Page 7 - Go Red For Women 2016
P. 7
ts about the heart Why it’s important to be
checked for high blood pressure
T he human heart and
the miles of blood Metro Creative Connection At a checkup, often, the High blood ■ Stress, emotion, pain,
vessels that snake Did you know a woman’s heart beats faster than a man’s heart? first thing your health care physical activity, caffeine
through the body provider does is check pressure often has consumption or nicotine
are a wonder to behold. “The more you walk, ■ The thumping sound of your blood pressure — and use SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
Made up of three inde- the more you lose weight,” the heart is made by the for good reason. High no signs or ■ Some people have high
pendent components, the he said. “You need to shed four valves of the heart blood pressure is the lead- blood pressure only in a SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2016
cardiovascular system weight because more closing. ing cause of death in the symptoms. medical setting or around
functions best when these weight is more work for ■ If a heart has an ade- United States, affecting medical staff, also known 7
three components, which the heart.” quate supply of oxygen, it nearly one in three adults whose blood pressure is at as “white coat hyperten-
include the heart, lungs can beat even when sepa- — but you can control it. the high end of the normal sion”
and portal vessels, work The human cardiovas- rated from the body, thanks range, African Americans, ■ An incorrect reading.
cohesively. cular system is nothing to its own electrical im- High blood pressure, or and people who are over-
short of fascinating, and pulse. hypertension, is a serious weight or obese. Also, Unless it is clear that
Each day 2,000 gallons the following are some ■ Ancient Egyptians condition that increases a people are more likely to treatment should begin
of blood travel through the even more remarkable believed the heart, rather person’s risk for heart develop high blood pres- right away (because of
blood vessels to provide facts about this wonder of than the brain, was the attack, stroke, and kidney sure as they get older. very high blood pressure,
oxygenated blood to the nature, courtesy of Merco- source of emotion, wisdom and heart failure. Often, signs of organ damage, or
body and remove waste la, PBS, CPR Certified and memory. high blood pressure has no Fortunately, there are a diagnosis of high blood
materials, including carbon medical training group, ■ Unlike other cells, red signs or symptoms. many ways to manage high pressure caused by another
dioxide. That’s a lot of and LiveScience. blood cells do not contain blood pressure and lower medical condition), the
traveling. In fact, accord- ■ The heart beats around nuclei so they have room “Hypertension is known your risk of negative out- Task Force recommended
ing to LiveScience, if you 2.5 billion times in the to carry oxygen. However, as the silent killer. When it comes. Eating a healthy that people who have a
were to lay out all of the average person’s lifetime. this absence is why they makes noise or causes diet, losing weight, manag- high blood pressure read-
arteries, capillaries and cannot divide or synthesize symptoms, it is often times ing stress and getting more ing during their examina-
veins in one adult from Red blood cells have to new cell components. too late,” said Dr. Minh Q. exercise are lifestyle tion also take their blood
end-to-end, they would move in a single-file line to ■ Healthy bone marrow Nguyen, FACC, chief of changes that can make a pressure several times
stretch roughly 60,000 fit through the miniscule will constantly manufac- cardiology at Coordinated big difference for someone outside of the doctor’s
miles, which means that capillaries in the body. ture new red blood cells. Health. His patients always with high blood pressure. office to confirm the diag-
our blood vessels could ■ When the body is at ■ Within a tiny droplet of ask, “Why must I take In addition, a primary care nosis before starting treat-
wrap around the Earth 2.5 rest, it takes about six blood, there are about 5 medication when I feel physician may prescribe ment.
times. seconds for the blood to go million red blood cells. fine?” And he replies, medication to lower high
from the heart to the lungs ■ The right ventricle is “Because hypertension is blood pressure. There are two ways to
It’s important to follow and back. responsible for moving the silent assassin!” confirm high blood pres-
a healthy lifestyle to main- ■ A woman’s heart typi- blood to the lungs, where it If you are diagnosed sure outside of the office.
tain that system, says Dr. cally beats faster than a will receive fresh oxygen Blood pressure is usu- with high blood pressure, Your doctor may provide a
Daniel Mascarenhas, clini- man’s heart, at a rate of 78 and nutrients. The left ally checked during well- you should talk to your wearable machine that
cal professor of medicine times per minute (mens’ atrium and left ventricle ness exams at the family’s doctor about treatment automatically records your
at Drexel University’s hearts beat 70 times per receive this oxygenated doctor. If the blood pres- options and select a plan blood pressure every half
College of Medicine. Mas- minute). blood back from the lungs. sure reading is high or too that works for you. hour. Or, he or she may
carenhas is affiliated with ■ The corneas in a per- low, the family doctor may suggest you use a home
Easton Hospital. son’s eyes are the only Metro Creative refer the patient to a cardi- Once is not enough blood pressure monitor to
bodily cells that do not Connection ologist. The U.S. Preventive take more readings. Your
“People don’t realize receive a blood supply. doctor will then look at
the consequences of An initial screening at Services Task Force re- these numbers to confirm
weight gain and stress on the cardiologist’s office cently reviewed the sci- your high blood pressure
the heart,” he said, adding includes a full vital signs ence on screening for high diagnosis and see if you
weight gain becomes a work up — including blood pressure and recom- need to begin treatment for
slippery slope because checking blood pressure, mended such tests in high blood pressure.
eventually the person can’t oxygen levels and body adults age 18 years and
walk and get exercise. mass index. An EKG also older. Anyone age 40 years
“After a while, your heart might be performed to and older and those who
is going to fail.” check the heart’s rhythm. Having a high blood are at an increased risk for
Depending on what is seen pressure reading during a high blood pressure should
He recommended peo- in the screening, the cardi- doctor’s examination does be screened every year.
ple walk 14,000 steps each ologist may recommend not always mean a person People ages 18 to 39 years
day as part of a healthy more tests. actually has continuous and those who do not have
lifestyle that includes a diet high blood pressure. A other risk factors should be
that avoids foods that Managing your risks blood pressure reading can screened every three to five
could raise blood pressure People at an increased be high for other reasons, years.
— like salty foods in- such as:
cluding cheese and cold risk of developing hyper- NAPS
cuts. tension include those
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