Page 36 - Indulge June/July 2015
P. 36
lling season has arrived and grillmasters everywhere USE A BRUSH
are gearing up for another summer of backyard Brushes are ideal for cleaning cooking grates and can
barbecues and family dinners outside under the summer sun.
quickly remove grease and food particles, saving grill
But once you fire up that grill and cook, your work is owners the trouble of scrubbing away with traditional
not quite done. Cleaning the grill after you have eaten sponges. Once the brush’s work is done, you can then
makes it easier to prolong the life of your grill and ensure clean the grill with a soapy sponge.
the foods you eat are safe to consume.
TURN THE GRILL OFF Food inevitably falls into the well of a grill, no
This may seem like a no-brainer, but unless you own
matter how skilled a grillmaster might be. If left to
a charcoal grill, chances are your grill has control dials. fester in the well, such foods can pose a safety risk
Make sure these dials are turned to the off position and promote the growth of bacteria.
before you start cleaning. Disconnect the gas while
wearing gloves to reduce your risk of accident or injury. CLEAN THE REMAINING AREAS OF THE GRILL
Marinade, sauce or condiments may find their way
The sooner you start cleaning the grill after you onto areas of your grill, and if left unattended, such
substances can make a grill very dirty over time. Remove
cook, the easier it might be to make the cooking these substances after each barbecue to keep your grill
surfaces sparkle. That’s because the residual heat can looking new through the summer.
make it easier to remove any leftover buildup from
barbecue sauce or seasoning that stuck to the grill
after you removed your food.
Creating a
natural extension
of your home.
Landscaping · Water Features · Artificial Grass
are gearing up for another summer of backyard Brushes are ideal for cleaning cooking grates and can
barbecues and family dinners outside under the summer sun.
quickly remove grease and food particles, saving grill
But once you fire up that grill and cook, your work is owners the trouble of scrubbing away with traditional
not quite done. Cleaning the grill after you have eaten sponges. Once the brush’s work is done, you can then
makes it easier to prolong the life of your grill and ensure clean the grill with a soapy sponge.
the foods you eat are safe to consume.
TURN THE GRILL OFF Food inevitably falls into the well of a grill, no
This may seem like a no-brainer, but unless you own
matter how skilled a grillmaster might be. If left to
a charcoal grill, chances are your grill has control dials. fester in the well, such foods can pose a safety risk
Make sure these dials are turned to the off position and promote the growth of bacteria.
before you start cleaning. Disconnect the gas while
wearing gloves to reduce your risk of accident or injury. CLEAN THE REMAINING AREAS OF THE GRILL
Marinade, sauce or condiments may find their way
The sooner you start cleaning the grill after you onto areas of your grill, and if left unattended, such
substances can make a grill very dirty over time. Remove
cook, the easier it might be to make the cooking these substances after each barbecue to keep your grill
surfaces sparkle. That’s because the residual heat can looking new through the summer.
make it easier to remove any leftover buildup from
barbecue sauce or seasoning that stuck to the grill
after you removed your food.
Creating a
natural extension
of your home.
Landscaping · Water Features · Artificial Grass