Page 17 - Indulge November 2017
P. 17

The early symptoms of multiple sclerosis                                    Photo courtesy of St. Luke’s University Health Network  DIET AND MS
       can be easy to miss.                                                                                                             Immune system dysregulation can result

When you have MS, your immune                                                                                                       in the abnormal inflammatory response

system attacks your central nervous system,                                                                                         responsible for many MS symptoms.

affecting your brain, spinal cord and optic                                                                                         “More research suggests 80 percent

nerves. More than 2.3 million people are                                                                                            of the immune system is in the gut, and

affected by MS worldwide. Most people are                                                                                           bad bacteria colonizing the gut can

diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50.                                                                                            cause chronic inflammation which is at

About two thirds of those diagnosed                                                                                                 the heart of many devastating diseases,

are women.                                      Nataliya Ternopolska, MD,                                                           including MS,” Ternopolksa says. “So
    Because the disease strikes so many         MS Specialist with the                                                              your diet should be based around foods
                                                Multiple Sclerosis Center,                                                          that eliminate inflammation while avoiding
women, recognizing the symptoms is vitally      St. Luke’s University                                                               processed, fried and fast food, among
important to get help in time, according to     Health Network.                                                                     others, that cause inflammation.”
neurologist Nataliya Ternopolska, MD, MS

Specialist with the Multiple Sclerosis Center,                                                                                      Ternopolska recommends her patients

St. Luke’s University Health Network. Symptoms may be        base their eating habits on the Mediterranean Diet, eating

mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as      lots of cereals, fruit, vegetables and legumes. This includes

paralysis or loss of vision. They can also vary, occur and then nuts, avocado and spinach, olive oil, orange fruits and

disappear, even appear singly or in combination, making MS vegetables and onions and garlic. She also suggests adding

sometimes difficult to diagnose. An MS Specialist can be an inflammation-fighting herbs, such as turmeric, ginger,

asset to your health care team for diagnosis, treatment and cayenne and black pepper and cinnamon.

helping you live a healthy lifestyle.                        “There’s a lot going on in your gut that can impact MS,”

“MS can be managed when it’s caught early,” says Dr.         she adds. “A healthier gut equals a healthier brain.”

Ternopolska. “That’s why it’s so important to recognize the

symptoms and find help in specialized MS centers.”           VITAMIN D COULD BE KEY, TOO

                                                             Vitamin D works to promote calcium absorption for strong

KNOW THE SYMPTOMS                                            bones. Recent research also suggests vitamin D may have

MS symptoms may include tingling, numbness, painful          important effects on the immune system.

sensations, slurred speech and blurred or double vision.     A number of genetic and environmental factors influence

Some people experience muscle weakness, poor balance,        whether a person will get MS. These factors may also impact

poor coordination, muscle tightness or spasticity, tremors or the severity of the disease. Research is increasingly pointing

paralysis, which may be temporary or permanent. Problems to a reduced level of vitamin D in the blood as a risk factor

with bladder, bowel, sexual function or mood (particularly   for developing MS, and studies are underway to determine if

depression and anxiety) are also very common. Fatigue is a   vitamin D levels influence MS disease activity. Dr. Ternopolska

major concern for most people with MS, as are challenges     recommends discussing your diet and vitamin D levels with

with memory, attention and concentration.                    your primary care physician and your MS Specialist.

(A note to whoever keeps a close eye on your family’s        Remember, there are steps you can take to help control

health — and most likely it’s you — symptoms for MS in       your MS symptoms and feel better, from lifestyle changes to

men are usually the same as yours.)                          long-term medication treatments.

Multiple Sclerosis specialist                      “I want my patients to have a healthy                                            Sclerosis Center at Weill Cornell
           Dr. Nataliya Ternopolska             pregnancy and a healthy delivery,”                                                  Medical College in New York City.
 has one question she asks her new              Ternopolska says. That can include                                                  Before that she was chief resident
 women patients:                                prescribing the safest MS medication                                                at Albert Einstein Medical Center
                                                possible, since some can decrease                                                   in Philadelphia.
    “Are you planning on getting pregnant       fertility. She also counsels her patients
 soon?” Most female MS patients are             on breastfeeding, diet, exercise and                                                    She also received a
 diagnosed between ages 20 and 29               maintaining a healthy lifestyle during and                                          prestigious National Multiple
— their peak child birthing years. That         after pregnancy.                                                                    Sclerosis Society Grant in 2013
 presents its own set of challenges for a                                                                                           and has presented her research
 healthy pregnancy for a woman with MS.             Ternopolska cares for patients at                                               to the American Academy of
                                                St. Luke’s Neurology Associates in its                                              Neurology and the Tykeson
     The good news: Research has found          multidisciplinary Multiple Sclerosis Center.                                        Fellows Conference, a forum in
 that MS has no effect on fertility. It                                                                                             which young scientists share MS
 won’t keep you from getting pregnant               She served as a multiple sclerosis                                              research, ideas and advice.
 and giving birth to a healthy child.           fellow at the Judith Jaffe Multiple

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