Page 13 - Holiday Traditions 2018
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B E T H L E H E M                      HOLIDAY

                                                ROBERT CORONADO                       Presented by
        World Vision’s #GenerosityEffect movement gives teens the opportunity to                                           TRADITIONS
        go online and send a stuffed goat to a friend. World Vision matches that gift
        with a real goat sent to a family in need.
        GENERATION                  $300 for a full year of books. Sales
        Continued from PAGE 12      tax and shipping are built into the  Christkindlmarkt is a one-of-a-kind
                                    cost of prepaid plans.            family event that brings the spirit
        more than ever, between the stories
        available on their phones and the  5. Think gift cards.      of Bethlehem alive with the season.
        hardcovers they collect for their  Wait, what? We just said to think  Twice recognized as one of the best
        shelves.                    about ideas other than gift cards,
          "We see this in the success of  but it is still OK to give some out.   holiday markets in the U.S. by Travel
        events like BookCon and subscrip-  "These days, gift cards and  + Leisure, this event features:
        tion boxes like Parnassus's Parnas-  eGifts are the norm, but that
        susNext book box," she says.  doesn’t mean they have to be bor-
        "ParnassusNext sends a first-edi-  ing," says Elisabeth Vezzani, the  Handmade works by more than 150 artisans
        tion signed YA hardcover to its teen  CEO and co-founder of Sugarwish,
        subscribers once a month."   an online candy store where recipi-
          She also suggests that if you  ents purchase the candy they want  Live Christmas music
        have to buy a gift card, buy one to  with their gift card.
        an independent bookstore, where  Vezzani explains that many    Ice carving and glassblowing demonstrations
        they can use the card in-person or  e-gifts and some gift cards provide
        online. "With this and Parnassus-  an interactive experience, not just a  Käthe Wohlfarht handmade ornaments,
        Next subscriptions, it keeps kids  purchase.                   nutcrackers and collectibles from Germany
        and teens actively reading and  "This allows them to compete
        excited to build their own little  with traditional gifts in a way that  Breakfast with St. Nicholas- December 1, 8
        library."                   they never could before," she said.  & 15 at 9 am (additional ticket required)                 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
          ParnassusNext offers 3, 6 or 12  "This gifting trend is all about
        month subscriptions and monthly  keeping it simple for the buyer
        subscribers are billed for only the  while delighting the recipient in
        cost of the book (typically between  unexpected ways … and these are  November 16-18  December 6-9
        $17 and $19), plus $6 shipping.  exactly the types of gifts that to-  November 23-25  December 13-16
        Prepaid plans are available for $75  day’s teens are looking for."
        for 3 months; $150 for 6 months; or  Lisa Iannucci/CTW Features  Nov. 29- Dec. 2     December 20-23

                                                                         Thursday & Sunday 11 am-6 pm
           10 great reads for the                                         Friday & Saturday 11 am-8 pm

                young bibliophile                                             PNC Plaza at SteelStacks

              ooks make a great gift for  "Sparrow" by Sarah Moon
               the young adults on your  (Scholastic/Arthur A. Levine,
               shopping list. Not sure  2017)
        B what to buy? Anything       "Long Way Down" by Jason                                                    
        from the Young Adult Library  Reynolds (Simon & Schuster/                                               MC                 NOVEMBER
        Services Association’s list of  Atheneum, 2017)
        2018’s Top Ten Best Fiction for  "Strange the Dreamer" by Laini                    OnThursday or Friday
        Young Adults is sure to please.  Taylor (Little, Brown, 2017)                      at Christkindlmarkt                     25,
          “What Girls Are Made Of” by  "The Hate U Give" by Angie                          Bethlehem when you
        Elana Arnold (Lerner/Carolrhoda  Thomas (Balzer+Bray, 2017)                        present this coupon.
        Lab, 2017)                    "Piecing Me Together" by Renee                                                               2018
          "The Language of Thorns:  Watson (Bloomsbury USA, 2017)     $1 OFF               Offer valid for up to 4 people in your
        Midnight Tales and Dangerous  "Eliza and Her Monsters" by                          party. Not valid on season pass or
        Magic" by Leigh Bardugo     Zappia, Francesca (HarperCollins/                      with other offers.
        (Macmillan/Imprint, 2017)   Greenwillow, 2017)                 admisson            Expires Dec. 21, 2018.
          "The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice  "Goodbye Days" by Jeff Zentner
        and Virtue" by Mackenzi Lee  (Crown Books for Young Readers,
        (HarperCollins/Katherine Tegen,  2017)
        2017)                                                                                                                     13
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