Page 5 - Go Red For Women 2016
P. 5
all heart attacks Eating right can improve quality of life
have the same signs
Berries and whole changes. But the right ■ Fruits and vegetables:
If all heart attacks were go away.” ■ Shortness of breath, with grains are nutritious foods foods can go a long way Produce is good for the SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
the same, the symptoms Mehta said, for example, or without chest discomfort. that can help men and toward increasing both life body because it’s low in
would be easy to spot. ■ Breaking out into a cold women live longer, healthi- expectancy and quality of calories and high in fiber,
a woman might have flu- sweat er lives. life. Those who want to vitamins and other nutri-
But heart disease affects like symptoms that aren’t ■ Nausea or vomiting employ diet to increase ents. Numerous studies
everyone differently and getting better or worse after ■ Lightheadedness Legend states that on their life expectancy may have indicated that diets
can take many forms, in- several days, or having April 2, 1513, Spanish want to start adding more plentiful in fruits and veg-
cluding an abnormal heart heartburn when she didn’t Women who consider explorer Juan Ponce de of the following foods to etables help people main-
rhythm — called an ar- have it previously. themselves healthy often Leon was the first Europe- their breakfast, lunch and tain a healthy weight and
rhythmia, a heart valve misdiagnose or dismiss the an to discover modern-day dinner plates. protect against cardiovascu-
problem or atherosclerosis, “Women’s symptoms are symptoms of a heart attack Florida when he traveled ■ Broccoli, grapes and lar disease.
which is a build-up of so atypical and varied that because they don’t think it on a quest for the mythical salad: According to Health ■ Whole grains: Whole
plaque in the walls of the it’s not a bad idea to get could happen to them. That “Fountain of Youth.” While magazine, researchers have grains pack a lot of nutri-
arteries that may lead to a help sooner too,” she said, is why it is crucial for wom- modern science has proven found that compounds in tion into a low-calorie food.
heart attack. adding if it’s not a heart en to learn about heart that there is no mystical these three foods boast Whole grains help protect
attack, that can be ruled out disease. fountain or body of water extra life-extending ben- against type 2 diabetes, and
Unfortunately, 64 per- and the woman can get the that can reverse or slow efits. researchers at the Univer-
cent of women who die appropriate treatment. The first step toward down the aging process, ■ Berries: In addition to sity of Texas Health Scien-
suddenly from coronary better heart health should be there are many steps people their abundance of antioxi- ces Center found study
heart disease had no previ- According to the Ameri- a visit with your doctor to can take to age well and dants, berries have other participants whose diets
ous symptoms. can Heart Association, discuss your personal risk prolong their lives. benefits. A 2012 study from included plenty of whole
many women believe that factors for heart disease, Harvard University found grains and fruit cut their
Cardiologist Nidhi Meh- the telltale sign of a heart including family history, no Eating the right foods is that at least one serving of heart disease risk by almost
ta, MD, of the Lehigh Val- attack is extreme chest pain, matter what your age. Your one way to age well. Ac- blueberries or two servings half compared to those
ley Health Network’s Physi- but that is not always the doctor can also perform cording to Ralph Felder, of strawberries each week whose diets favored meat
cians Group Cardiology- case. Common heart attack basic screenings, such as M.D., Ph.D., coauthor of may reduce the risk of and fatty foods.
Muhlenberg, said the symp- symptoms in women in- blood pressure and choles- “The Bonus Years Diet,” cognitive decline in older
toms of a heart attack vary clude: terol. Knowing these num- reversing the aging process adults. Metro Creative
so much in women that it’s ■ Uncomfortable pressure, bers early will make it internally is more difficult Connection
better to get something squeezing, fullness or pain easier to spot a possible than outward cosmetic
checked out sooner rather in the center of the chest change in the future. They
than later. that lasts more than a few can also discuss if you need
minutes, or goes away and to make any of the other
“That’s what makes it comes back. suggested lifestyle changes
most challenging,” she said. ■ Pain or discomfort in to improve your heart
A woman can seem healthy, one or both arms, the back, health.
“then all of a sudden she is neck, jaw or stomach.
having symptoms that don’t
GOING RED still on the rise and still the a 23 percent increase in 匀椀渀攀琀渀栀椀攀漀爀挀䰀漀䤀洀䘀䔀洀欀甀攀渀攀椀瀀琀礀猀⸀ 洀攀 SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2016
No. 1 killer of women and awareness that heart dis-
Continued from PAGE 2 men,” Pompa said. ease is the number one 吀漀 氀攀愀爀渀 栀漀眀 匀攀渀椀漀爀 䰀䤀䘀䔀 挀愀渀 栀攀氀瀀 礀漀甀
killer of women and more 漀爀 愀 氀漀瘀攀搀 漀渀攀Ⰰ 挀愀氀氀 㘀 ⴀ㤀㔀㐀ⴀ㔀㐀㌀㌀⸀
the luncheon’s Open Your Ten years ago, the than 300 women’s lives are
Heart speaker. Annette is a American Heart Associa- saved every day from 匀攀渀椀漀爀䰀椀昀攀䰀攀栀椀最栀嘀愀氀氀攀礀⸀挀漀洀 5
46-year-old mother of 2 tion set out to make a dif- cardiovascular diseases. ㈀ 㐀㔀 圀攀猀琀最愀琀攀 䐀爀椀瘀攀Ⰰ 䈀攀琀栀氀攀栀攀洀Ⰰ 倀䄀 㠀 㜀
who was struck with coro- ference in women’s heart
nary microvascular dys- health by launching the Go Tickets for the Lehigh
function just 5 years ago. Red for Women movement Valley Go Red for Women
Annete’s life changed in to raise awareness among Luncheon are $75 per
the blink of an eye with women about their risk for person.
this diagnosis, and while it heart disease, living a
is not curable, she and her healthy lifestyle and em- For more information
cardiologists are managing powering other women about the Lehigh Valley
her condition and helping with information that could Go Red for Women Lunch-
her live the best quality of save their lives. At that eon or to purchase tickets,
life. time only one in five wom- visit lehighvalleygored-
en knew that heart disease or contact Dawn
“Heart disease does not was their No. 1 killer. Fernandez at dawn.fernan-
veer away from any race, Since then, there has been or 614-396-
gender or age. Indeed, it is 3506.
have the same signs
Berries and whole changes. But the right ■ Fruits and vegetables:
If all heart attacks were go away.” ■ Shortness of breath, with grains are nutritious foods foods can go a long way Produce is good for the SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
the same, the symptoms Mehta said, for example, or without chest discomfort. that can help men and toward increasing both life body because it’s low in
would be easy to spot. ■ Breaking out into a cold women live longer, healthi- expectancy and quality of calories and high in fiber,
a woman might have flu- sweat er lives. life. Those who want to vitamins and other nutri-
But heart disease affects like symptoms that aren’t ■ Nausea or vomiting employ diet to increase ents. Numerous studies
everyone differently and getting better or worse after ■ Lightheadedness Legend states that on their life expectancy may have indicated that diets
can take many forms, in- several days, or having April 2, 1513, Spanish want to start adding more plentiful in fruits and veg-
cluding an abnormal heart heartburn when she didn’t Women who consider explorer Juan Ponce de of the following foods to etables help people main-
rhythm — called an ar- have it previously. themselves healthy often Leon was the first Europe- their breakfast, lunch and tain a healthy weight and
rhythmia, a heart valve misdiagnose or dismiss the an to discover modern-day dinner plates. protect against cardiovascu-
problem or atherosclerosis, “Women’s symptoms are symptoms of a heart attack Florida when he traveled ■ Broccoli, grapes and lar disease.
which is a build-up of so atypical and varied that because they don’t think it on a quest for the mythical salad: According to Health ■ Whole grains: Whole
plaque in the walls of the it’s not a bad idea to get could happen to them. That “Fountain of Youth.” While magazine, researchers have grains pack a lot of nutri-
arteries that may lead to a help sooner too,” she said, is why it is crucial for wom- modern science has proven found that compounds in tion into a low-calorie food.
heart attack. adding if it’s not a heart en to learn about heart that there is no mystical these three foods boast Whole grains help protect
attack, that can be ruled out disease. fountain or body of water extra life-extending ben- against type 2 diabetes, and
Unfortunately, 64 per- and the woman can get the that can reverse or slow efits. researchers at the Univer-
cent of women who die appropriate treatment. The first step toward down the aging process, ■ Berries: In addition to sity of Texas Health Scien-
suddenly from coronary better heart health should be there are many steps people their abundance of antioxi- ces Center found study
heart disease had no previ- According to the Ameri- a visit with your doctor to can take to age well and dants, berries have other participants whose diets
ous symptoms. can Heart Association, discuss your personal risk prolong their lives. benefits. A 2012 study from included plenty of whole
many women believe that factors for heart disease, Harvard University found grains and fruit cut their
Cardiologist Nidhi Meh- the telltale sign of a heart including family history, no Eating the right foods is that at least one serving of heart disease risk by almost
ta, MD, of the Lehigh Val- attack is extreme chest pain, matter what your age. Your one way to age well. Ac- blueberries or two servings half compared to those
ley Health Network’s Physi- but that is not always the doctor can also perform cording to Ralph Felder, of strawberries each week whose diets favored meat
cians Group Cardiology- case. Common heart attack basic screenings, such as M.D., Ph.D., coauthor of may reduce the risk of and fatty foods.
Muhlenberg, said the symp- symptoms in women in- blood pressure and choles- “The Bonus Years Diet,” cognitive decline in older
toms of a heart attack vary clude: terol. Knowing these num- reversing the aging process adults. Metro Creative
so much in women that it’s ■ Uncomfortable pressure, bers early will make it internally is more difficult Connection
better to get something squeezing, fullness or pain easier to spot a possible than outward cosmetic
checked out sooner rather in the center of the chest change in the future. They
than later. that lasts more than a few can also discuss if you need
minutes, or goes away and to make any of the other
“That’s what makes it comes back. suggested lifestyle changes
most challenging,” she said. ■ Pain or discomfort in to improve your heart
A woman can seem healthy, one or both arms, the back, health.
“then all of a sudden she is neck, jaw or stomach.
having symptoms that don’t
GOING RED still on the rise and still the a 23 percent increase in 匀椀渀攀琀渀栀椀攀漀爀挀䰀漀䤀洀䘀䔀洀欀甀攀渀攀椀瀀琀礀猀⸀ 洀攀 SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2016
No. 1 killer of women and awareness that heart dis-
Continued from PAGE 2 men,” Pompa said. ease is the number one 吀漀 氀攀愀爀渀 栀漀眀 匀攀渀椀漀爀 䰀䤀䘀䔀 挀愀渀 栀攀氀瀀 礀漀甀
killer of women and more 漀爀 愀 氀漀瘀攀搀 漀渀攀Ⰰ 挀愀氀氀 㘀 ⴀ㤀㔀㐀ⴀ㔀㐀㌀㌀⸀
the luncheon’s Open Your Ten years ago, the than 300 women’s lives are
Heart speaker. Annette is a American Heart Associa- saved every day from 匀攀渀椀漀爀䰀椀昀攀䰀攀栀椀最栀嘀愀氀氀攀礀⸀挀漀洀 5
46-year-old mother of 2 tion set out to make a dif- cardiovascular diseases. ㈀ 㐀㔀 圀攀猀琀最愀琀攀 䐀爀椀瘀攀Ⰰ 䈀攀琀栀氀攀栀攀洀Ⰰ 倀䄀 㠀 㜀
who was struck with coro- ference in women’s heart
nary microvascular dys- health by launching the Go Tickets for the Lehigh
function just 5 years ago. Red for Women movement Valley Go Red for Women
Annete’s life changed in to raise awareness among Luncheon are $75 per
the blink of an eye with women about their risk for person.
this diagnosis, and while it heart disease, living a
is not curable, she and her healthy lifestyle and em- For more information
cardiologists are managing powering other women about the Lehigh Valley
her condition and helping with information that could Go Red for Women Lunch-
her live the best quality of save their lives. At that eon or to purchase tickets,
life. time only one in five wom- visit lehighvalleygored-
en knew that heart disease or contact Dawn
“Heart disease does not was their No. 1 killer. Fernandez at dawn.fernan-
veer away from any race, Since then, there has been or 614-396-
gender or age. Indeed, it is 3506.