Page 9 - Holiday Traditions 2018
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Cup of holiday cheer

         How to pick the perfect gift for the coffee
            or tea drinker on your shopping list.                               Give the

            f you’re looking for the per-                                                                                  HOLIDAY
            fect holiday gift and your           Cocktail King-
            recipient loves coffee, tea or       dom’s line of             GIFT
        I something a little stronger,           jiggers features                                      of
        there are plenty of ideas you from       measurement
        which you can choose.                    marking on the
        For the Coffee Lover                                        Entertainmenti
          When it comes to coffee, forget        Cocktail Kingdom
        the big companies and support the
                                                                      SERVICE ELECTRICERVICE ELECTRIC
        smaller, local businesses. Pat Curry,                         S
        of Buona Caffe Artisan Roasted  For the Tea Drinker
        Coffee in August, Georgia, ex-  If your recipient prefers a nice  GIFT CERTIFICATES                                TRADITIONS
        plains that you should buy from a  cup of tea, Jeanette Hurt, author of
        smaller company for several rea-  "Drink Like a Woman" says you
        sons, including customization,  should know what kind of tea your
        speed and freshness.        recipient prefers.
          "Coffee is at its peak for flavor  "For example, find out if they     Purchase Online
        within 21 days of roasting; most  like herbal tea, loose tea or black
        coffee you buy at the grocery store  tea," Hurt says. "Buy them some of
        was roasted 6-9 months earlier and  their favorites and then branch out."   Print at Home
        has a "best if used by" date of 18  Hurt also suggests supporting
        months out," she explains. "We  smaller tea companies. "Bingley’s
        roast in small batches two to three  Tea Ltd., has a great Jane Austen  Give to your
        times a week and roast date our  Tea Series ," Hurt says. "Mighty
        coffee so you know when it was  Leaf Tea and Rishi Organic Tea          Family & Friends
        produced."                  also have great tea flavors."
          A smaller company also can  Hurt suggests pairing the tea
        blend your favorite flavors. "We  with scones from a local bakery,
        have a customer who has a favorite  cookies or crackers. "Add honey
        blend of two coffees and we make  from a local company, as well as a
        it just for her," Curry says.   nice sturdy mug that you can find
          Not sure what flavor your recipi-  on sale or at garage sales.”
        ent will like? "When we have a  Mary Ann Rollano, a tea special-     CAN BE USED TOWARDS
        customer come into the shop and  ist and founder of Life Is Better
        ask what coffee they should get, we  With Tea (www.lifeisbetterwith-        ANY SERVICE
        ask them about their preferences,", says every tea lover
        Curry says. "Do you like some-  should have a special teakettle.
        thing milder or bolder? If they  "The one by Alessi, the Michael  Cable           Sports Packages                          SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
        prefer milder coffees, we suggest  Graves Kettle with Bird Whistle, is  Internet  High Definition Package
        medium roast coffees from central  the cutest kettle I've ever seen," she
        or South America. For bolder  says. "It has a lot of style and  Phone             TiVo Whole-Home DVR
        coffees, we'll suggest African or  makes a very thoughtful gift. Aside  Pay-Per-View  eero Whole-Home WiFi
        Indonesian coffees, which typically  from design, you want to look for
        are roasted darker."        kettles with a wide base design for  Video OnDemand
          At a small shop, you often can  a quick boil."
        smell the buckets of roasted beans  With both coffee and tea, Hurt  Premium Channels
        before you order. "Does the person  says that you can get even more
        you're buying coffee for have a  creative.
        grinder?" Curry asks. "Coffee is  "You can infuse vodka with your
        best when it is fresh, so it's best to  favorite teas or make your own
        buy it whole bean and grind it just  coffee liquor and then put it in gift
        before brewing. That is because  bottles," she says.
        oxygen is the enemy of freshness."  With so much to choose from, it
          If the person you’re buying for is  will be hard to narrow it all down                                                   SUNDAY,
        a caffeine addict, Curry recom-  for your favorite beverage hot-
        mends a medium roast coffee for  beverage aficionado.
        the basket. "There’s actually more  Lisa Iannucci/CTW Features
        caffeine in medium roasts than dark                                                                       
        roasts," she says.                                                                                                         NOVEMBER
          She also says the best gifts                                             Go to to order and
        connect with memories and emo-                                                print your gift certificate
        tions.                                                                                                                     25,
          "Did the person get married in                                           call 610-865-9100 for assistance
        Hawaii? Honeymoon in Costa
        Rica? Study abroad in Kenya? Or                                                                                            2018
        maybe the connection is something
        like the coffee they drank while
        they were a new parent, or they
        were pulling all-nighters studying
        for the bar," Curry says. "Coffee
        that reminds them of those mile-                  Alessi
        stones in their lives will show your  The Michael Graves Kettle with Bird
        thoughtfulness."            Whistle by Alessi.                                                                             9
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