Page 24 - Inspire Health July/August 2015
P. 24
cover story ,
By Patricia Danflous and Michelle Esneault
Kris Carr is feeling “great.”
Not a surprising response from an in-shape, successful author and wellness
Nactivist directing the spotlight on a crazy, sexy lifestyle.
ot the answer you might helping others live healthfully. In a recent
expect from a young woman interview Carr discussed her journey for
living with an incurable, stage Inspire Health readers.
IV cancer diagnosis. A diagnosis, by the way,
that came 12 years ago. Kris, how did you decide to
Is that crazy and sexy? YES! Carr pursue a more positive, healthy
glows gorgeously on the outside with lifestyle so quickly after your
increasing inner beauty as she thrives to diagnosis?
the max, sharing her plant-based recipes An incurable cancer diagnosis can be
for a healthier, more productive life with really disempowering because, like any
individuals throughout the country. patient that gets saddled with a diagnosis,
Diagnosed with cancer on Valentine’s you want your life back.You want to
Day – how crazy is that? Carr’s first believe there is something you can do. iydAteoaCuahnsidrsnyoaakuoSzuyitnyeghorxfea.iysaPvtleiaehls,yolewi?petbaml’esoWypxssc,oaarwftdayoecezr,rhfwtiyinmnahgaerae.ddnt!d
indication of a problem was abdominal I wanted to cut it out, get rid of it and
pain she associated with digestive or gall move on. But because I didn’t have that
bladder issues. It wasn't until ultrasounds opportunity, and still don’t, I decided to
and scans demonstrated lesions on her learn how to love and care for myself, just
liver and her lungs that she realized she as I am.To participate in my well-being
was dealing with a serious situation. She rather than contribute to my sense of
had just turned 31. desperation and loss.Thankfully my disease
If you have seen Carr on one of her is slow-growing, so I’ve had time to process
numerous television appearances (she my emotions and learn how to feel better.
captivated the audience on Oprah) or Cancer aside, I had other health issues at
read one of her best-selling Crazy Sexy a young age, so rather than sit back and
books, you already understand her passion do nothing, cancer motivated me to take
for healthy living and her commitment to action. I decided to eat better, be kinder
24 INSPIRE HEALTH July § August 2015
By Patricia Danflous and Michelle Esneault
Kris Carr is feeling “great.”
Not a surprising response from an in-shape, successful author and wellness
Nactivist directing the spotlight on a crazy, sexy lifestyle.
ot the answer you might helping others live healthfully. In a recent
expect from a young woman interview Carr discussed her journey for
living with an incurable, stage Inspire Health readers.
IV cancer diagnosis. A diagnosis, by the way,
that came 12 years ago. Kris, how did you decide to
Is that crazy and sexy? YES! Carr pursue a more positive, healthy
glows gorgeously on the outside with lifestyle so quickly after your
increasing inner beauty as she thrives to diagnosis?
the max, sharing her plant-based recipes An incurable cancer diagnosis can be
for a healthier, more productive life with really disempowering because, like any
individuals throughout the country. patient that gets saddled with a diagnosis,
Diagnosed with cancer on Valentine’s you want your life back.You want to
Day – how crazy is that? Carr’s first believe there is something you can do. iydAteoaCuahnsidrsnyoaakuoSzuyitnyeghorxfea.iysaPvtleiaehls,yolewi?petbaml’esoWypxssc,oaarwftdayoecezr,rhfwtiyinmnahgaerae.ddnt!d
indication of a problem was abdominal I wanted to cut it out, get rid of it and
pain she associated with digestive or gall move on. But because I didn’t have that
bladder issues. It wasn't until ultrasounds opportunity, and still don’t, I decided to
and scans demonstrated lesions on her learn how to love and care for myself, just
liver and her lungs that she realized she as I am.To participate in my well-being
was dealing with a serious situation. She rather than contribute to my sense of
had just turned 31. desperation and loss.Thankfully my disease
If you have seen Carr on one of her is slow-growing, so I’ve had time to process
numerous television appearances (she my emotions and learn how to feel better.
captivated the audience on Oprah) or Cancer aside, I had other health issues at
read one of her best-selling Crazy Sexy a young age, so rather than sit back and
books, you already understand her passion do nothing, cancer motivated me to take
for healthy living and her commitment to action. I decided to eat better, be kinder
24 INSPIRE HEALTH July § August 2015