Page 26 - Education Guide
P. 26
Volunteerism: Make a positive impact
and help pay for those college costs
V olunteerism can
help young peo- SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 communities. Metro Creative Connection
ple grow into Finding the right activ-
well-rounded, SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL Volunteering can be a way to help pay for college through scholarships that reward community service. boys and girls.
responsible individuals. ity is often the most impor- Individuals in group
When volunteering, kids tant step when fostering a For more than a decade, the Kohl’s Cares Scholarship
can learn new skills, foster love of volunteering in Program has recognized more than 19,500 students, homes or hospitals often
new friendships and con- youngsters, and there are a awarding nearly $4 million in scholarships and prizes. This appreciate visits from
tacts, and improve both number of great opportuni- year the organization will award nearly $400,000 in youngsters, and kids can
their social and interper- ties and causes that chil- scholarships and prizes to more than 2,300 young volunteers. learn valuable life lessons
sonal skills. dren can relate to. in return.
such organizations are spending more than three for the hospital waiting
In addition, a 2011 study Embrace eco-volunteering motivated to do so by a semesters of high school in rooms, where young pa- Tutor fellow students
from researchers at the Today’s kids are in- close friend or family and out of Children’s tients now have access to A child who is profi-
Stony Brook University member’s battle with a Mercy Hospital battling hundreds of books thanks
School of Medicine found creasingly eco-conscious, particular illness, but some chronic bacterial and viral to Tyler’s efforts. cient in a given subject can
that people are generally and concepts like recy- kids even turn their own infections, Tyler, a 2013 lend a helping hand to
happier and healthier when cling, reusing and conserv- personal adversity into an Kohl’s Cares Scholarship Visit the elderly fellow students who need
giving back to their com- ing fuel and energy are opportunity to help the winner, decided to host a Kids can learn a lot some assistance.
munities. The study even second nature to many sick. book drive and fundraiser,
recommended that health young people. That makes which ultimately raised from their elders, and Working together to
care professionals recom- eco-volunteering a natural Such was the case with more than $1,150 to pur- many organizations that improve grades and school
mend volunteering to pa- fit for today’s eco-con- 18-year-old Tyler O’Briant chase books and e-readers work with the elderly offer performance can improve
tients 12 and older, with scious students. of Tonganoxie, Mo. After volunteering programs for others’ sense of self-worth
the belief that helping and instill a greater sense
others provides significant Children can volunteer of accomplishment in
health benefits, including with organizations that tutors.
allowing volunteers to remove trash from beaches
escape their stress and and parks; plant trees to Metro Creative
anxiety. And, there could establish community green Connection
even be a few added bo- spaces; work to promote
nuses for volunteering! wildlife conservation; or
further recycling efforts in
Students between the their communities.
ages of six and 18 who
haven’t yet graduated high Help the needy
school have the chance to Volunteerism can open
be recognized for their
volunteering efforts and youngsters’ eyes to the
earn money for higher plight of the less fortunate.
education thanks to Kohl’s Various organizations
department stores. dedicated to helping the
needy depend on volun-
For more than a decade, teers of all ages to meet
the Kohl’s Cares Schol- their missions.
arship Program has recog-
nized more than 19,500 From soup kitchens to
students, awarding nearly shelters to private clothing
$4 million in scholarships or food collection drives,
and prizes. This year the opportunities abound for
organization will award kids who want to help the
nearly $400,000 in schol- less fortunate.
arships and prizes to more
than 2,300 young volun- Help the sick
teers who have made a Many organizations that

26 positive impact in their cater to the sick also pro-
vide volunteering opportu-
nities to youngsters. Many
kids who volunteer with
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