Page 26 - Inspire Health July/August 2015
P. 26
continued from page 25 —
medicine doctors who treat more than joy and happiness, my health suffers. It’s easy My mom is a huge inspiration to me,
the symptom. My oncologist doesn’t know to say,“yes” to all the opportunities and too. She had me when she was very
everything about nutrition, healthy lifestyle all the obligations in the world. But how young and she and my grandmother
practices and acupuncture for example. often do we stop and ask what makes us raised me together.They deserve the
My integrative team doesn’t know what happy? What would make us feel good? credit for my can-do attitude. Because
he knows about oncology. Our bodies are What makes magic in our life?The more good or bad, when something went down
incredibly magnificent, complicated systems we do that, the more aligned we feel with in my family, we just rolled up our sleeves
and to rely on one method is often short- our careers, our relationships, and even our and took care of business.
sighted.We need a holistic way of caring purpose.When we’re in that state, at least in
for our bodies as opposed to just looking my experience, work doesn’t feel as difficult; It sounds like you have a lot
at one specific problem.We are more it feels nourishing as opposed to depleting. of positive female role models in
connected than we think. your family.
Your Crazy Sexy brand is
Have there been any creative and contemporary. Absolutely. My mother and
tough choices between holistic What inspired that association? grandmother basically gave me everything
and traditional medicine I needed. I didn’t feel like I was missing
over the years? Well, it didn’t start as a brand or a anything with these two powerhouse
career, it was a way of coping. But when whirlwinds at my side.
I saw many oncologists in the beginning people started to resonate with what I
–– which is why I recommend second was writing about, it turned into something What is the most significant
opinions! Some of the options they much bigger and more beautiful. Crazy life lesson you have learned in
presented, such as a triple organ transplant, Sexy Cancer actually began as mass email recent years?
seemed totally ridiculous.That was just too updates to family and friends when I was
risky and unproven. In the end, I chose a newly diagnosed.They were my way of If anything, cancer has taught me
doctor who I could trust and who had his keeping everyone informed and also not to wait to take care of yourself and
finger on the pulse of the research that sharing my sense of humor.Then I made a pursue your dreams. Do what excites
was actually happening with my very rare film with the title. After that, I knew I had a you. Explore what makes you feel well,
cancer. If you’re in a similar situation, do your lot of information for young women who content and connected.You don’t always
homework.Whether you have cancer or were newly diagnosed, so I wrote a couple have to make huge changes.You can take
another chronic disease, find a doctor who of books and the Crazy Sexy name just small steps every single day that bring you
can be the best captain of your wellness kind of took off. I define “crazy” as an out closer to your joy. At the end of our lives,
team. But remember to meet him or her of the box, forward thinking attitude. And all we have are memories. If we can make
half way. It’s easy to get prescriptions and “sexy” is empowering. them heart-centered and joyful we’ve
they often help, but sometimes the changes lived a really wonderful life.
we need to make happen on our plate, at Today, I write for a wider audience.
the gym, and through managing our stress I’m passionate about teaching people What has been personally
levels. Healthy living is a daily practice. about prevention in a way that is fun, feels exciting and fulfilling for you
light, inspiring, and hopeful as opposed with Crazy Sexy?
Balance is an important aspect to something that is dreaded and “oh
of healthy living. You are always gosh, you’re going to make me eat fiber.” I’d say all the loving emails from people
on the go, from your popular blog Prevention needs a makeover so Crazy who have embraced some of the practices
to your recipe research. How do Sexy is a good way to do it. I teach and as a result, have had their own
you balance the diverse demands powerful shifts in their relationships, work,
of your Crazy Sexy projects? Who is your inspiration? health and family dynamics. I feel grateful
So many people … I’d say my to be able to reach people and help them.
I do my best not to take on more grandmother. She was an incredible That’s really the most magnificent thing
than I can handle. Because nobody feels woman –– a chef, a carpenter and an that has happened since all this started.
good when they’re stretched too thin. It entrepreneur. She was big and bright and
doesn’t matter if you’re a cancer patient or very loving with an electric personality. What gives you the mental
a mom dealing with a heavy schedule with She’s always with me, especially when I’m and physical energy to keep
her children. I’m very aware of what I can creating recipes in the kitchen. If she were going forward?
do and can’t.Also, I really try to go in the alive today she would probably chuckle
direction of what creates joy and happiness because I really didn’t have any skills in the The energy continues to stem from the
in my life. In my career I have the privilege kitchen when I first started this journey. fact that I love what I do and I love the life
to be able to decide what fills me up and “You have New York Times best-selling that I have. It doesn’t feel like I’m fighting, it
what drains me. If I’m not creating enough books? Incredible!” she would say. doesn’t feel like I need extra encouragement
or stamina to keep going.This is my life; this
is it. I say,“turn s--t into champagne.”
26 INSPIRE HEALTH July § August 2015
medicine doctors who treat more than joy and happiness, my health suffers. It’s easy My mom is a huge inspiration to me,
the symptom. My oncologist doesn’t know to say,“yes” to all the opportunities and too. She had me when she was very
everything about nutrition, healthy lifestyle all the obligations in the world. But how young and she and my grandmother
practices and acupuncture for example. often do we stop and ask what makes us raised me together.They deserve the
My integrative team doesn’t know what happy? What would make us feel good? credit for my can-do attitude. Because
he knows about oncology. Our bodies are What makes magic in our life?The more good or bad, when something went down
incredibly magnificent, complicated systems we do that, the more aligned we feel with in my family, we just rolled up our sleeves
and to rely on one method is often short- our careers, our relationships, and even our and took care of business.
sighted.We need a holistic way of caring purpose.When we’re in that state, at least in
for our bodies as opposed to just looking my experience, work doesn’t feel as difficult; It sounds like you have a lot
at one specific problem.We are more it feels nourishing as opposed to depleting. of positive female role models in
connected than we think. your family.
Your Crazy Sexy brand is
Have there been any creative and contemporary. Absolutely. My mother and
tough choices between holistic What inspired that association? grandmother basically gave me everything
and traditional medicine I needed. I didn’t feel like I was missing
over the years? Well, it didn’t start as a brand or a anything with these two powerhouse
career, it was a way of coping. But when whirlwinds at my side.
I saw many oncologists in the beginning people started to resonate with what I
–– which is why I recommend second was writing about, it turned into something What is the most significant
opinions! Some of the options they much bigger and more beautiful. Crazy life lesson you have learned in
presented, such as a triple organ transplant, Sexy Cancer actually began as mass email recent years?
seemed totally ridiculous.That was just too updates to family and friends when I was
risky and unproven. In the end, I chose a newly diagnosed.They were my way of If anything, cancer has taught me
doctor who I could trust and who had his keeping everyone informed and also not to wait to take care of yourself and
finger on the pulse of the research that sharing my sense of humor.Then I made a pursue your dreams. Do what excites
was actually happening with my very rare film with the title. After that, I knew I had a you. Explore what makes you feel well,
cancer. If you’re in a similar situation, do your lot of information for young women who content and connected.You don’t always
homework.Whether you have cancer or were newly diagnosed, so I wrote a couple have to make huge changes.You can take
another chronic disease, find a doctor who of books and the Crazy Sexy name just small steps every single day that bring you
can be the best captain of your wellness kind of took off. I define “crazy” as an out closer to your joy. At the end of our lives,
team. But remember to meet him or her of the box, forward thinking attitude. And all we have are memories. If we can make
half way. It’s easy to get prescriptions and “sexy” is empowering. them heart-centered and joyful we’ve
they often help, but sometimes the changes lived a really wonderful life.
we need to make happen on our plate, at Today, I write for a wider audience.
the gym, and through managing our stress I’m passionate about teaching people What has been personally
levels. Healthy living is a daily practice. about prevention in a way that is fun, feels exciting and fulfilling for you
light, inspiring, and hopeful as opposed with Crazy Sexy?
Balance is an important aspect to something that is dreaded and “oh
of healthy living. You are always gosh, you’re going to make me eat fiber.” I’d say all the loving emails from people
on the go, from your popular blog Prevention needs a makeover so Crazy who have embraced some of the practices
to your recipe research. How do Sexy is a good way to do it. I teach and as a result, have had their own
you balance the diverse demands powerful shifts in their relationships, work,
of your Crazy Sexy projects? Who is your inspiration? health and family dynamics. I feel grateful
So many people … I’d say my to be able to reach people and help them.
I do my best not to take on more grandmother. She was an incredible That’s really the most magnificent thing
than I can handle. Because nobody feels woman –– a chef, a carpenter and an that has happened since all this started.
good when they’re stretched too thin. It entrepreneur. She was big and bright and
doesn’t matter if you’re a cancer patient or very loving with an electric personality. What gives you the mental
a mom dealing with a heavy schedule with She’s always with me, especially when I’m and physical energy to keep
her children. I’m very aware of what I can creating recipes in the kitchen. If she were going forward?
do and can’t.Also, I really try to go in the alive today she would probably chuckle
direction of what creates joy and happiness because I really didn’t have any skills in the The energy continues to stem from the
in my life. In my career I have the privilege kitchen when I first started this journey. fact that I love what I do and I love the life
to be able to decide what fills me up and “You have New York Times best-selling that I have. It doesn’t feel like I’m fighting, it
what drains me. If I’m not creating enough books? Incredible!” she would say. doesn’t feel like I need extra encouragement
or stamina to keep going.This is my life; this
is it. I say,“turn s--t into champagne.”
26 INSPIRE HEALTH July § August 2015