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How to earn a college scholarship
S cholarships are
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 available for those scholarships. Local branches of organiza- .com.
who are willing to Scholarships come in tions like the Rotary Club ■ Check the local news-
put in the time to or Kiwanis also may give paper. The coupon section
research their options. different forms and are out scholarships. of the Sunday newspaper
usually offered to students may feature scholarships, as
The cost of a college as a gift to be put toward To improve one’s odds might the classified section.
education continues to rise. college or university costs. of getting a scholarship, This is a great resource for
The College Board says the Some schools offer schol- consider the following tips. finding locally based schol-
average cost of tuition and arships, while other schol- ■ Get involved with the arships.
fees for the 2015-2016 arships are sponsored by community. Many schol- ■ Use networking con-
school year was $32,405 at outside organizations. arship sponsors seek indi- tacts. Students should ask
private colleges, $9,410 for viduals who are committed anyone they know if they
state residents at public Students who meet to volunteerism. Plus, vol- are aware of any schol-
colleges, and $23,893 for certain requirements may unteering for various arship opportunities. Stu-
out-of-state residents at- be eligible for scholarships. groups puts students in the dents who develop a rap-
tending public universities. While academic or athletic path of information about port with guidance counsel-
In 2013 and 2014, the aver- skills are the first criteria scholarships from these ors or the financial aid
age cost of a year’s tuition associated with scholar- organizations. department at their prospec-
at a Canadian university ships, they are not the only ■ Use scholarship search tive colleges or universities
was $5,772. avenues by which students engines. Those who search may learn about scholarship
can pursue scholarships. for scholarship sponsors opportunities that are not
The high cost of educa- Scholarships may be of- should find plenty of results highly publicized. These
tion compels many students fered to students of certain if they peruse scholarship people may have the inside
to find ways to finance their ethnic groups; children of search engines such as track on scholarship in-
education. For many, that employees at particular, College- formation.
means exploring available companies; or to students and FastWeb- ■ Apply for all available
who live in particular states. scholarships. Now is not the
time for students to become
At LCCC, we’re the first step lazy. Students should apply Metro Creative Connection
down the path to success. for as any scholarships for Volunteer work and other oppportunities can help students when
AND that success is our which they meet the eligi- applying for scholarships.
faculty’s top priority. bility requirements.
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