Page 8 - Inspire Health January/February 2017
P. 8

• super food


 By: Leah Porche, RD                             Put some                 FAVHFEOEWRREITOAEFRWMEAYAYS
                                              cacao nibs in
First things first: How do we                  your granola         Try a cacao
          pronounce such a word? My           or trail mix for  energy ball recipe
          official opinion is that it is       a surprising
 pronounced, “kah-cow,” much like                                 for a quick and
 ka-POW, which just so happens to be                 bite           healthy pop
 a good explanation of how it tastes!
 The flavor of raw cacao powder, or                                                            Add cacao
 a cacao nib, is intensely bitter with                                                         powder to
 a chocolaty-coffee undertone. This                                                         your morning
 less-processed substance is the elder                                                        smoothie to
 cousin of cocoa, which is made into cocoa                                                  start your day
 powder (think Nestle Quik), then into                                                        with a bang
 cocoa liquor, and ultimately chocolate.
 While both versions have the same origins
 and have similar health benefits, I give
 the gold to cacao. It is not as processed
 as cocoa, so it retains its plethora of
 nutrient-rich components, including
 fiber, iron, antioxidants and more. For
 something that generally lands under the
 dessert section, that is an impressive list
 of nutrients. But even more impressive is
 that cacao boasts a higher concentration
 of antioxidants than goji berries,
 acai berries and blueberries. These
 antioxidants have been shown to reduce
 the damage caused by free radicals in the
 fight against cancers as well as aging, so
 go ahead and add this super food to your
 diet today.

RISE & SHINE                                  •	1 scoop of ice
SMOOTHIE                                      •	1 tsp. cacao powder
                                              •	2 Tbsp. honey simple syrup (or 1 Tbsp. honey)
BY LEAH PORCHE                                •	½ cup cold brew coffee
                                              •	3/4 cup almond milk

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