Page 43 - Inspire Health January/February 2015
P. 43
you already break Dancing could be a way to get off the eat healthy:
your new year’s couch and get moving.
resolution to get in “If people aren’t having fun, they won’t n For breakfast, pick fresh fruit, a small
shape this year? Or be coming back,” says Robynn Shannon, glass of citrus juice, low- or fat-free
maybe you didn’t even make one, knowing co-owner of the Gas House Dance Hall milk and yogurt, whole-grain bread and
that it would get broken. in Catasauqua, which specializes in belly cereals or an omelet made with egg
Either way, there’s still time to make a dancing and swing dancing. “Dance is fun white or egg substitute.
positive change in your lifestyle that could and that keeps you in the class.” n Choose a water with lemon, flavored
come with big benefits. “Dancing is for any age, any shape, any sparkling water, juice spritzer, iced tea or
The statistics are chilling: More than size and any fitness level,” she says. “It’s for reduced-sodium tomato juice.
one in three women in this country have everybody. It’s not like running the Tough n If you want to eat bread, choose
some form of cardiovascular disease (CVD) Mudder — that’s really unapproachable for whole-grain breads and limit the butter,
and in 2010 alone, more than 400,000 most people.” margarine or olive oil.
women died from CVD, according to the Shannon, who has a master’s degree n For appetizers, choose steamed
American Heart Association. in exercise physiology, says you’ll be more seafood, fresh fruit, bean soups and salad
Even small changes can make a successful in keeping to a new exercise with a reduced-fat dressing on the side.
difference in your overall health. The routine or a change in behavior if you’re n For entrees, pick skinless poultry, fish,
National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute having fun. shellfish, vegetable dishes or pasta with a
says very few of U.S. adults practice all of “The biggest thing about behavior red sauce or vegetables. Limit the use of
the four habits that can help prevent heart modification is compliance,” she says. “If butter, margarine and salt at the table.
disease: Eating a healthy diet, getting regular they’re having fun and they’re learning n At the salad bar, choose fresh
exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and something, they’ll stick with it.” lettuce, spinach and other greens, fresh
avoiding smoking. Dancing can help relieve stress vegetables, chickpeas, kidney beans. Skip
The institute recommends adopting while improving balance, agility and the high-fat items like deli meats, bacon,
healthy eating habits that include a lot of spacial awareness. egg and cheese.
vegetables, fruit and whole grains. A diet “People in a dance class tend to focus nWhen deciding on side dishes, pick
low in fat, cholesterol and added sugar also on choreography and movement. It gives you vegetables or grains, including whole-grain
is the healthiest for your heart. an hour to decompress,” Shannon says. “It’s rice or noodles. Instead of sour cream or
And now for the dreaded e-word: amazing to see how dance affects people.” butter, ask if salsa or low-fat yogurt could
Exercise. It’s easier than you think to stay Even 10 minutes of exercise at a time be substituted.
active and reap the benefits for your heart. can add up, the CDC says. You want to get n Go for fresh fruit, fat-free frozen
The Centers for Disease Control and moving enough that you can still talk but get yogurt, sherbet or fruit sorbet for dessert.
Prevention recommend healthy adults get a your heart pumping. So take a brisk walk (Source: National Institutes of Health)
minimum of two hours and 30 minutes of that breaks a sweat. Or bust a move.
moderate aerobic exercise each week and
muscle-strengthening activities on two or eat out:Tips for when you
more days of the week that work all of the
body’s muscle groups. The National Institutes of Health says
But what if you’re tired of the treadmill don’t be afraid to ask questions when
or yearn for something more exciting? ordering at a restaurant. Ask if the
restaurant will:
n Serve low-fat or fat-free milk instead of
whole milk or cream.
n Tell you the type of cooking oil used.
Oils that are lower in saturated fat are
canola, safflower, sunflower, corn and
olive oil.
n Trim the fat off poultry or meat.
n Leave all butter, gravy and sauces off
the dish.
n Don’t add salt.
n Put salad dressing on the side.
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