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The best (and worst) foods for heart health

N o one wants to                 to make any one food a           some soy products.               and then doused in salt.      the salt shaker in the spice                                                                                                                                                         Metro Creative Connection                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
           hear from their       habit. The following are            ? Beans: Beans and               ? Sausage: Processed       cabinet and opt for herbs
           doctors that they     some foods to promote                                                                           for flavoring, advises the                                                                                                                                              be found in dairy products,
           have joined the       heart health and some foods      other legumes are an excel-      meats have frequently         American Heart Associ-                                                                                                                                                  particularly the full-fat
millions of people across        you might want to avoid.         lent source of protein and       earned a bad reputation       ation. High-sodium diets                                                                                                                                                versions. Butter, sour cream
the globe who have been                                           can be a stand-in for meats      among cardiologists, but      often are to blame for                                                                                                                                                  and milk can be problemat-
diagnosed with heart dis-        Good                             that are high in saturated fat.  sausage can be a big offend-  hypertension.                                                                                                                                                           ic when people overindulge.
ease.                               ? Tree nuts: Tree nuts        Beans also contain choles-       er, due in large part to its                                                                                                                                                                          Opt for low-fat dairy when
                                                                  terol-lowering soluble fiber     high saturated fat content.      ? Dairy: Artery-clog-                                                                                                                                                possible.
   Many factors contribute       contain unsaturated fats that    and folate,.                                                   ging saturated fat also can
to the development of heart      can help lower LDL choles-                                           ? Red meats: Enjoying                                                                                                                                                                                 Metro Creative
disease, including smoking,      terol (the bad stuff) and           ? Yogurt: Researchers in      a steak is probably not as                                                                                                                                                                               Connection
lack of exercise and stress.     improve HDL (the good            Japan found yogurt may           bad as eating a deep-fried
Diet and whether a person        stuff).                          protect against gum disease.     brownie, but it’s best to
is overweight or obese can                                        Left untreated, gum disease      limit red meat consumption
also have a direct link to          ? Whole grains: Whole         may elevate a person’s risk      to about 10 percent or less
heart health.                    grains contain complex           for heart disease.               of your diet.
                                 carbohydrates for energy, as
   A variety of foods are        well as protein and fiber.          ? Raisins: Raisins con-          ? Added sugars: Sugar
considered helpful for           Fiber can help scrub choles-     tain antioxidants that may       can increase blood pressure
maintaining a strong and         terol from the blood, lower-     help reduce inflammation.        and triglyceride levels.
healthy heart and cardiovas-     ing bad cholesterol levels.                                       Sugar often hides out in
cular system, while others                                        Poor                             foods that you would not
can contribute to conditions        ? Fatty fish: Many               ? Fried foods: Many           associate with the sweet-
that may eventually lead to      cold-water, fatty fish, such as                                   ener. Plus, many people
cardiovascular disease or        halibut, herring and salmon,     fried foods have little nutri-   unwittingly consume too
cardiac arrest. Moderation       contain omega-3 fatty acids,     tional value, as they tend to    much sugar simply through
enables a person to sample       which are heart-healthy.         be high in saturated and         sugar-sweetened beverages
a little of everything, but not  Omega-3s also can be found       trans fats. French fries are     and ready-to-eat cereals.
                                 in walnuts, flaxseed and         particularly bad because
                                                                  they are carbohydrates fried        ? Salty foods: Leave

Cholesterol and its relation to heart disease                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TITLE SPONSORS

   High cholesterol levels       Study, which is the longest-     tion, people can adopt a         InspiFr&OatREionAntDaelrUtEaLdiTnuSicna5gt0i+onal
have long been directly          running and most compre-         healthy eating style. Fatty      FREE ADMISSIONSandSsaBt9euatrh.dmlaey.h,teoJmu4nEepv.1me7n.tthCenterexTMhoibfoiinrtnodirnoogurtCemaxlpoleraer6ctc1asob0puo-e8nua2ttk0bre-ere6p,c6pro8elme7saeisnnetgactaoivnseptaoocnrtscyoaorl,ul r
linked to heart disease. But     hensive study on heart           fish, whole grains, leafy                                                                                                                                                                                                              YsWp•p•e••rH•aeFoT•’H•klIiled•rlM•dnieCa(okavubEreasFlvemioesectaunnnoeehdtssarpctplgesomiegnifaracdaaioaryiendnmaectnlnorsSrtdaade/euddiepaailcnxnrmcgrmaathrethoprmhieinnteenuinpvrtiebddadeorgiielgrisilelnimctntaineeciamonhtenmtsagoedreysflsennsupusueniat-tlolsrnratlsnisaeftnucdufpndsecerfaelcroo,gavsyeirpinmincmboolngaurmfpilaassn)etetunixagironotpsv.nsnieitiscristeettoess,d  SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2017
as more research into cho-       disease to date, it was dem-     greens, fiber and nuts can
lesterol and its relation to     onstrated that cholesterol       help reduce inflammation.                                      LEHIGH VALLE
heart disease is conducted,      intake in the diet had no
some doctors are shifting        correlation with heart dis-         Exercise also can reduce                                      JEWELRY & COINS
their views on the relation-     ease.                            inflammation. Research
ship between the two.                                             from Mark Hamer, an epi-         successfulaginglehighvalley.comBody Makeover
                                    Many researchers now          demiologist at University        Dr. Augello Health &
   Statistics from the           believe the primary causes       College London, found
American Heart Associ-           of heart disease are inflam-     that, regardless of BMI or       #agingexpolehighvalley brought to you by The Morning Call and our sponsors                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         11
ation indicate that 75 mil-      mation and oxidative stress.     weight, study participants
lion Americans currently                                          who completed 2.5 hours
suffer from heart disease.          According to Dr.              of moderate exercise each
And even though one-             Dwight Lundell, a heart          week — about 20 minutes
quarter of the population        surgeon and author of the        a day — lowered their
takes cholesterol-lowering       book, “The Great Choles-         markers of inflammation by
medication and have re-          terol Lie,” foods like re-       at least 12 percent.
duced the fat content of         fined sugars and vegetable
their diets, the AHA esti-       oils used to preserve proc-         When a person exer-
mates that more Americans        essed foods may lead to the      cises, muscle tissue releases
will die of heart disease        inflammation that ulti-          a protein molecule called
than ever before.                mately causes heart dis-         cytokine, which likely
                                 ease. Inflammation is the        prompts an inflammation
   New research has shown        body’s immune response to        drop. Just about any type of
that statin drugs are ineffec-   a foreign invader. Foods         workout that raises heart
tive at reducing mortality       high in sugar and saturated      rate is effective in helping
rates in most populations.       fat can exacerbate inflam-       with inflammation.
Furthermore, according to        mation.
the Framingham Heart                                                 Metro Creative
                                    To combat inflamma-              Connection
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