Page 11 - Education Guide
P. 11

How college students can cut living expenses
T he cost of college
        tuition is a concern    Towns that rely heavily on     sources to purchase new       school.                                                                                         Metro Creative Connection
        for many college-       colleges or universities to    furniture. Rather than        ■ Make your own meals.        Some college expenses, like housing, can be cut down by moving off
        bound students and      support their economies        purchasing brand new          Meal plans may be ideal       campus to private housing.
their families. The cost of a   typically offer great deals    items they are likely to      for college students during
college education contin-       to students willing to ven-    discard after moving out or   their freshmen years, when    that private housing is       real estate agents to get a                                    SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
ues to rise, but it’s not just  ture off campus. Local         graduating, college stu-      students may still be ad-     more affordable than on-      feel for the off-campus
tuition and room and board      businesses, including bars,    dents can purchase second-    justing to campus life. But   campus apartments or          housing market before
that students and their         restaurants and entertain-     hand items from local thrift  older college students can    dormitories. Students eligi-  making a final decision.
families must account for.      ment venues like mini golf     stores or used furniture      skip the meal plan in favor   ble to live in off-campus
                                facilities or bowling alleys,  retailers that offer sturdy   of preparing their own        housing can contact local        Metro Creative
   College students may         may offer student dis-         furnishings at low prices.    meals. Doing so can save                                       Connection
underestimate cost-of-          counts to entice kids to       ■ Become a resident           students substantial
living expenses when plan-      leave campus. Students can     adviser. Resident advisors,   amounts of money, and
ning their school-year          take advantage of these        often referred to as RA’s,    some students may even
budgets. But such expenses      offerings to save on food      typically receive free or     prefer the variety available
can be substantial, catching    and entertainment, which       reduced room and board in     at the local grocery store
even the most well-pre-         tend to be among the more      exchange for living in the    over the more limited of-
pared students off guard.       pricey cost-of-living ex-      dorms and monitoring the      ferings available at dining
Fortunately, there are sev-     penses college students        floors they live on. Compe-   halls or other campus eat-
eral ways for college stu-      contend with.                  tition to be an RA can be     eries.
dents to save money on          ■ Buy secondhand fur-          fierce, but students who      ■ Move off campus.
living expenses and still       nishings. College students     become an RA can save         Some schools do not per-
make the most of their          living in their own apart-     thousands of dollars on       mit freshmen and sopho-
time on campus.                 ments or dorm rooms may        room and board costs over     mores to live off-campus,
■ Venture off campus.           not have the financial re-     the course of their time at   but older students may find

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