Page 20 - Education Guide
P. 20
How to make school FALL OPEN
more affordable HOUSES
F ew expenses worry
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 parents as much as tions. Certain groups may fordable. For example, 529 Sunday, Sept. 28
the rising cost of sponsor education grants plans in the United States Sunday, Oct. 19
education. that help students who meet allow relatives to set aside Saturday, Nov. 15
Whether a child has just certain criteria finance their money to help children or Sunday, Dec. 7
entered a preschool pro- educations. grandchildren save for
gram or is about to enroll in college. DISCOVER ARCADIA
college, the cost of that Financial aid may even
education figures to be be available to younger Parents should consult A Distinctively Global, Integrative, and Personal
considerable. students. Many private high with financial planners to Learning Experience
schools and K-12 acade- determine the best ways to
School expenses vary mies have their own assist- create educational savings Greater Philadelphia
depending on the school, ance programs, and it never accounts. Financial experts 1-877-ARCADIA
but parents who enroll their hurts to speak to adminis- will understand tax loop-
children in private schools trators about payment op- holes and programs that
can expect to pay several tions and if there are any make it easier for parents to ADVERTISERS’ WEB INDEX
hundred dollars per month available programs to make save money for their kids’
for their youngsters’ educa- tuition more affordable. educations. Albright College
tion. When those kids are Arcadia University
ready to head off to college, Work ahead Get a job Arts Academy Charter School ......................................
those expenses will rise High school students Many school employees Bethlehem Catholic High School ..................................
considerably. Cedar Crest College ..............................................
may be eligible for ad- are entitled to discounts or Diocese of Allentown ................................
Although public educa- vanced placement, or AP, even free tuition for their East Stroudsburg University ..............................................
tion is less expensive, it is courses that count for col- children. Working for a International Institute for Restorative Practices ...................
not without expenditures. lege credit. That means local high school, college or Johnson College .......................................................
Supplies and fees associ- being able to take college- university can alleviate the Kutztown University ................................................
ated with extracurricular level classes in high school concerns parents have about Lehigh Carbon Community College ..................................
programs may stretch par- without having to pay col- paying for their kids’ edu- Lehigh County Technical Institute ........................................
ents’ budgets even further. lege-level costs. AP courses cations. And teachers are Lehigh Valley School of Dental Assisting ..
Parents commonly look for may be more challenging, not the only professions in Misericordia University ......................................
ways to mitigate education but students who qualify for demand. Schools need Moravian Academy ..................................
costs, and the following are AP courses can save time administrative staff, IT Moravian College ..................................................
a few ways to do just that. and money. professionals, recruiters, ..............................................................................
and marketing personnel. Muhlenberg .......................................................
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL Need- and merit-based aid Students transferring Penn State Lehigh Valley ..............................................
into college after military Sibling discounts Pennsylvania College of Technology .................................
Education costs can be training or directly from the Schools often offer dis- The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School .....................
workforce may be able to Welder Training & Testing Institute ...................................
staggering, but the sticker earn college credits for such counts to parents who en- Wilkes University .......................................................
experience. The more cred- roll multiple students in a
price is not necessarily what its a student earns through school at the same time.
such opportunities the less Consider having children
families will have to pay that student has to pay to attend together to qualify
earn his or her degree. for these discounts. In addi-
out of pocket. Many stu- tion, determine if a parent
Budget in advance or grandparent’s alma mater
dents receive financial aid, It’s never too early for offers tuition discounts to
future family members who
which may come in the parents to begin saving for attend the same school.
their children’s educations.
form of grants, scholarships Ask friends and family Apply online
members to contribute to Some institutions waive
or low-interest loans. Stu- college funds when giving
holiday or birthday gifts application fees if paper-
dents who want to be con- instead of providing toys or work is filed online. Costs
other material items. Estab- can quickly add up, and
sidered for financial aid will lish tax-deferred or tax-free avoiding application fees is
educational savings ac- another way to trim educa-
have to apply and provide counts that will accrue tion costs.
through the years and make
information about the fami- schooling costs more af- Metro Creative
ly’s finances.
Scholarships are typi-
cally awarded for academic
achievement and are not
exclusive to those people
with limited financial
means. Schools may offer
scholarships directly, or
20 students may need to apply
through private organiza-
more affordable HOUSES
F ew expenses worry
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 parents as much as tions. Certain groups may fordable. For example, 529 Sunday, Sept. 28
the rising cost of sponsor education grants plans in the United States Sunday, Oct. 19
education. that help students who meet allow relatives to set aside Saturday, Nov. 15
Whether a child has just certain criteria finance their money to help children or Sunday, Dec. 7
entered a preschool pro- educations. grandchildren save for
gram or is about to enroll in college. DISCOVER ARCADIA
college, the cost of that Financial aid may even
education figures to be be available to younger Parents should consult A Distinctively Global, Integrative, and Personal
considerable. students. Many private high with financial planners to Learning Experience
schools and K-12 acade- determine the best ways to
School expenses vary mies have their own assist- create educational savings Greater Philadelphia
depending on the school, ance programs, and it never accounts. Financial experts 1-877-ARCADIA
but parents who enroll their hurts to speak to adminis- will understand tax loop-
children in private schools trators about payment op- holes and programs that
can expect to pay several tions and if there are any make it easier for parents to ADVERTISERS’ WEB INDEX
hundred dollars per month available programs to make save money for their kids’
for their youngsters’ educa- tuition more affordable. educations. Albright College
tion. When those kids are Arcadia University
ready to head off to college, Work ahead Get a job Arts Academy Charter School ......................................
those expenses will rise High school students Many school employees Bethlehem Catholic High School ..................................
considerably. Cedar Crest College ..............................................
may be eligible for ad- are entitled to discounts or Diocese of Allentown ................................
Although public educa- vanced placement, or AP, even free tuition for their East Stroudsburg University ..............................................
tion is less expensive, it is courses that count for col- children. Working for a International Institute for Restorative Practices ...................
not without expenditures. lege credit. That means local high school, college or Johnson College .......................................................
Supplies and fees associ- being able to take college- university can alleviate the Kutztown University ................................................
ated with extracurricular level classes in high school concerns parents have about Lehigh Carbon Community College ..................................
programs may stretch par- without having to pay col- paying for their kids’ edu- Lehigh County Technical Institute ........................................
ents’ budgets even further. lege-level costs. AP courses cations. And teachers are Lehigh Valley School of Dental Assisting ..
Parents commonly look for may be more challenging, not the only professions in Misericordia University ......................................
ways to mitigate education but students who qualify for demand. Schools need Moravian Academy ..................................
costs, and the following are AP courses can save time administrative staff, IT Moravian College ..................................................
a few ways to do just that. and money. professionals, recruiters, ..............................................................................
and marketing personnel. Muhlenberg .......................................................
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL Need- and merit-based aid Students transferring Penn State Lehigh Valley ..............................................
into college after military Sibling discounts Pennsylvania College of Technology .................................
Education costs can be training or directly from the Schools often offer dis- The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School .....................
workforce may be able to Welder Training & Testing Institute ...................................
staggering, but the sticker earn college credits for such counts to parents who en- Wilkes University .......................................................
experience. The more cred- roll multiple students in a
price is not necessarily what its a student earns through school at the same time.
such opportunities the less Consider having children
families will have to pay that student has to pay to attend together to qualify
earn his or her degree. for these discounts. In addi-
out of pocket. Many stu- tion, determine if a parent
Budget in advance or grandparent’s alma mater
dents receive financial aid, It’s never too early for offers tuition discounts to
future family members who
which may come in the parents to begin saving for attend the same school.
their children’s educations.
form of grants, scholarships Ask friends and family Apply online
members to contribute to Some institutions waive
or low-interest loans. Stu- college funds when giving
holiday or birthday gifts application fees if paper-
dents who want to be con- instead of providing toys or work is filed online. Costs
other material items. Estab- can quickly add up, and
sidered for financial aid will lish tax-deferred or tax-free avoiding application fees is
educational savings ac- another way to trim educa-
have to apply and provide counts that will accrue tion costs.
through the years and make
information about the fami- schooling costs more af- Metro Creative
ly’s finances.
Scholarships are typi-
cally awarded for academic
achievement and are not
exclusive to those people
with limited financial
means. Schools may offer
scholarships directly, or
20 students may need to apply
through private organiza-