five sessions nurses and therapists at Easton Hospital,” he
of group rehabilitation with the other says. “Anything is as good as you make it, and
that joint program is as good as it gets.”
Ron relaxing at home after hip replacement surgery.
Photo courtesy of Easton Hospital
as it gets
Joint program helped
him get his life back
Ron Plantone is ready for a “I was in such pain that I couldn’t sleep,” campers. The Joint Works! program uses a
hobby again. That wasn’t Ron says. When he moved at night, his core group of physical therapists from Good
the case over the last five wife, Marsha, would wake to a terrible Shepherd Rehabilitation.
years. Ron, who is semi-retired as grinding noise.
co-owner of Strunk Funeral Homes, “I amazed myself,” Ron says. “The
became ill in 2011. He struggled with Sadly, he couldn’t replace the therapists were surprised too. I was more
digestive health issues, blood clots, skin joint until his other health issues were flexible than I ever imagined after having
disorders and infections. Making matters resolved. Soon he lost mobility. He used been in the scooter for so long.”
worse was a bad hip and knee. a walker for a few months and then
X-rays indicated that the cartilage began to use a scooter. Ron liked traveling through the steps
in his hip was deteriorating. He tried with other campers. “I got to know their
medications and pain injections. After The day his final infection cleared, names and develop relationships with
a year, another X-ray showed that the he called his orthopedic surgeon, James them even over that short period of
problem had gotten worse. Reid, MD, an independent member of time,” he says.
the medical staff at Easton Hospital, to Hobby Time
schedule a hip replacement.
3 Steps Ron used a walker and then a cane as he
gained strength and confidence in his new
Ron chose the three-step process of hip. “I could have given up the cane sooner
Easton Hospital’s JointWorks! program. than I did,” Ron says.
Step one had him attend a pre-surgery
class. The other patients, or campers as He’s been pain free since surgery. And,
they are called, who would have surgery surprisingly, even his knee feels much better.
on the same day were also in that class. Ron is happy to be able to join Marsha in
Together they learned about the surgery regular activities again.
and what to do to prepare for it.
“I need a new hobby,” Ron says. But he
On the day of surgery — step two — has one that he gave up. Fishing. He has a
Ron was excited that he was on his feet so small boat on a nearby lake. Last summer, he
quickly after the procedure. couldn’t even get in the boat.
“I was surprised how the pain was “I will be more involved with that boat
gone,” Ron says. “I was sore from surgery, this summer,” he says. “And I look forward
but I was able to move with assistance.” to swimming again.”
As he recovered on the orthopedics “I can’t say enough about Dr. Reid, the
floor, Ron began step three — five sessions nurses and therapists at Easton Hospital,” he
of group rehabilitation with the other says. “Anything is as good as you make it, and
that joint program is as good as it gets.”
Ron relaxing at home after hip replacement surgery.
Photo courtesy of Easton Hospital