Page 6 - Inspire Health January/February 2015
P. 6
super food
BLItSoTthEe NByTriciaDanflous
The color is intriguing.The taste is unique. Versatility
and health benefits place the beet at the top of the top
of superfoods. Served hot or cold, as a liquid or solid,
beets may prevent numerous chronic conditions, increase
energy and boost mental health.
Although beets can be golden, to their deep red-purple color, are being Beet greens are good for you, too.The
white, striped and green-leafed, studied as a method for treating prostate, iron-rich greens also contain large amounts
consumers are most familiar with the deep breast and pancreatic cancers. And the red of nutrients and vitamins and may be more
red-purple (think beet-red!) root vegetable and yellow, or betalain, pigments contribute nutritionally powerful than the beetroot.
found in gardens throughout the world to the body’s detoxification process, which Research shows that beet greens have the
– and throughout history. Often referred assists in liver and blood purification. potential to boost bone density, slow the
to as a prehistoric food dating back 5,000 rate of Alzheimer’s disease and strengthen
years, thank the ancient Romans for Looking to spice up your life? Have a the immune system.Try using beet greens
recognizing the beet as a powerful addition beet salad.The pre-Christianity Romans in the same ways you use spinach or other
to the dining table. In more contemporary enjoyed beets as an aphrodisiac and leafy greens.
times, the U.S. Apollo 18 astronauts served science confirms it.The boron found in
borscht, a Russian beet soup, to the Soviet beets is connected to human sex hormone Now that you are ready for a healthy
Soyuz 19 astronauts. production.That could also explain why serving of beets or beet juice, keep in
beets are especially beneficial during mind that beets are high in carbohydrates
Bursting with fiber and nutrients, beets pregnancy, with high amounts of vitamin and sugar. Enjoy the greens in unlimited
contain generous amounts of vitamin B and iron assisting in the development of quantities, but limit beets and their juice to
C, the B vitamin folate, potassium and new growth cells and iron replacement. three or four servings a week.
manganese.The beet is a superfood, Don’t Forget the Juice
which helps to reduce birth-defect and the Greens QUICK AND
risks, promotes healthy nerves and EASY BEET SALAD
muscles and is good for the liver, kidneys, In a rush? Need to power up quickly
pancreas and bones. Rich in betaine, a for an intense workout? Grab a glass of Ingredients
nutrient first detected in sugar beets and chilled beet juice mixed with a little apple Use your judgment to determine how
pronounced accordingly, beets assist in or orange juice for a sweet/tangy flavor and big or how many portions you choose
fighting inflammation, minimizing risk to you are ready to go. According to several to make.
the vascular system and internal organs, studies, individuals who consumed beet
increase energy and may prevent chronic juice prior to exercise could increase their Beets
disorders such as asthma or diabetes. exercise time by as much as 16 percent. Onions
Research indicates that nitrates in beets are Salt
The colorful appeal of the beetroot is not changed into nitric oxide, which not only Pepper
just for catching the eye. In an extract form, enhances exercise tolerance but may also Olive oil
the natural plant chemicals, which contribute assist in lowering blood pressure.
6 INSPIRE HEALTH January § February 2015
BLItSoTthEe NByTriciaDanflous
The color is intriguing.The taste is unique. Versatility
and health benefits place the beet at the top of the top
of superfoods. Served hot or cold, as a liquid or solid,
beets may prevent numerous chronic conditions, increase
energy and boost mental health.
Although beets can be golden, to their deep red-purple color, are being Beet greens are good for you, too.The
white, striped and green-leafed, studied as a method for treating prostate, iron-rich greens also contain large amounts
consumers are most familiar with the deep breast and pancreatic cancers. And the red of nutrients and vitamins and may be more
red-purple (think beet-red!) root vegetable and yellow, or betalain, pigments contribute nutritionally powerful than the beetroot.
found in gardens throughout the world to the body’s detoxification process, which Research shows that beet greens have the
– and throughout history. Often referred assists in liver and blood purification. potential to boost bone density, slow the
to as a prehistoric food dating back 5,000 rate of Alzheimer’s disease and strengthen
years, thank the ancient Romans for Looking to spice up your life? Have a the immune system.Try using beet greens
recognizing the beet as a powerful addition beet salad.The pre-Christianity Romans in the same ways you use spinach or other
to the dining table. In more contemporary enjoyed beets as an aphrodisiac and leafy greens.
times, the U.S. Apollo 18 astronauts served science confirms it.The boron found in
borscht, a Russian beet soup, to the Soviet beets is connected to human sex hormone Now that you are ready for a healthy
Soyuz 19 astronauts. production.That could also explain why serving of beets or beet juice, keep in
beets are especially beneficial during mind that beets are high in carbohydrates
Bursting with fiber and nutrients, beets pregnancy, with high amounts of vitamin and sugar. Enjoy the greens in unlimited
contain generous amounts of vitamin B and iron assisting in the development of quantities, but limit beets and their juice to
C, the B vitamin folate, potassium and new growth cells and iron replacement. three or four servings a week.
manganese.The beet is a superfood, Don’t Forget the Juice
which helps to reduce birth-defect and the Greens QUICK AND
risks, promotes healthy nerves and EASY BEET SALAD
muscles and is good for the liver, kidneys, In a rush? Need to power up quickly
pancreas and bones. Rich in betaine, a for an intense workout? Grab a glass of Ingredients
nutrient first detected in sugar beets and chilled beet juice mixed with a little apple Use your judgment to determine how
pronounced accordingly, beets assist in or orange juice for a sweet/tangy flavor and big or how many portions you choose
fighting inflammation, minimizing risk to you are ready to go. According to several to make.
the vascular system and internal organs, studies, individuals who consumed beet
increase energy and may prevent chronic juice prior to exercise could increase their Beets
disorders such as asthma or diabetes. exercise time by as much as 16 percent. Onions
Research indicates that nitrates in beets are Salt
The colorful appeal of the beetroot is not changed into nitric oxide, which not only Pepper
just for catching the eye. In an extract form, enhances exercise tolerance but may also Olive oil
the natural plant chemicals, which contribute assist in lowering blood pressure.
6 INSPIRE HEALTH January § February 2015