Page 5 - Inspire Health January/February 2015
P. 5
Our office frequently treats patients
Dr. Wendy J.Schillings,MD,FACOG who have had their “tubes tied” in supply and even the partner’s sperm count
the past and now want to have a child. will affect how successful the chance of
WELCOME TO THE “ASK THE These patients come to our office with pregnancy is after the reversal.
EXPERT” COLUMN. OVER the expectation that having surgery to Fortunately, patients in this situation
THE NEXT FEW MONTHS, “re-attach” their fallopian tubes (called a have another option. In-vitro Fertilization
DR. WENDY J. SCHILLINGS tubal reversal) provides their best chance (IVF) eliminates the need for a patient to
OF REPRODUCTIVE of becoming pregnant.These expectations have open fallopian tubes.This procedure
MEDICINE ASSOCIATES OF may or may not be correct. completely bypasses that aspect of the
PENNSYLVANIA (RMAPA), Although I do perform surgery to reproductive process. Most insurance
WILL BE ANSWERING “re-attach” tubes, this surgery is typically companies do not cover IVF, but this
QUESTIONS INSPIRE HEALTH not paid for by most insurance companies option may be the best chance some
READERS MAY HAVE ABOUT and has to be paid for out of the patient’s patients have of becoming pregnant.
FERTILITY TOPICS THAT own pocket. In addition to cost, there are I would recommend that patients
AFFECT BOTH MEN many factors that determine if I am even contact their insurance company to see
AND WOMEN. able to “re-attach” the tubes, such as the if they have coverage for tubal reversal
method originally used to “tie” them, the and/or IVF. In addition, call and make an
amount of tube remaining in the body and appointment with a physician who is able
if scar tissue is present. Other factors such to assist you in deciding if “reattaching”
as the age of the patient, the patient’s egg your tubes will give you the best chance of
conceiving a child.
New Customer Special: 25% Off Non-Sale Vitamins
The Store for a Healthier You
Our office frequently treats patients
Dr. Wendy J.Schillings,MD,FACOG who have had their “tubes tied” in supply and even the partner’s sperm count
the past and now want to have a child. will affect how successful the chance of
WELCOME TO THE “ASK THE These patients come to our office with pregnancy is after the reversal.
EXPERT” COLUMN. OVER the expectation that having surgery to Fortunately, patients in this situation
THE NEXT FEW MONTHS, “re-attach” their fallopian tubes (called a have another option. In-vitro Fertilization
DR. WENDY J. SCHILLINGS tubal reversal) provides their best chance (IVF) eliminates the need for a patient to
OF REPRODUCTIVE of becoming pregnant.These expectations have open fallopian tubes.This procedure
MEDICINE ASSOCIATES OF may or may not be correct. completely bypasses that aspect of the
PENNSYLVANIA (RMAPA), Although I do perform surgery to reproductive process. Most insurance
WILL BE ANSWERING “re-attach” tubes, this surgery is typically companies do not cover IVF, but this
QUESTIONS INSPIRE HEALTH not paid for by most insurance companies option may be the best chance some
READERS MAY HAVE ABOUT and has to be paid for out of the patient’s patients have of becoming pregnant.
FERTILITY TOPICS THAT own pocket. In addition to cost, there are I would recommend that patients
AFFECT BOTH MEN many factors that determine if I am even contact their insurance company to see
AND WOMEN. able to “re-attach” the tubes, such as the if they have coverage for tubal reversal
method originally used to “tie” them, the and/or IVF. In addition, call and make an
amount of tube remaining in the body and appointment with a physician who is able
if scar tissue is present. Other factors such to assist you in deciding if “reattaching”
as the age of the patient, the patient’s egg your tubes will give you the best chance of
conceiving a child.
New Customer Special: 25% Off Non-Sale Vitamins
The Store for a Healthier You