Page 22 - Education Guide
P. 22
Bethlehem Catholic: An
unforgettable journey begins here
C hoosing a high unparalleled education arts; service organiza- Bethlehem Catholic offers
school can be a and real-world prepared- tions; science fairs and a truly diverse student
daunting task for ness. The curriculum is competitions; competitive body. Students of all reli-
students and their designed to challenge clubs; and world language gious beliefs and affilia-
families, as the decision is students to reach their full clubs. Athletics are an tions are welcome.
instrumental in laying a potential in a stable aca- integral part of the Bethle-
strong foundation for a demic community and hem Catholic experience, The Bethlehem Catho-
successful future. Bethle- lic community functions
hem Catholic High School Students can get involved in a wide in an environment of love,
— which boasts the high- support and appreciation
est SAT scores of any range of activities and athletics that for diversity that reflects
public or Catholic school Catholic principles. This
in the area with over 98 challenge them to excel. philosophy provides stu-
percent of graduates going dents the opportunity to
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 Courtesy of Bethlehem Catholic on to college — makes the prepare them for a bright as participation teaches develop spiritually, so-
decision easier by offering future. leadership, teamwork, cially, physically, emo-
Students at Bethlehem Catholic High School receive an education that a world-class education in sportsmanship and dis- tionally and intellectually.
challenges them and provides a firm foundation for future success. our backyard. Students are encour- cipline.
aged to explore their pas- If you would like to
Bethlehem Catholic is sions outside the class- Bringing together stu- learn more about an edu-
a private, co-educational room and are offered a dents from various aca- cation at Bethlehem Cath-
community in the Diocese wide range of exciting demic, social, cultural and olic, go to www.Beca-
of Allentown offering activities, including the economic backgrounds, or call 610-866-
0791 to schedule a visit.
Bethlehem Catholic is more than a high school. It’s an education that
will last a lifetime. Our students boast the highest SAT scores of any
public or Catholic school in the area – with 98 percent of graduates
advancing to college.
Yet we teach beyond the classroom. We foster spiritual growth and
challenge students with arts and music, athletics and a variety of clubs.
We encourage participation in service projects to raise awareness
of community and build leadership skills. Take the first step to an
unforgettable journey at
Purpose. Passion. Pride.
unforgettable journey begins here
C hoosing a high unparalleled education arts; service organiza- Bethlehem Catholic offers
school can be a and real-world prepared- tions; science fairs and a truly diverse student
daunting task for ness. The curriculum is competitions; competitive body. Students of all reli-
students and their designed to challenge clubs; and world language gious beliefs and affilia-
families, as the decision is students to reach their full clubs. Athletics are an tions are welcome.
instrumental in laying a potential in a stable aca- integral part of the Bethle-
strong foundation for a demic community and hem Catholic experience, The Bethlehem Catho-
successful future. Bethle- lic community functions
hem Catholic High School Students can get involved in a wide in an environment of love,
— which boasts the high- support and appreciation
est SAT scores of any range of activities and athletics that for diversity that reflects
public or Catholic school Catholic principles. This
in the area with over 98 challenge them to excel. philosophy provides stu-
percent of graduates going dents the opportunity to
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 Courtesy of Bethlehem Catholic on to college — makes the prepare them for a bright as participation teaches develop spiritually, so-
decision easier by offering future. leadership, teamwork, cially, physically, emo-
Students at Bethlehem Catholic High School receive an education that a world-class education in sportsmanship and dis- tionally and intellectually.
challenges them and provides a firm foundation for future success. our backyard. Students are encour- cipline.
aged to explore their pas- If you would like to
Bethlehem Catholic is sions outside the class- Bringing together stu- learn more about an edu-
a private, co-educational room and are offered a dents from various aca- cation at Bethlehem Cath-
community in the Diocese wide range of exciting demic, social, cultural and olic, go to www.Beca-
of Allentown offering activities, including the economic backgrounds, or call 610-866-
0791 to schedule a visit.
Bethlehem Catholic is more than a high school. It’s an education that
will last a lifetime. Our students boast the highest SAT scores of any
public or Catholic school in the area – with 98 percent of graduates
advancing to college.
Yet we teach beyond the classroom. We foster spiritual growth and
challenge students with arts and music, athletics and a variety of clubs.
We encourage participation in service projects to raise awareness
of community and build leadership skills. Take the first step to an
unforgettable journey at
Purpose. Passion. Pride.