Page 10 - Go Red For Women 2017
P. 10

What is a silent stroke? The importance of
                                                                                                                                                    annual health exams
                                                 W hen working at
                                                                optimal capac-                                                                      A nnual health exams
                                                                ity, the brain is                                                                             are a key compo-
                                                                a wonder to                                                                                   nent of maintain-
                                                 behold. When illness or                                                                                      ing a healthy life-
                                                 trauma affects the brain,
                                                                                                                                                       A person may not see the
                                                 various parts of the body                                                                          need to visit the doctor if he
                                                                                                                                                    or she is feeling well, but
                                                 may not work as they                                                                               not every disease or condi-
                                                                                                                                                    tion manifests itself in a
                                                 should.                                                                                            way that people can detect.

                                                 One of the more devas-                                                                                An annual health exam
                                                                                                                                                    is the first tool for doctors to
                                                 tating things that can affect                                                                      help them identify people
                                                                                                                                                    who may need follow up
                                                 the brain is stroke. Stroke                                                                        care or more tests, says                                                       Metro Creative Connectiont
                                                                                                                                                    Dwithiya K. Thomas, M.D.,
                                                 describes a sudden stop-                                                                           a cardiologist with St.           able talking about their        120, while the bottom
                                                                                                                                                    Luke’s University Health          health with a female doctor.    should be less than 80,
                                                 page of blood from reac-                                                                           Network.                                                          according to the Mayo
                                                                                                                                                                                         “There’s a certain type of   Clinic.
                                                 hing the brain. Harvard                                                                               In fact, nearly one-third      connection that is made in
                                                                                                                                                    of the 133 million Ameri-         conversation,” she said,           ? Respiration rate: The
                                                 Medical School states that                                                                         cans living with a chronic        adding that she can empa-       doctor will measure the
                                                                                                                                                    disease are unaware of the        thize with women patients       number of breaths taken in
                                                 if a large number of brain                                                                         presence of their conditions.     because as women, they          a minute. Between 12 and
                                                                                                                                                    Routine physical exams can        have similar experiences,       16 breaths per minute is
                                                 cells are starved of blood                                              Metro Creative Connection  detect serious illnesses          roles and stressors.            normal for a healthy adult.
                                                                                                                                                    before they do much dam-                                          Breathing more than 20
                                                 supply, the cells can die,        Stroke can impact anyone at any age.                             age.                              Current ailments                times per minute can sug-
                                                                                                                                                                                         After discussing a pa-       gest heart or lung problems.
                                                 which could impact a per-                                                                             “It’s one of those screen-
                                                                                                                                                    ing tools that can help iden-     tient’s history, the doctor        ? Pulse oximetry: Pulse
                                                 son’s memory and ability          toms appearing for a few       above mentioned risk fac-         tify people who may need          may ask if they are having      oximetry is a test used to
                                                                                   minutes or a few hours.        tors also increase risk of        to have more of a work up         any problems they cannot        measure the oxygen level
                                                 to speak and move.                                               having atrial fibrillation.”      to catch things early,” she       explain. These can include      (oxygen saturation) of the
                                                                                      “Discuss with your                                            said. “It’s the best way to be    changes in eating or sleep-     blood. Normal pulse oxime-
                                                 There is one particular           doctor and specifically say       Strokes can afflict any-       able to prevent heart dis-        ing patterns; aches and         ter readings usually range
                                                                                   that you are concerned         one, at any age.                  ease.”                            pains; lumps or bumps and       from 95 to 100 percent.
                                                 type of stroke — a “silent        about the possibility of                                                                           other abnormalities.            Values under 90 percent are
                                                                                   silent stroke,” said Dr.          “Silent strokes tend to           No two physical exams                                          considered low.
                                                 stroke” — symptoms are            Nguyen. “If same, even         recur. Up to a quarter of         will be exactly alike, but        Vital signs
                                                                                   mild, symptoms recur           strokes in people 70 and          many will share some gen-            A doctor will check a        Physical exam
SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2017                           far more subtle and difficult     within a short time, seek      older are silent. However,        eral features.                                                       The examination will
                                                                                   immediate medical atten-       strokes can happen to                                               patient’s vital signs during
                                                 to spot.                          tion.”                         younger people as well,” he       Health history                    the physical. Areas the         also include physical com-
                                                                                                                  said. “Silent strokes expose         A crucial element of a         doctor will look at include     ponents. The doctor will
                                                 Silent cerebral infarc-              There are some ways to      the victim to larger, more                                          but are not limited to:         perform a visual inspection
                                                                                   safeguard against a stroke,    serious strokes and are           physical exam will include                                        of the skin and body for any
                                                 tion, often referred to as        including good lifestyle       often diagnosed inciden-          a thorough health history if         ? Heart rate: This           abnormalities, such as the
                                                                                   habits such as diet and        tally. Even if one has not        the physician doesn’t al-         measures the speed at           presence of skin cancer.
                                                 “SCI” or “silent stroke,” is      exercise; also avoid to-       experienced a large stroke,       ready have one on file. The       which the heart is pumping.
                                                                                   bacco products and exoge-      multiple silent, small ones       doctor will take time to ask      Normal resting heart rate       Comprehensive testing
                                                 a brain injury likely caused      nous hormone supple-           increase dementia risk as         questions about family            values range from 60 to 100        In addition to the exam
                                                                                   ments.                         well.”                            history of illness, health        beats per minute.
                                                 by a blood clot interrupting                                                                       habits, any vices (smoking,                                       at the office, the physical
                                                                                      “In general, risk factors      To reduce the risk of any      drinking alcohol, etc.),             ? Blood pressure: A          may include an electrocar-
                                                 blood flow to the brain,          for stroke are nearly the      type of stroke, try adding        exercise schedule, and diet.      blood pressure cuff (sphyg-     diogram, or EKG, to check
                                                                                   same as atherosclerosis        healthy habits to your life-                                        momanometer) will mea-          electrical activity of the
                                                 according to the American         ones,” Nguyen said. “Most      style. These include:                Thomas said some wom-          sure systolic and diastolic     heart; blood count and
                                                                                   common predisposing                                              en may be more comfort-           pressure. Systolic pressure     cholesterol checks through
                                                 Stroke Association. Silent        factors are age, high BP          ? managing high blood                                            measures the force with         bloodwork; body mass
                                                                                   (which is often asymptom-      pressure and high choles-                                           which the blood is pushing      index testing; X-rays or
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL  strokes increase risk for         atic), high blood sugar        terol levels                                                        through the arteries. The       MRIs and bone-density
                                                                                   (diabetes), tobacco use,                                                                           diastolic blood pressure is     tests.
                                                 other strokes and can be a        obesity and sleep apnea. In       ? quitting smoking                                               the pressure in the arteries
                                                                                   addition, atrial fibrillation     ? reducing the risk of                                           between beats, when the            Metro Creative Connec-
                                                 sign of progressive brain         — upper chambers losing        diabetes and effectively                                            heart rests. The systolic (top  tion contributed to this
                                                                                   their pumping/squeezing        treating the condition if it is                                     number) should be below         report.
                                                 damage.                           ability — greatly increases    present
                                                                                   risk of stroke by causing         ? losing weight to pre-
                                                 Minh Nguyen, M.D., a              blood stasis, thus blood clot  vent obesity
                                                                                   formation. Atrial fibrilla-       ? exercising and avoid-
                                                 cardiologist with Coor-           tion can be intermittent       ing a sedentary lifestyle
                                                                                   (“paroxysmal”). All the           Metro Creative Connec-
                                                 dinated Health, said this                                        tion contributed to this
                                                 type of stroke is called

                                                 “silent” because it is so

                                                 small that it does not cause

                                                 appreciable symptoms or

                                                 so light that one may not

                                                 think much of it. For exam-

                                                 ple, it could be as subtle as

                                                 a transient numbing sensa-

                                                 tion or a brief uncoordinat-

                                                 ed action that is mistaken

                                                 for being “normal” or “no

                                                 big deal.”

                                                 Silent strokes should not

                                                 be mistaken for mini-

                                                 strokes. A mini-stroke is a

10                                               brief but discrete and mem-
                                                 orable event, with symp-
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