Page 5 - Go Red For Women 2017
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5 Heart healthy habits Signs of stress that
H eart disease and must be addressed
stroke cause one
in three deaths I f you feel out of sorts, Stress is a part of Metro Creative Connection
among women it may be your body life, but when it
each year, killing approxi- Metro Creative Connection trying to deal with dominates daily the body’s immune system, SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
mately one woman every 80 stress. activities, it’s time making it increasingly
seconds. A low-fat diet can help keep weight off and is part of a heart-healthy “Everyone reacts to to get help. vulnerable to colds. The
lifestyle. stress differently,” said AIS notes that a weakened
While there are many Interventional Cardiologist some of the ways the body immune system also makes
risk factors involved that are losing five to 10 percent of 48 ounces (about six cups) Harnish Chawla, M.D., an might be telling adults to the body more susceptible SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2017
beyond one’s control, a your body weight can lower of cold water increased independent staff member step back and make an to additional viral disor-
healthy lifestyle can make a the risk of a heart attack,” calorie burn at rest by up to of Easton Hospital. “Ev- effort to relieve stress. ders, including herpes, and 5
big difference. says Dawn Zier, CEO of 50 calories per day. This eryone has stress in their autoimmune diseases such
Nutrisystem and the 2017 alone could melt a pound in life; some of it is positive ? Headaches, muscle as rheumatoid arthritis and
Even small changes can Go Red for Women Cam- a little more than two and some is negative.” tension, neck or back multiple sclerosis.
add up, says Nidhi Mehta, paign Chair in Philadelphia. months. And drinking it pain: Some headaches or
M.D., a cardiologist with before meals could give you However, if the stress is aches and pains might be ? Loss of appetite or
LVPG Cardiology at the Research suggests that an added bonus, as a Vir- impacting your daily life, mere nuisances or indica- overeating: Stress can
Muhlenberg campus of eating smaller, balanced ginia Tech study found that it could be time to seek tive of issues unrelated to affect the gastrointestinal
Lehigh Valley Health Net- meals throughout the day dieters who drank two, professional help. Stress stress. But when such system in various ways,
work. promotes greater weight eight-ounce glasses of water can cause havoc on the symptoms are accompa- including influencing
loss and maintenance, and before meals for 12 weeks body by raising blood nied by stress, this could appetite. While not all
“If you park in a parking can also be good for your lost 36 percent more weight pressure and increasing be the body’s way of alert- problems with appetite are
lot, park farther out,” she heart. Schedule meals every than those who didn’t down heart rate, among other ing men and women that indicative of a body that is
said “Exercise doesn’t have two to three hours, six times the water. things. the stress is approaching overstressed, stress can
to be walking ... Just get out a day. unhealthy levels. prompt some people to eat
and get your heart rate up, ? Put your phone Chawla said panic at- much more than they nor-
that’s all we’re wanting If you have children, away: Checking your email tacks can mimic a heart ? Chest pains and/or mally do, while others may
your to do.” teach them early about the in the morning will just attack, with heart palpita- rapid heartbeat: Chest eat considerably less than
food pyramid and eating stress you out. Many pro- tions and shortness of pains and rapid heartbeat they normally would.
Here are five healthy healthy. ductivity experts recom- breath. “If tests come back may indicate various prob-
habits that can reduce your mend waiting at least an normal, ultimately it’s just lems, including stress. This ? Diarrhea or consti-
risk for illness. “The key thing is learn- hour once you get to work stress.” happens when the body is pation: Another indicator
ing moderation from a food before checking your inbox, stressed because stress that stress is compromising
? Move about: Exercise standpoint,” Mehta said. “If so you can tackle your most “If you are having other causes the nervous system the gastrointestinal system
doesn’t have to be daunting! they want a piece of candy, important priorities calmly symptoms and it’s impact- to signal the adrenal glands is diarrhea or constipation.
Aim for 10-minute sessions, that’s OK, but they have to without getting distracted. ing your health, seek help,” to release hormones that Again, while these prob-
three times daily. Movement understand they have to eat he said. make the heart beat faster lems are not exclusive to
sets your metabolism in mo- their fruits and vegetables Be proactive. Take steps and increase blood pres- sufferers of stress, when a
tion, so make sure it’s a con- and they have to eat the rest to improve your health and The American Institute sure. person is under stress, this
sistent part of your life. of their food.” reduce your risk for serious of Stress notes that various can affect which nutrients
illness. disorders, both emotional ? Difficulty falling or the body can successfully
“If you can even do 15 ? Rise, shine, drink and physical, have been staying asleep: Men and absorb and how quickly
minutes of exercise, your water. You’ll burn more StatePoint contributed to linked to stress. Such dis- women who are feeling food is metabolized.
risk of heart disease goes calories all day: A German this report. orders include depression, stressed out and also expe-
down,” Dr. Mehta said. “We study found that drinking stroke, hypertension, and riencing difficulty falling Metro Creative Connec-
all have very busy lives and anxiety, among others. In asleep or staying asleep tion contributed to this re-
trying to make time for this its 2015 Stress in America should consult their physi- port.
can be challenging.” survey, the American Psy- cians about ways to allevi-
chological Association ate that stress.
? Get sleep: Sleeping found that money, stress
fewer than seven hours a and family responsibilities ? Increased frequency
night can make you gain are the three most common of colds: Stress can attack
weight and have more trou- stressors. While the symp-
ble taking it off, according toms of stress are uncom-
to Columbia University fortable and potentially
research. Another study very dangerous, the APA
found that people who get notes that such indicators
enough sleep have a 5 per- also serve as a warning
cent higher metabolism from the body that it needs
than people who don’t. That maintenance and extra
means more calories burned care. The following are
while you’re sleeping.
Doesn’t get much easier
than that.
? Eat small and well:
“Studies have found that