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Choosing toys: Child’s play it’s not
Nothing beats the ex-
citement of being a toy is age appropriateness,” toy if it’s what he or she really Durable playthings like Lincoln Logs will survive the test of time. CTW Features
kid at Christmastime says Marissa DiBartolo, wants.
and creating a holiday wish senior editor of The Toy toys remain trendy with both “In a world where technology Nostalgia toys and brands
list. For parents, however, few Insider. “Always check the “Buying a toy featuring a parents and kids alike. is constantly evolving, parents encourage families to unplug
things are more stressful than packaging and see what the beloved character is fine, but have a strong desire to return from their devices and spend
trying to balance giving a suggested age range is for a make sure it has play value,” “Nostalgia toys are very to simpler times and share some quality time together.”
child what he or she really toy. The manufacturers’ he says. popular because they allow their own childhood experi-
wants with buying the best, suggested age ranges exist for for a truly unique parent-child ences with their children. Matthew M.F. Miller/
longest-lasting toys one can lots of good reasons, includ- DiBartolo concurs. interaction,” DiBartolo says. CTW Features
afford. ing safety.” “Think about what the
child you are buying for likes.
Experts agree that toy DiBartolo also believes it’s Kids have big personalities,
quality, durability and age important to consider play and you should always con-
range are important consider- value before buying. “Ask sider what their interests are
ations when determining what yourself: Does the toy allow before purchasing a toy. Not
to purchase. for lots of imaginative play? all girls like princesses and
Can kids play together with not all boys like superheroes.
“There are landfill toys and this toy? Will kids use it more If you’re unsure, go with
there are legacy toys,” says than once? Will it last for a classic, gender-neutral op-
Richard Gottlieb of Global few years, or will they out- tions, like board games, arts-
Toy Experts, a consultancy grow it quickly?” and-crafts, or cool tech toys,”
and resource for toy-industry she says.
information. “Landfill toys And while teaching toys Grandparents, Gottlieb
tend to be relatively cheap, aren’t always the most popu- says, could forgo a child’s
based upon some character or lar with kids — at least until wish list, at least for one gift,
brand a child currently loves, they get their hands on them to teach the child about some-
and end up being thrown and realize how fun they can thing that’s important to the
away within a couple of be — DiBartolo says parents elder members of the family.
months.” and grandparents should “Grandparents could buy a
consider how any new toy child a gift that reflects the
Gottlieb describes legacy could help a child grow. grandparents’ passions. For
toys as those that are durable example, if a grandfather was
— typically made from wood, “Will it help develop their an Air Force pilot, he might
metal, or heavy plastic — that fine motor skills? Will it aid in want to buy a model plane or a
can grow with the child, enhancing social-emotional book on planes,” he says.
involve some form of mastery, growth? All kids learn “The most that will happen is
and can withstand being through play, but make sure that the grandparent will
passed down to other chil- you are choosing toys that create an enthusiasm in the
dren. “Because legacy toys will help kids grow in ways grandchild that they can
are more expensive, they need that are right for them,” share. The least is that the
to be seen as an investment,” DiBartolo says. child will get a sense of who
he says. their grandparent is, which
Above all, parents should will pay dividends in later
Premier legacy toys, ac- purchase toys that match their years.”
cording to Gottlieb, are Lego child’s interests. Part of the The most popular toys for
sets, Tonka trucks, Meccano joy of Christmas morning is 2016 are those that teach kids
robots, Lincoln Logs, Ameri- getting exactly what was how to code, small collect-
can Girl dolls and even bears asked for, and, while he ibles and small technology
from Build-A-Bear. stresses the importance of toys. Also, as has been the
durable toys, Gottlieb agrees case in recent years, nostalgia
“The most important thing there’s no harm in getting
to consider before buying a your child a quality branded
Make a gardener bloom with smiles
The holiday season is a
great opportunity to regular tasks more com- For indoor use actually grow five times faster Enjoy the results Another great gift for
give those with green fortable and convenient. When there’s a chill in the than soil gardens. Automated Half the fun of gardening is herb and vegetable garden-
thumbs the tools they need For example, pruning is no LED lights and reminders to ers is a salad dressing maker
to help them grow things. fun with shears that are air, consider focusing your add water make growing fun reaping the benefits of one’s that has pre-marked settings
rusted or hard to handle. To attention on gardening gifts for seasoned gardeners and labor. Help gardeners turn for oil, vinegar and herbs,
Here are a few thoughtful upgrade your gift recipi- that can be used indoors. One easy for even those with no their harvest into something which can take the guess
gift ideas to make the holi- ent’s gardening tool box, unique gift for a gardener of gardening experience. delicious. An herb chopper work out of meal prepara-
days brighter for the garden- look for a rust-resistant any level is an indoor garden makes a great stocking tion during busy week
ers you love. stainless steel blade and a kit, which are available online Well-suited for a kitchen stuffer. To speed up herb nights.
Handy Items no-slip rubber grip. For or in some gardening stores. countertop, this is a safe, preparation and help garden-
safety, the shears should be healthy and easy way to grow ers avoid bruising the leaves With a few creative ideas,
Every gardener needs able to lock into place Hydroponic gardens let fresh herbs and vegetables they worked so hard to grow, it’s easy to make a gardener
top-notch tools to make when not in use. your loved one grow fresh year-round. To learn more look for one with multiple smile this holiday season.
herbs, vegetables and flowers visit rounded blades.
in water, not soil. And they StatePoint
Enjoy Holiday Performances at MILLER SYMPHONY HALL
2016 QUARTET 2016
7:30PM Sun 7pm
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Sponsors: PATHSTONES BY PHOEBE • WDIY $25 adv/ $30 door Sponsor: ARBOR INSURANCE GROUP $35-$45+fees/$15 students
Bring in the New Year!
NOW! Sat 7:30pm
Student Tickets
with the at Box Office!
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Ronald Demkee, Pops Conductor
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YOU choose the amount, THEY choose the show
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Just Steps Away! Allentown, PA 18101