Page 5 - Holiday Showcase 2016
P. 5
Stock up for legendary entertaining
Grandparents in town?
Unexpected guests? Tightly wrapped or vacuum- deep purple Kalamata olives. StatePoint
No problem! With a packed cheeses can last in the Or substitute brie for one of the
little planning and the right fridge for several weeks. other cheeses. Present with Setting out a variety of olives offers both eye appeal and subtle taste differences.
ingredients, holiday entertain- ¦ Tortilla chips: Plain or toothpicks and napkins for
ing is a snap. flavored; square, triangular or easy self-service — or little and any variety of olives on cheddar cheese over the top, sprig of parsley, thyme or
round. butter knives (metal or plastic) small bamboo skewers and and slide under the broiler until rosemary adds a decorative
Want to impress them with ¦ Salsa in a jar: Mild or for spreading the soft brie on serve on a tray, alongside pita the cheese bubbles. Spoon touch. If you wish, you can
gourmet, local treats? The medium to please most palates. water crackers. triangles and hummus. salsa on top, sprinkle with add nuts in the shell with a
Lehigh Valley is home to a ¦ Whole pita or pita crisps: Pizza-tizers sliced, ripe black olives and nutcracker on the side.
number of shops and super- Pita bread can be frozen. Expert tip: Cut pita bread in serve on a heat-resistant board.
markets that carry baked ¦ Hummus: Choose a sealed A simple cheese pizza can triangles, brush with olive oil, Easy pleasers The key to holiday
goods, homemade treats and refrigerated package. be a canvas for appetizer art. and warm in the oven at 350 entertaining is being pre-
other goodies, including the ¦ Carrots, celery and bell Add fresh, thinly sliced bell degrees Fahrenheit for 5-6 Sometimes the simplest pared with a few simple
Allentown Farmers Market peppers: Whole veggies keep pepper, shredded mozzarella minutes. flavors are best. ingredients so you can
and the Easton Public Market. longer than pre-cut, and these cheese and a generous topping Olive nachos spend more time with
From fresh-made sushi to party three are easy to find in the of sliced black, ripe olives. Fill several small, colorful guests and less time in the
trays with Mediterranean produce aisle. Fill a cast-iron pan with bowls with olives, crunchy kitchen.
treats, these sites boast a wide ¦ Frozen cheese pizza: Bake, then cut into mini- tortilla chips, generously grate nuts and cubed cheeses. A
variety of unique items and Choose your favorite brand, slices or small squares and StatePoint
cuisines to satisfy every pal- thick crust or thin. serve on wooden cutting
ate. ¦ Olive oil: A kitchen es- boards. Drizzle with olive oil.
sential that is also healthy. Mediterranean
So stock up on the follow- medley
ing fridge, freezer and These 10 basic ingredient
pantry staples before the categories are the building Place store-bought hummus
holiday rush, and you’ll be blocks for five delicious, party- into a colorful dipping bowl.
ready, no matter who shows worthy spreads that can be Drizzle with olive oil and top
up hungry on your doorstep. prepared in 15 minutes or less. with sliced Kalamata olives.
¦ Whole nuts: Walnuts, Here’s how: On a large platter, surround the
pecans, almonds, cashews or Fast cheese- bowl with equal amounts of
pistachios. and-olive tray pita triangles, carrot and celery
¦ Olives: Whole and sliced, sticks, plus bell pepper strips.
black ripe, green, Kalamata Cube cheddar cheese, aged Serve with a bowl of Kalamata
and stuffed varieties in cans provolone and mozzarella. On olives and cubed feta cheese.
and jars. Or fresh from food a platter, make rows of alter- Cheese-and-olive
bars. nating colors with cubed white kebabs
¦ Cheese: Feta, mozzarella, cheese next to a row of green,
cheddar and aged provolone. garlic-stuffed olives, then a row Alternate cubes of moz-
And don’t forget the brie! of darker cheese and a row of zarella or provolone cheese
Seasonal warmth means fire safety, too Midnight Mass
a rite for many
T he holiday season is ¦ Make sure gifts, trees and Many families have
full of warmth, but it holiday décor are all placed a StatePoint their own unique times, and the Christmas
can also pose safety safe distance away from the Check your chimney beforehand and you won’t get burned. holiday tradi- Midnight Mass very well
risks, especially regarding the fireplace. tions, but one tradition that may have been adopted
use of candles, fire and heating ¦ Consider annual mainte- unites millions of Chris- from these practices.
products. nance for both wood-burning tians all over the world is
and gas fireplaces, as recom- the celebration of Midnight Regardless of the basis
In 2015, one home structure mended by experts. Fireplaces Mass. behind the celebration, it
fire was reported every 86 might require annual chimney can be a breathtaking and
seconds, according to the cleaning to prevent creosote In many parishes, Mid- emotional service, thanks to
National Fire Protection Asso- buildup, which can ignite. night Mass is the first cele- the memorable passages
ciation. Unfortunately, the Candles bration of Christmas Mass. read and the inclusion of
hustle and bustle associated church choirs. Many Mid-
with this time of year may Candles can be a feast for The origins of Midnight night Mass celebrants feel
mean you are paying less the senses, but they are also a Mass are not exactly the Mass serves as an im-
attention to safety precautions. major cause of accidents and known. However, certain pressive reminder of the
To protect your family and house fires, especially when monks and nuns attended true meaning of Christmas.
home, check out these tips. your home is decked out with liturgical services at mid-
Safety devices extra-combustible décor. night every day in ancient Metro Creative
Don’t burn candles near cur- Connection
Double check all of your tains, trees and other
home’s safety devices, includ- flammable objects. reach and consider alternatives Holiday Gift Card Theme Available!
ing carbon monoxide detectors such as candle warmers.
and smoke alarms for func- Never leave candles unat- Gift Cards Fit Everyone
tionality and to ensure batter- tended. Ensure all flames are The greatest holiday gift OnYour List!
ies are still working. Doing so extinguished before leaving a you can give this season is the
will offer you peace of mind room and before going to gift of safety. While decking w No expiration date
during a time of year with sleep. If you have pets or the halls, take steps to make w Good for ticket purchases for any
additional fire risks. children, make sure any open your home safer, too.
Fireplaces flames are well out of their State Theatre produced show
StatePoint w Order online, by phone
Nothing beats the charm or in person
and warmth of a fireplace,
particularly around the holi- Home of the FREDDY© AWARDS! .453 Northampton St., Easton, PA
days when the family is gath-
ered together. Heatilator, a 610-252-3132 1-800-999-STATE
leader in fireplace safety, Order
began including safety screens
as standard equipment more Fees apply.
than a decade before rules
required the use of this equip-
ment in new fireplace installa-
tions. They offer these tips:
¦ Ensure gas fireplaces are
outfitted with safety screens.
Check online or at a fireplace
retailer to find retrofit safety
¦ Never leave children or pets
unattended near a lit fireplace
or one that was recently turned
off. Safety screens are meant
to protect against contact with
hot glass, but remember that
the metal can also heat up, and
your heating equipment —
fireplaces, stoves, inserts and
their surrounding material —
will remain hot for some time
after use.
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