Page 11 - Inspire Health January/February 2017
P. 11

5                               6. NARROW V
                                This pose shapes your entire
5. FLAT BACK                 6  leg, especially your inner           ADBVOANNUCSED
This move opens up the          and outer thighs. Draw                  MOVE:
back of the legs as well        heels together and turn legs
as the outer hips. Place        out so toes are about 4                      Forward Fold
palms on a bar or chair         inches apart in a narrow "V"                   on Relevé:
and step feet back behind.      position. Keeping shoulders
Bend knees slightly, lean       stacked over hips, bend         STAND WITH FEET TOGETHER,
torso forward, and hold.        knees into a narrow plié.                  ARMS BY SIDES.
Exhale, lift hips up toward     Press heels firmly to floor,
the ceiling. Inhale through     or, as an advanced option,      Inhale as you gently lift both arms high over the
center. Repeat 10 times;        hover them slightly off the       head, reaching towards ceiling. On your next
one-minute reps.                floor, coming onto the balls
                                of the feet. Option to rest     inhale come into relevé (heels lift), keeping arms
                                one hand or both hands on         raised high. Exhale as you fold forward with a
                                bar for balance. Hold for five    flat back. Wrap arms around calves and hold
                                deep breaths. Keeping range
                                small and controlled, lower     steady. Balance for two deep breaths. Lower the
                                1 inch deeper into plié, then       heels and slowly roll up, arms along sides.
                                lift 1 inch. Increasing range
                                of motion, drop bottom
                                down toward heels, then lift
                                all the way up and squeeze
                                inner thighs together. 30
                                reps per one minute.

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