Page 4 - Holiday Showcase 2016
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Giving a pet? Don’t make the fur fly!
The blissful image of a
young child or a sig- with your loved one whether that are described as “hypoal- Finances Metro Creative Connection
nificant other receiving his or her lease allows pets lergenic.” While some people Pets can be expensive, Adorable doesn’t always translate into practical when giving a gift.
a pet as a holiday gift compels before adopting or buying an are more sensitive to certain
many shoppers to give pets as animal. If you don’t want to breeds of cats and dogs than especially in the first year.
gifts come Christmastime. But spoil the surprise or you can- others, there is no guarantee According to the American
pets are unlike any other not confirm if a loved one’s that a particular breed of cat or Society for the Prevention of
holiday gift, as they are living living situation is pet-friendly, dog will not cause an allergic Cruelty to Animals, the
creatures that require food, don’t go forward with this reaction. first-year cost of owning a
shelter and attention, attention, idea. Timing dog is nearly $1,300, while
attention. Shoppers must Allergies the first-year cost of cat
consider a host of factors There are good times to ownership exceeds $1,000.
before deciding whether or not Some people, including give pets as gifts, while other These estimates include the
giving one this holiday season many who profess to love pets, times can be tough. Pets need cost of food, shelter, and
will create conflicts or dis- cannot have them in thier time and routine to acclimate medical exams, among other
cord. homes because of allergies. to their new environments, so things. Before giving a pet to
Living situation According to the Asthma and avoid giving a new pet to a a child, consult the child’s
Allergy Foundation of Ameri- family about to embark on a parents to determine if the
Shoppers who plan to give a ca, as many as three in 10 lengthy holiday vacation. family can afford adding a
pet to someone they don’t live people in the United States Families staying home for pet to the family. If parents
with, whether that person is a have pet allergies. Cat aller- the holidays and taking time need some financial help to
niece or nephew or a girlfriend gies are twice as common as off from school or work may afford the pet, include sup-
or boyfriend, should first dog allergies, but those who be most capable of welcom- plies like bowls, leashes, and
consider and/or confirm the intend to give their loved ones ing a new furry addition into toys in your holiday gift.
recipients’ living situation. a dog should still confirm if their homes. If you want to
Landlords may forbid apart- the recipient has a dog allergy give a loved one a pet for the Pets can make for wonder-
ment dwellers from having before adopting or purchasing holidays, delay giving the ful gifts. But such gifts
pets, so it’s best to confirm the animal. The AAFA also gift until things have returned should only be given after
warns against looking for pets to post-holiday normalcy. careful consideration of a
host of factors.
Metro Creative Connection
Weight worries needn’t shrink your fun
Even with a year of
healthy habits under But you don’t have to let the to stay slim. weight than dieting alone.
your belt, it’s easy to holiday parties, extra trays of Here are some smart ways Safe, effective and gentle, they
let the holiday season influ- cookies floating around, and won’t cause digestive issues
ence your bathroom scale. massive buffets and feasts to keep yourself trim at Christ- when taken as directed. More
get the better of your resolve mas and New Year’s and avoid information can be found
canceling out an entire year’s online.
worth of diet consciousness.
DECEMBER Schedule workouts StatePoint Use moderation
Sure, the holiday season is Go for the goodies, but keep in mind that moderation is the key. Even with a workout pro-
OFFER! super busy. There is more nately, the holidays can be a that sell nature-based supple- gram in place and weight-loss
shopping to do, errands to particularly frustrating time of ments that can help reduce tools to aid your dieting ef-
BONUS $10 GIFT CARD* complete, and social engage- year to avoid it — for instance, calorie absorption from fats forts, it’s important to not let
wit*hwityhothuisradpaundrpcurhchaasseemoadfe 1$2/380/16o-r12/m24/o16re! ments to keep. But through it pumpkin pie can have 20 and carbs. These are usually the holiday season be a caloric
Gift Idea! all, be diligent in finding grams of fat in just one slice taken after each meal with a blank check. Use the same
Heated birdbaths so your opportunities to burn more and a gingerbread cookie has glass of water. sensible tricks that work for
feathered friends can have calories. Use the stairs instead 7 grams of fat. you all year long.
water in Winter and many of taking the elevator or esca- The tablets contain
more unique items for the lator. Park farther away from Rather than avoiding your Litramine, a weight-loss For example, if you’re
bird watcher in your life! an entrance than you normally favorite foods and treats alto- ingredient that binds to dietary eyeing the party buffet, pri-
would. Do calf raises as you gether, consider weight-loss fat and reduces the number of oritize your favorite treats so
Seed • Feeders • Baths • Houses wait in line. Curl weights or solutions that don’t require fat calories absorbed by the you don’t end up getting
ID Books • CDs • Squirrel Proof Feeders perform squats as you talk on specific meal planning or a body. Studies have shown stuffed on items you don’t
the telephone. And, if you massively restrictive diet, such users of such supplements can even enjoy. Fill your first plate
2008 Stefko Blvd., Bethlehem belong to a health club, pri- as those offered by companies lose up to three times more with fruits, veggies and other
oritize your trips to the gym as healthy options before diving
610.691.8843 you would any other appoint- into the richer fare. And, of
ment on your calendar. course, make sure you drink
Cut the fat plenty of water between those
servings of egg nog and cham-
Fat has more calories per pagne.
milligram than any other
nutrient, and most people It pays to give your 2017
underestimate the amount of resolutions a great jump-start
fat they consume. Unfortu- by minding your health during
the current holiday season.
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PA PUC #A-00111863
- The Morning Call
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ADMISSION Sat 10:30 - 5:30
Sun 10:30 - 3:30
Show starts at the
bottom of each hour.
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